Chapter 29 (⚠ Smut ⚠)

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Third person's pov

K: "Scara- what-"

S: "I missed you.."

K: "then why don't you come back..?"

S: "I can't.."

K: "Babe.."

Scara laid down and looked at the sky.

S: "I'm sorry..."

Kazuha leaned down and kissed his neck softly.

K: "don't apologize.. I understand that it's hard for you.. I just want to make sure you know you can come to me whenever you need help.. I'm always here for you.."

S: "kiss me"

Kazuha did as Scara said. The kiss was deep and passionate. Whimpers could be heard from both of them in the silent forest. Kazuha started taking off Scara's belt, to which he reacted with a moan.

K: "Can I?"

S: "mhm.."

K: "Alright.."

He took off the belt and looked into scara's eyes. Their lips connected again as they gave short kisses to each other. Kazuha started caressing Scara's hips, his hand trying to slide under his pants.

Kazuha managed to find an opening and started caressing Scara's inner thighs under his pants. That caught him off guard and he let out a moan.

S: "Zuzu...~"

K: "hm?"

S: "please.. ~"

K: "please what~?"

S: "please fuck me..~"

K: "damn that was fast~"

Kazuha chuckled and unbuttoned Scara's pants, slowly sliding them off. He did the same to his and then looked at his love.

S: "stop looking at me like that-"

K: "like what~?"

S: "...."

K: "someone's embarrassed~?"

S: "No."

Kazuha leaned down and kissed Scara's neck. He continued leaving kisses until he finally found a weak spot.

S: "ah~"

He started sucking, leaving hickeys all over Scara's neck. He then took off his shirt and started kissing lower and lower until he got to his underwear.

S: "Zuzuuu~"

K: "yes yes I'm almost there~"

Kazuha grabbed Scara's underwear with his mouth and took it off.


After taking scara's underwear off he took his own and then looked at the boy under him.

K: "spread them"

S: "I-"

K: "I said. Spread them."

S: "yessir~"

Scara spread his legs apart and looked at kazuha.

S: "please be gentle.. It's my first.."

K: "I can't promise anything"

S: I'm dead

K: "don't be so scared, relax. I'll use my fingers first, okay?"

S: "mhm.."

Kazuha licked his finger and put one at Scara's entrance. He looked at his boyfriend to make sure he was ready and then he pushed it in.

S: "ngh~"

He started moving it in and out slowly, trying not to hurt Scara. After a while he added a second finger and started scissoring him.

S: "ah~ Z-zuzu~ ngh~"

K: "you okay?"

S: "m-mhm~"

S: "i-I'm getting ngh~ c-close~"

K: "already?"

Kazuha pulled out. He didn't want him to cum yet.

S: "why...~"

K: "not yet, we haven't even started"

S: "then give it to me already.."


Kazuha put it at Scara's entrance and slowly pushed it. Scara tried to grab something but the only thing around was grass. The blonde noticed and gave him his hand, slowly caressing it with his thumb. Scara held Kazuha's hand tight and moaned out his name softly.

K: "tell me when you're ready for me to move"

S: "alright.. I'm ready.."

Kazu started moving slowly, checking every now and then if Scara was okay with it. He wanted to make sure he would enjoy his first time.

S: "ngh~ Zuzu~"

K: "fuck.. You're so tight.. Relax~"

Kazuha picked up the pace a bit as he started hitting deeper. He could hear Scara's moans getting louder and his legs  shaking a bit. This made him want to go even faster, which he did.

S: "Z-zuzu ah~ s-slow down~ ngh~"

K: "s-so tight~ ah~"

Kazuha started hitting deeper until he finally found the spot he had been looking for. He hit Scara's prostate with a hard thrust which made Scara's legs completely give up as he let out a loud moan. Kazuha kept hitting that spot continuously.

S: "K-kazu ngh~ c-close~ s-so~ ah~ c-cumming~"

He kept hitting faster and faster as he felt close too.

S: "c-cumming~ Z-zuzu~ i-im c-cumming~"

And after a few seconds he came, moaning loudly at the same time. Kazuha kept hitting as he felt close to and as he was about to pull out and cum, Scara pushed him deeper.

S: "inside...~" he said weakly

Kazuha listened to his boyfriend and released inside him at a hard thrust. They both took a few seconds to catch their breath.

K: "I love you.."

S: "I love you too.."

Their fingers intertwined and they looked into each other's eyes. Kazuha leaned down for a passionate kiss once again. When their lips parted away, he laid his head on Scara's chest and they cuddled for some minutes.

S: "you should dress up or you might catch a cold.."

K: "but it's comfortable.."

S: "come on, dress up and we will cuddle again"

K: "fine"

They both dressed up and cuddled once again, slowly falling asleep into each other's warmth.

Finally the long awaited Kazuscara smut with bottom Scara. And dw I haven't forgotten about the Heizou angst but everything at their time.

Anyways cya loves <333333

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