Chapter 17

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Third person's pov

S: maybe I should leave the band. No, no scara don't say that.. You love music.. This is your dream.. Don't give up.. You're just pathetic, stop being so weak. It'll pass. Just ignore them.

K: maybe i was too harsh on him.. He's going through a lot.. I should be patient.. Dammit why did I say that.. Don't worry Kazuha, just make sure to comfort him later. You just need to talk thing out, he'll understand.

H: fuck.. Maybe I should have left them alone.. It was obvious there was something between them but I.. I want what they have too.. Actually I.. I like them both but Scara seems to hate me.. I dont blame him though, I'd do the same if someone tried to steal my crush from me..

Al: "almost there guys"

S: great and now I'll have to see these idiots' faces. This is officially the worst day of my life.

H: we need to talk.. All three of us.. We need to clear things out, I hate seeing him sad..

K: I wanna hug him, I miss him so fucking much. But I don't understand.. I like them both..? Is that even possible..? Why are things so complicated..? Hei is funny and nice but scara is.. Well.. Scara.. He's.. I don't know how to explain it.. I just.. I love the time I spend with him.. And I love it when i get to see his soft side.. I love him..

Albedo parked the van and they got out one by one. They looked at the tall building.

X: "wow"

A: "this is hugeeee"

V: "that's what she said"

A: "....."

X: "....."

S: "....."

K: "seriously?"

V: "you guys are no fun"

X: "whatever"

H: "venti my bro we need to be serious now or they'll kick us out"

Al: "dont get lost in there"

V: "i am not a fucking 5 y/o"

30 minutes later

Venti called albedo crying.

Al: "yes?"

V: "Albedo were are you? 😭"

Al: "oh my fucking god don't tell me-"

V: "im lost 😭"

Al: "just ask someone for directions to the cafeteria"

V: "okay"

Albedo closed the call.

X: "so that's why it was so silent-"


A: "omg Xiao makes jokes"

X: "...."

X: "shut it"

A: "make me"

X: "not here"


Al: "guys-"

X: "yes yes no sex in public I know"


X: "what"

Al: "I-"

K: "please-"

S: "..."


Aether was red, trying to hide under the table while Heizou was dying from laughter. Albedo sighed and facepalmed while Kazuha and scara were just sitting there.

K: "you've been really silent"

S: "...."

S: if I dont talk I wont say anything stupid.

S: "oh"

K: "can we talk later?"

S: oh

S: "whatever"

K: "alright ^^"

K: i hope we finish here quickly

S: thankfully no one has recognized me yet

H: I should stay out of this. At least for now, until he calms down a bit.



V: "sorry"

C: "here you areee!"

Al: "hello Childe, thank you for this invitation"

C: "no problem, we're friends after all!"

S: "stupid"

K: "...."

C: "hello scara ^^"


K: "huh?"

C: "oh okay comrade ;)"

S: "please someone kill me"

X: "I could but it's not worth it"

Aether smacked xiao's head.

X: "hey!?"

A: "babe."

X: "I was joking"

A: "we need to talk about your sense of humor"

X: "...."

C: "anyways, you guys can come meet with our boss. She really wants to meet you all"

S: there's no way.. The tsaritsa wants to see us all? Face to face? What are they hiding...? I need to figure it out soon..

C: "let's go!"

H: "yesss"

V: "yesss"

S: "...."

K: "I can't wait!"

Their meet with the Tsaritsa went pretty smoothly. They talked about the cooperation and a special program for vocal practice. She also said she would sent Childe to inform Zhongli about the preparation for the album covers. She was overall very sweet towards them.

They all walked to the van and returned home. This time Kazuha and Heizou changed seat, meaning Kazuha was now sitting next to Scara. Everyone fell asleep apart from kazuha, scara and albedo who was driving.

(from now on they whisper)

K: "hey..."

S: "hm?"

K: "can I hug you?"

S: "wha-"

K: "please..?"

S: "what if I say no"

K: "I'll understand.."

S: "do whatever you want idc"

Kazuha wrapped his arms around scara softly and laid his head on his shoulder.

K: "I'm sorry..."

S: "about what..?"

K: "about the way i talked to you earlier.."

S: "..."

S: "I'm sorry too.. I guess I was a bit too aggressive with Heizou.. It's just..."

K: "what is it?"

S: "I'm.. Feeling kinda jealous..."

Evade servers are down damnnnn.

Anyways I hope no phones are broken but expect way worse angst than the previous one later 😗

I'm gonna go sleep cuz I have to wake up early tomorrow so cya yall <333333

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