Chapter 6

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Writing this while waiting for my ps4 to update cuz i wanna play sumeru 😔
Also scara better come home when his banner comes out istg
Al: "I am the manager indeed. My name is albedo, nice to meet you. You must be aether"

A: "oh yeah! Nice to meet you too! Come in, we have made breakfast"

Al: "thank you ^^"

Albedo and Aether went back to the others. Everyone welcomed albedo warmly, well- most of them at least- Scara isn't really a warm person when he meets someone new but he tried to be as nice as he could meaning he didn't threaten to kill him at least.

After breakfasts they went to the studio to start working immediately. They were all really excited to make music. Venti and Kazuha started with the song writing while the rest were practicing with their instruments and voices.

Scara plays the drums, Aether mainly sings but he can also play the guitar, xiao focuses on electric guitar but he has a really good voice, Heizou is the one making the beats but he knows many instruments as well. Kazuha, apart from song-writing, plays the guitar as well while venti plays mostly instruments like the flute (not the weapon).

Albedo was in his office doing all the boring paperwork but oh well that's his job after all. Kazuha and venti were already in a good lead with the song, the lyrics might be ready by tomorrow so they can start with the melody.

A few hours passed and it was lunch time. Albedo took them out for lunch, they ate pizza and then got back to their house to rest for a bit.

Scaramouche was all alone in his room. This day went surprisingly fine. He had some fun but still, could he trust them? What if they hated him and just acted like they were friends just to seem nice? Was he even important? Heizou could play most of the instruments so he could be easily replaced by him. All those thoughts going through his mind and why? Because he couldn't stop over thinking. He had been hurt in the past. He had been used. In the beginning he didn't mind being used, he thought that he was at least being useful. But after a while, he got tired. Really tired. Everyone was fake. He was actually useless but people took pity on him. He hated. He hated everyone. But mostly he hated himself. He started thinking that was the reason his mother abandoned him. He was born useless.

He wanted to prove everyone he was important. He wanted to prove the world he wasn't some loser. He wanted everyone to know his name, to leave history behind. But he didn't know how. He was lost. And now he found them. He found a band, he could make something out of his passion for music but.. Could he trust them..? What if they abandoned him as well..?

He was thinking all these without realizing the tears falling from his eyes. He was crying. He was crying really badly. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize someone knocked on his door.

K: "Scara..? Are you there..?"

He didn't even hear Kazuha talking so he didn't say anything. Kazuha got worried, he knew what this meant. The same as last night so he came in. He saw scara on his bed, crying his heart out. He immediately rushed to him, taking him in his arms and caressing his hair softly.

K: "shhhhg.. It's okay.. Calm down.."

Only then did scara realize he was crying. He looked up at kazuha, shaking a bit.

K: "calm down, im here, okay?"

Scara tried to push him away but he wouldn't let go so he just accepted it. He hugged him tight, letting his tears fall on his shirt.

After a while he calmed down. Kazuha noticed but still didn't let go.

S: "I'm okay now.. You can let go.."

K: "no.. First you'll tell me what happened"

S: "I dont want to"

K: "scara.. We've talked about this.."

S: "stop pretending like you care about me. I know you actually don't give a fuck and you're just acting nice"

K: "well if I was so good at acting, i would have become an actor instead of joining our band. Now tell me, what happened?"

S: "i.."

K: "it's okay, i wont push you any further. Tell me when you feel like it, alright?"

Kazuha stood up and he was ready to leave when scara grabbed his arm.

S: "don't leave.. Please.."
These two have my heart istg. And yeah I kinda explained scara's situation, the next chapter will be about Xiaother mostly. I know this scara doesn't act like the canon scara and im sorry but I'm kinda making him based off me oops.

So scara has abandonment, trust and attachment issues at the same time slay. His attachment issues will be shown mostly later when he'll start feeling more comfortable around Zuzu.

Alright that's it for now, i finally finished this chapter and i feel a lot better than yesterday, thank you all for the support <3333

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