Chapter 7

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Third person's pov

With Aether

Aether was in his room, laying on his bed and humming melodies. God he really loved singing. Today he got to spend more time with Xiao. He might not be really open to the others but he is a really kind person deep down. He cares about others even if he doesn't show it a lot. After yesterday, Aether feels really weird when he's around him. And also, he can't stop thinking about him.

A: god.. He's amazing.. And the way he plays electric guitar.. I'd die to learn how to play it too.. And he's so talented.. His voice is so pretty.. Especially when combined with mine.. The outcome was magical and it was just for warm-ups.. Without any practice.. And he's also so pretty.. Wait.. Aether, what are you thinking.. He's your bandmate. Why am I thinking so much about him..? What's wrong with me..?

Aether shook his head and got up. He headed out of his room and went to the living room where he found Heizou watching tv. Heizou noticed him and smiled warmly.

H: "hey sunshineeee"

Aether chuckled a bit.

A: "new nickname?"

H: "mhmmmm"

A: "alright ^^, what are you watching?"

H: "oh nothing really, i was just bored so I opened the tv in case there was something interesting. I ended up watching some anime"

A: "alrightttt, mind if I join you?"

H: "sure come here"

Aether sat beside heizou and watched Tokyo revengers with him for an hour. Xiao walked in and saw them, being happy and watching anime together so he decided to leave them alone.

With Xiao

X: of course.. I should have known better.. Of course I'm not his favorite.. I mean.. I'm not as social as the others.. Okay maybe a little bit better than Scara but still.. I'm almost nothing compared to Heizou.. He plays almost every instrument and he can also sing pretty well.. He's also really fun and.. I.. No.. I mustn't let anyone take him from me.. But maybe.. Maybe that's the key.. Maybe all I need to do is let him go.. Maybe then he won't leave again..

Xiao looked at the ceiling, tears falling from his eyes.

X: but i can't.. I can't let him go.. But he doesn't remember.. What if this time.. What if this time it ends up differently..? What if this time we're not meant to be together.. But still.. I need to talk to him.. He needs to know.. Even if he doesn't love me.. But how..? How will I tell him..? What if he thinks I'm crazy..?

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door.

X: "who is it?"

A: "hey, it's me ^^"

Xiao immediately wiped his tears.

X: "come in.."

Aether entered and sat beside xiao.

A: "i just.. Wanted to thank you for yesterday. Somehow you manage to calm me down so easily, it really felt as if you could protect me from any monster, even the biggest and strongest one!"

Xiao smiled softly.

X: "you're welcome.. You can always count on me if you have any troubles.. Just call me.. I'll come right away.."

A: "you should really smile more"

X: "i.. I'll keep it in mind.."

God.. He was feeling so many butterflies. In reality, yes he could protect him from anything but aether didn't know and xiao couldn't tell him. Not yet at least, he had to gain his trust once more.

A: "alrightttt!"

X: "um.."

A: "yes?"

X: "I'll go to the mall later, wanna come?"

A: "sure!"

X: "alright"

A: "can I stay here?"

X: "oh- sure"

A: "thanks ^^ i really like your company"

X: "i.. Appreciate your company too.."

Aether laid beside xiao, staring at the ceiling.

A: "xiao.."

X: "hm?"

A: "I.. I've been feeling kinda weird lately.. As if.. I don't know how to explain it.."

X: "huh?"

A: "it's like.. This is my second life or something.. I remember some things.. Very faintly but.. They looked nothing like our world.."

X: "maybe you were dreaming.."

A: "yeah.. Maybe.."

There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes.

X: "it seems like you're getting along pretty well with almost everyone.."

A: "yeah and I'm glad about it ^^ to be honest, I really like how our band is doing! All of us are so talented, I can't wait until we release our first song!"

X: "mhm.. It's really exciting.."

X: "also.. You seem pretty close with... Heizou..."

A: "oh? Really? I mean, apart from him calling me"sunshine" I don't find anything else making us really close. Like yeah he's pretty cool but we're just friends-"

X: "relax, you don't have to analyze it so much, it's not like we're something more than friends either..- Wait, he calls you what now!?"

A: "he calls me sunshine why?"

X: "nothing.. Just forget it.."

A: "yeah.. Okay.."

I know this chapter might be a bit confusing as to what xiao meant and I'm sorry but i promise everything will start making sense soon. In fact, maybe even in the next chapter.

I'll try to update tomorrow morning, or whatever time i wake up, probably around the time i published the previous one.

I really appreciate all your support and the comments, thank you guys <3333
I know this story has many mistakes but I'm knew to writing so thank you so much.

Also I've promised you smut and I always keep my promises so get ready 👀

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