Chapter 36

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Third person's pov

Raiden was holding the sword above heizou, ready to kill him.

R: "you're too late"

S: "NOOO-"

Scara ran as fast as he could. Raiden lift up the sword a bit and took it down with force.

Everyone's eyes widened. They all stopped fighting. Kazuha had his back turned, he didn't realize what was going on back there. When he saw everyone staring at the center of the room shocked he turned around, only to see his boyfriend laying on the floor with blood running through his clothes.

His hold on his sword got weak as it fell on the ground. He started taking some steps forward, these steps being faster every second as he ran towards him.


He was laying down there, Scaramouche with a wide scar through his body.

H: "what.. Happened..?"

Heizou slowly opened his eyes. He realized he was pushed towards the wall on the side. When his vision got clearer, he saw Kazuha on his knees, holding something.. No.. Someone.. Close to his chest.

Kazuha lift up scara's head and held him closer to him. He cried and cried, sometimes screaming his boyfriend's name.

S: "Zu... Zu..."

Scara said weakly. He couldn't open his eyes, he had no strength. He couldn't hear anything around him, he knew he was dying.

S: "B-babe.."

K: "yes.. I'm here.. I'm here.. Please hold on.. I'll find a way to save you.. I.. I promise.. Please.. You promised me.. You promised me we would get Hei back and then live like before.. Happy.. Please don't let your promise down.. Stay with me.. Please.. I love you.. I love you so much.. You can't leave me.. "

S: "I.. Love... Y-you.. T-too.."

Scara coughed out blood. Breathing started getting harder and his chest felt heavy.

S: "take.. Care.. O-of.. Hei.. Tell.. h-him... I.."


S: "I.. L-love... H-him.."


Scara wouldn't breathe anymore, he wouldn't shake, he wouldn't whisper anything.. Kazuha broke down into more tears. He couldn't believe this. He didn't want to. His mind couldn't take the fact that he was gone, forever.

H: "it's all... My fault.."

Heizou couldn't hold his tears back. He let a loud scream as he fell on his knees. He kept banging his head on the floor, like he wanted to break it in half.

H: "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Scara.. I'm sorry Zuzu.. I.. You shouldn't have come for me.. I should be the one to die.. Why.. Why.."

Hei found a blade beside him, a policeman must have dropped it earlier. His shaking hand slowly reached out for it. He grabbed it and looked at it for a while, his eyes getting even more wet, if that was even possible.

H: "I'm getting what I deserve.."

He lifted the blade and pointed it on his heart. Kazuha slowly turned his head and saw Heizou holding the blade, ready to piece it through his body. He immediately got up and ran to Hei, just in time to stop him.

Kazuha fell on his knees again and threw the blade away, hugging Heizou tight as he cried on his shoulder.

K: "don't you dare.."

H: "I-"

K: "I said no.. I can't lose you too.. Don't you understand..?"

H: "I have t-"

K: "NO"

Hei started crying again too. He hugged Kazuha tight, so tight that he almost couldn't breathe and ran his fingers through his hair.

K: "he's.. He's g-gone.."

H: "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.."

H: "please let me die i deserve-"

K: "I don't freaking care you you think you deserve, you're not leaving me too.."

H: "why... Why don't you hate me.."

K: "Hei.."

H: "why don't you fucking hate me.. I did horrible things, I-"

K: "you're crying.."

H: "what does this have to do with anything!?"

K: "that means you care about us.. Just as we thought.."

H: "you-"

K: "me and scara have made many mistakes in the past.. You out of all people should know it the best.."

H: "but my mistake.. Costed his life.. How can you forgive me!?"

K: "you don't understand.. You're the only one I have left.."

H: "I-"

K: "please.. His last wish was to take care of you.. Stay for us.."

H: "h-he.. I thought he hated me.."

K: "he literally gave his life for you, are you kidding!?"

H: "I-.. I'm sorry.."

R: "one down.. You're next"

K: "you.."

H: "Zuzu-"

K: "you took everyone from me.. First my childhood friend.. Then chased me to kill me.. Then you killed my boyfriend.. And now you want to kill both me and the only one I have left.. I don't care if it'll cost my life, I'm not going down without killing you first.. "


K: "Please stay back.."

Hei grabbed Kazuha's hand.

H: "please.. I can't lose you-"

K: "it'll be fine.. I won't die.. Okay..?"

Kazuha gave a soft kiss to Hei and started walking towards Raiden. He stopped in front of Scara's body, kneeled down, kissed his cheek and whispered

K: "this is for you babe.."

He stood up again, lifted his head and looked at Raiden.

K: "it's either now or never."

But how did Scara die.. Wasn't he a puppet..? If he doesn't have a heart, doesn't that mean he's basically immortal..? Could it be that giving into his feelings and trying so hard to become a human, turned him into one without him realizing..? Or maybe this was the end he always wanted? So the gods above decide to give him one? A mortal end.
Many of you asked for new chapter because ya'll couldn't wait so here it is 🥰

Ya'll are lucky I was in a happy mood because of Scara's drip marketing

It finally happened the death I had promised you. Honestly, I tried to make this chapter as heartbreaking as I could, I hope I reached my goal.

Anyways what are your thoughts? Looking forward to the Xiaother part in a few chapters? 👀


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