Chapter 34 + 35

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Credits for the picture: @Yahoooo65

Third person's pov

With Hei and Scara

They were both walking silently, until hei stopped.

S: "what's wrong?"

H: "I recognize this path. I KNOW WHERE THE EXIT IS"


H: "yes! Just follow me!"

Hei started running and Scara followed. They were running for some minutes until they saw light.

S: "we're almost there!"

But Heizou stopped.

S: "what are you waiting for?"

H: "I think it might be a trap.."

S: "huh!? What are you talking about-"


S: "HUH-"

H: "oh no! It's the Tenryou Commission!"

S: "those idiots are nothing in front of me, stay back Hei I got them"

H: "oh sure"

Scara knocked most of them.

S: "see? Easy"

After some seconds they were all on the floor unconscious. When scara turned around, though, to get Hei, he was nowhere to be seen.


He heard a chuckle.

H: "never let your guard down babe"

Heizou put handcuffs on Scara before he could turn around. These handcuffs also disabled his powers.

S: "what are you doing!?"

Hei started laughing.

H: "isnt it obvious? I'm arresting you"

S: "now is not the time for games Hei, take those handcuffs off"

H: "but I'm not joking. You're getting arrested"

S: "huh-"

H: "you probably didn't know, but I'm a detective in the Tenryou Commission and guess who is a wanted criminal in Inazuma. That's right, you"

S: "babe, come on, I'm your boyfriend-"

H: "oh yeah and about that."

S: "huh-"

H: "It was my job from the beginning to drag you and kazuha here"

S: "what.."

H: "so yeah, but it's fine since you don't have a heart, you didn't get hurt right?"

S: "you bastard.."

H: "now now no need for that, you can't really do anything or go anywhere so just come with me willing. I'm not really in the mood to force you"

S: "you're so pathetic"

H: "excuse me?"

S: "they're just using you"

H: "no honey, I don't get fooled that easily like you or Zuzu"


H: "stop yelling before I shut your mouth. Now come with me"

Heizou grabbed Scara by the handcuffs and took him back to the police station. There, he was put into the most secured cell.

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