Chapter 22 + 23

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Third person's pov

A few months passed and the band kept going more and more famous. They made tours all over Teyvat and had many fans. Everything went smoothly until Xiao started getting these weird dreams again. A familiar voice whispering to him "Time loop.." and then Aether dying on his arms. It felt too real to be just a dream and he was getting worried.

After a while he started believing them. He started believing Aether would die in his arms again and it was driving him crazy. He wanted to tell them but how? How would they react? He needed to talk to someone, he couldn't keep it to himself anymore.

Nothing about his life had been normal anyways. He was so sick of it. It was unfair. He wanted to live a life like everyone else. Was he asking for too much?

He sat on his bed as tears fell down.

X: why.. Why me..? What did I do to deserve this life..? Why can't I be normal for once..? I hate this, I hate everything so much.. Why couldn't I be born in a normal family..? Why didn't I die too that day..?

Aether walked inside Xiao's room and rushed to him immediately when he saw him crying.

A: "what's wrong babe..? What happened..?"

X: "nothing.. Just nightmares again.."

A: "wanna talk about it..?"

X: "not today.. We need to get ready.."

A: "oh yeah right.. We have the photoshoot.."

X: "mhm.."

A: "this time it'll be inside the morax headquarters"

X: "i know"

X: fuck

A: "alright.. I'll let you get ready"

X: "can I have a kiss?"

A: "of course"

Aether smiled softly and kissed Xiao.

X: "I love you"

A: "I love you too"

X: "see you later.."

A: "mhm.. Cya ^^"

Aether left the room as xiao got up and walked to his wardrobe. He got dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

V: "good morning xiao ^^"

X: "morning"

H: "Can I have a kiss now scara? ^^"

S: "no"

H: "I've waited months 😔"

S: "no"

H: "fine, patience is the key"

Al: "are you guys ready to go?"

V: "yesssss! I can't wait to go to the morax headquarters ^^"

X: "why are you so excited"

V: "it's the biggest modeling company in Teyvat!"

X: "whatever"

V: "someone seems a bit upset 🤨"

X: "no shut up"

V: "ehe"

A: "you don't wanna go?"

X: "..."

X: "it's just-.. Forget it"

X: if they find out he's my father I'm fucked..

V: "hmmmmmmmm.. Okay"

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