Chapter 40

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Third person's pov

Scara and Nahida walked inside. As they were walking they started hearing screams but it wasn't random screams, it was Xiao.

With Xiao

The pain was too much for him to handle.. Once again he saw him dying in his arms... Once again he thought he was gone forever until he woke up to a woman's voice.

???: "Take him before he wakes up, now is our chance to end it once and for all"

X: "huh.. Who are you.."


Xiao immediately stood up but he fell dizzy, his legs weak as he was about to faint again but he had to stay awake. He had to make sure aether was okay.

X: "who are you.. What do you want from me.."

The woman raised a gun, pointing at Xiao's head. As she was about to pull the trigger she heard a familiar voice.

A: "Lumine..?"

Her eyes widened. Her dear brother, the one she had been looking after all this time in the shadows was here, standing in front of her.

X: "Aether you're okay!"

A: "Lumine what are you doing.."

L: "that's none of your business, brother"

Her voice was cold but deep down she just wanted to run up to him and hug him like there was no tomorrow. She had missed him so much.

A: "well actually, it is my business. You're pointing a gun at my boyfriend."

X: "you know her?"

A: "she's my sister"

Al: "the one you had been looking for this entire time?"

A: "yeah.. Lumine, I don't understand.."

L: "you don't have to understand yet brother, just let me finish this and we can go home"

A: "finish what exactly!? And what do you mean I don't have to understand? I want to know what's going on Lumine. You've been missing for years, I've missed you so much.."

L: "I told you, let me do my job and then i will explain everything"

X: "what does this all have to do with me!?"

L: "you.. Because of you I can't have him back, you asshole"

X: "huh!?"

A: "what are you talking about?"

L: "he and his archon friend are the reason we can't be together Aether.. They separate us every time because he can't have you. He's so obsessed with you he puts himself over your freedom"

X: "what the fuck are you talking about!? I'm just trying to protect him"

A: "from who?"

X: "I don't know exactly- someone kills you in every time line and we keep getting separated again.. So this time I'll do anything to protect you"

L: "aether.. He and his friend created the time loop. As a result, we can't go home together because we always end up here in the future and the same things get repeated over and over.. I'm so tired of living the same things again and again, I just want to go home, brother.. "

A: "I wanna go home too lumine.."

X: "aether..?"

Aether walked a bit closer to his sister, passing beside xiao. Xiao grabbed his hand and said in panic

X: "w-wait where are you going-"

A: "you're the reason I keep losing her.. Aren't you!?"

X: "what.. What are you talking about.."

A: "you heard her"

X: "I swear I have no idea what she's talking about i-"

A: "don't. I don't want to hear your excuses"

X: "Aether please-"

The blonde took his hand back and walked beside lumine.

A: "sister.."

L: "Aether.. Give me a moment to put an end to this and we can go.."

Al: "aether what are you-"

Albedo's eyes widened as Lumine pulled the trigger. A loud bang was heard and a body fell down to the floor as the blood fell like a river.

X: "h-huh..?"

Al: "r-run.. T-There's no time.."

Albedo had jumped in front of xiao just as the bullet was going to hit him and he got shot instead. He had to protect xiao or everything would be ruined.

Just as lumine was going to shoot again, someone grabbed her arm and stopped her.

S: "don't you dare."

X: "scara..?"

N: "good job Kuni!"

S: "yeah yeah whatever how about you help out a bit"

N: "of course! ^^"

Scara beat the shit out of the abyss heralds lumine brought with her as Nahida run towards Xiao and Albedo.

N: "oh my goddness you're hurt!"

Al: "I'll be fine, don't worry"


Al: "Xiao I said don't worry, look"

A sparkle came out of albedo's hands and suddenly his wound recovered.

Lumine turned around to grab aether and go, only to see scara had already taken him away, holding him by his throat against a wall.

S: "how dare you.."


S: "huh? But he-"


A: "in fact, this was a copy of me"

Scara turned around only to see aether coming from one of the paths that lead to the room.

A: "thank god albedo is a genius, we wouldn't have made it till now if he hadn't thought of a plan quickly"

X: "wait.. What.."

Xiao looked at Aether who was now standing in front of him

X: "you're.. You're real.. Right..?"

A: "of course I am babe.. Come here"

Aether opened his arms as Xiao hugged him tight.

X: "I thought you.."

A: "shhhhhh.."

X: "you're okay.. That's what matters the most.."

A: "of course I am"

L: "aether.."

A: "lumine I don't know what's gotten into you but you're not touching my boyfriend, only over my dead body."

Only over my dead body.
Lazy chapter that I wasn't planning on writing today but scara's banner came out and I got him on my alt acc so I had to honore this day a bit.

Anyways I might re-write it tomorrow, I'll let you know I if I do.


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