Chapter 13

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Third person's pov

It was afternoon and everyone was tired from all the work at the studio. This day went really bad. Well, the outcome of the song was good but the atmosphere at the studio was really heavy. Especially between Aether and Xiao. They didn't talk at all, both avoiding each other after what happened earlier.

They were embarrassed, mostly because they both thought the other didn't feel the same way. But aether loved xiao as much as xiao loved him. But they didn't know.

Xiao was laying on his bed and looking at the ceiling. There are so many things in his head right now and he doesn't have anyone to talk to.

X: gosh it all started when I got to know Aether better.. All these things.. All those memories.. On the one hand I'm glad I remembered but on the other.. It kills me inside.. It's too much for me..

Flashback to that time

Xiao was in his room, kinda mad at aether because he lied to him.

X: how could he lie to me.

And poof, suddenly a wave of memories flashed through his mind. And not any random memories. Memories with Aether but the thing is.. These memories didn't belong to the present. Actually, all the memories were way different. Some were from really long ago, when technology wasn't even an idea. When people could manipulate elements and some other memories where from a few decades ago.

Xiao was shocked, what was going on? What are all those memories? And why does he remember now? And how does he actually remember? There's no way he was alive back then so what is it?

The more he thought about it the more clear it became and suddenly he heard a whisper in his ear

"timeloop.. The world is repeating itself.."

Repeating itself? Then why have things changed? It doesn't make sense.

X: what.. How is that possible. Teyvat today doesn't have the slightest similarity with the Teyvat in those memories.. Maybe.. The world is evolving but life is in a repeating loop.. No xiao, that doesn't make sense. You're going crazy there's no way.

"time..loop.. Listen to me.."

X: now what the actual fuck-

And then it strikes.. The worst memory of all. Xiao on the floor with a dying Aether in his hands.

Past X: "please.. Please hold on.. I'll save you.. I promise.. I-"

Past A: "shhhhh.. Calm down.. Xiao.. It's too late.."

Past X: "no please- please don't leave me please. I love you, I love you so much, I need you.. Aether-"

Past A: "i.. Love you.. Too.."

That was past Aether's last sentence. Past xiao let out a scream which was followed by a river of tears. He cried and cried for days, weeks.. Even months until he eventually gave up.. With the hope to see his love once again..

But instead of that, he got born again, some centuries later. However he didn't remember a single thing. And again aether lost his sister and again while trying to find her he met xiao. And they fell in love. That's when all the memories flashed into xiao's mind for the first time.

He tried to ignore it, thinking positively about their future. They were so happy together and xiao would protect him, he promised to protect him. But once again aether was murdered in front of xiao's eyes. Why.. Why would this happen again?

And the same thing happened 5 more times.

X: no.. It can't be.. How is this even possible.. Why is Aether dying.. Who's killing him.. Why is the face of the killer a blur every time..? In every timeloop we ended up together.. But he ended up dying.. What is going on..

End of flashback

X: goddammit.. I love him.. So so much.. I can't let him die again.. I'll protect him.. Nothing will happen to him.. I cant lose him again.. I need to talk to him.. Tell him how I feel.. But what if he doesn't feel the same.. I mean- we did end up together in every past so-

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock.

X: "who is it"

A: "hey.."

X: "come in"

Aether hesitantly walked in and looked at xiao who stood up and walked towards Aether slowly.

He hugged the blonde tight.

X: "I'm sorry.. Aether.. At first I didn't remember what happened yesterday but eventually.. I remembered everything.. I'm sorry.."

A: "hey.. It's okay.."

X: "I love you Aether.."

A: "really..?"

X: "yes, I love you so much. And i know there are way better boys and girls than me but I promise I'll prote-"

Xiao got interrupted by Aether's lips. The blonde kissed him softly with a small smile on his face. Xiao was shocked so he didn't move.

A: "You don't have to promise anything.. I love you too xiao.."

A: "actually.. I want you to promise me something, just one thing"

X: "what is it..?"

A: "promise me you won't hurt me.."

X: "I promise I'll never hurt you and never let anyone hurt you either.."

I hope things got a bit more clear now.

I'm really exciting about the part of the story we're entering now, i hope you guys like it aswell. And I'll make more band-related chapters later don't worry!

And also more smut cuz yes 😩✋


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