Chapter 28 (⚠ Experimenting ⚠)

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Third person's pov

Sc: no, this can't be.. This can't be my end... I can't die like this no..

He started crying again but this time, not from pain. It was mostly from sadness. He didn't want to die like that. On top of that, he still had so many questions that hadn't been answered. He was not ready.

So he pushed, he pushed himself as much as he could to find a way to control it but the pain was driving him crazy.

Sc: "please.. I'm begging you.. Stop this.. PLEASE-"

D: "goddammit, fine. We'll try again later"

Dottore said in an angry way as he turned off the machine. Scaramouche laid down, his face full of sweat and tears. He tried to love move his hand but it still hurt. He closed his eyes, trying to find some peace to relax.

D: "do you want to unlock your full powers and become like a god or nah!?"

S: "a WHAT now!?"

D: "you heard me"

S: "what the fuck am I."

D: "you're a puppet made by the old electro archon"

S: "what the fuck is that thing"

Dottore sighed

D: "it's not a thing. There's a part of the ancient history that books don't dare to mention. It was when Teyvat was ruled by 7 gods who were known as archons. Apparently this world is so messed up that everyone keeps getting reincarnated and then time repeats itself or some shit. I don't know the gods messed up again. Anyways the point is that you were made back then and then she managed to put you in sleep AGAIN. But this time she took away all your memories or something cuz you don't seem to remember anything. So basically back then I made you a god and now I'm gonna do it again if you decide to cooperate"

S: "dude what drugs are you on"

D: "if you don't believe me then go ask her"

S: "ask who?"

D: "your mom"

S: "yeah ain't no way I'm going back there"

D: "well then good luck with finding answers. Oh by the way you've met the anemo archon already"

S: "the fuck"

D: "yeah"

S: "IS IT KAZUHA OR HEIZOU? Wait no Heizou doesn't give God vibes"

D: "none of them"

S: "dammit"

D: "anyways bye come back tomorrow"


D: "I thought you-"

S: "just make me a God or something"

D: "damn that was fast, you really do have a superiority complex"

S: "shut up and do what you're supposed to do"

D: "okay so just try to control it. It's your body, your power"

S: "yeah yeah I get it"

D: "also I ain't gonna stop this time"

S: "yes yes okay just hurry up"

Dottore went back to his machine.

Anyways after half an hour they managed to unlock scara's powers.

D: "finally"

S: "i.. Feel it.."

Scara smirked.

D: "now be careful, don't show them in front of people or everyone will get suspicious. We need to keep that a secret."

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