Chapter 31

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Third person's pov

After a long, tiring trip they arrived at Inazuma. They got out of the ship and everyone looked around at the beautiful scenery.

X: "it's beautiful here.."

V: "yup it really is. It inspires me to write a song!"

A: "well keep that inspiration for later, we're here for other reasons"

K: "Inazuma.."

S: "... We're back.."

Al: "alright so where's your mother Scara?"

S: "follow me.. Also let's go around the city.."

K: "yeah I agree"

A: "um, why?"

S: "we're not very welcomed here"

X: "I mean I understand why you wouldn't be very welcomed, but Kazuha?"

S: "tf do you mean by-"

K: "it's a long story"

A: "and we don't have time so let's go"

V: "mhm"

They all followed scara around the city. They walked for half an hour until they spotted something unusual. It looked like a secret path underneath the ground.


K: "Wait no DONT GO CLOSER-"

Kazuha went to grab venti but it was too late. The trap was already triggered and the 6 of them fell into 3 different underground rooms.

Scara opened his eyes and looked around. He was surprised he landed softly. After a few seconds he heard someone complaining.


S: "oh shit-"

Scara stood up and looked at the boy he landed on.

X: "oh hell nah, where are the others"

S: "do you think I would look that confused if I knew?"

X: "well maybe who knows"

S: "well fuck you"

X: "no fuck you"

S: "whatever we need to find the others"

X: "wow smart-ass I had no idea"

S: "you wanna go?"

X: "no"

S: "then get your ass up and let's take this path, it might lead to the others"

X: "fine whatever"

Xiao stood up and the both of them started walking down a path.

With Kazuha and Venti

K: "hey are you okay?"

V: "yes I'm so sorry this is all my fault-"

K: "no worries we'll find a way out"

V: "wait, where are the others?"

K: "probably fell into other rooms, shall we find them first?"

V: "yes sure let's go, I hope no one got hurt"

Kazuha and Venti agreed to take the left path, something about it seemed more familiar.

With Albedo and Aether

A: "well fuck"

Al: "based on my research about Inazuma these seem like ancient traps- but this place looks like it was made recently. Could be perhaps a trap made for us? But who would want to trap us and why-"

A: "didn't scara say he and Kazuha aren't welcomed here?"

Al: "yeah but how did they know we would come?"

A: "maybe there's a spy?"

Al: "you think one of us warned them?"

A: "I really don't want to believe it, I mean who could it be? I trust xiao with all my heart, there's no way he could do something like that. Venti doesn't really seem like the person who would do it either. Kazuha is too focused to find Heizou and he has no reason to trap us"

Al: "so you think Scara did it?"

A: "i don't know. Why would he do it?"

Al: "I mean, for some reason he left the band and now he's suddenly back- and also he's the one who lead us that way-"

A: "let's not accuse one of us yet, I really don't want to believe he would betray us like that.."

Al: "you're right, should we go find them first?"

A: "thats a good idea yes"

Albedo and Aether got out of the room and looked around. The chose the middle path and started walking.

With Scara and Xiao

S: "it's really dark here"

X: "BOO"

S: "dude. You seriously think that would scare me?"

X: "idk I'm just bored. We've been walking for ages"

S: "yeah and we have no idea where we go"

X: "wait, didn't we start from here?"

S: "HUH"

X: "fuck we turned wrong"


X: "stop yelling dammit, let's just take the other path this time"

S: "why am I stuck with you"

X: "I dont know"

S: "ugh"

They decided to take the other path this time. It lead them to a huge empty room. They looked around as they walked deeper.

S: "STOP-"

Scara put a hand in front of Xiao.

S: "there's a trap on the floor"

X: "huh-"

S: "look there are symbols-if you step on the wrong one the whole room will collapse on us"

X: "and how tf do I know what's the right one"

S: "well there must be a pattern"

X: "okay Mr. Genius, do you see any patterns?"

S: "stop with the sarcasm and help me a little"

X: "whatever"

They both looked around until xiao spotted a board.


S: "good job, you finally did something useful"

X: "I'll smack your head"

S: "oooohhh I'm so scared now mama help me"

X: "okay so the board says something but I don't understand"

S: "it's Inazuman you idiot"

X: "okay then read it?"

S: "bold of you to assume i went to school"

X: "are you fucking serious-"

S: "no, of course I can read it"


S: "fine fine jeez"

Scara read the pattern and they managed to pass the trap. But little did they know this was the easiest level.
Who asked for new chapter? Ehe

Anyways I live for the Xiao-Scara duo they are so-sjsisniss

Hope you liked it LOVE YA BABES <333333

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