⚠ Chapter 25 (smut) ⚠

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Third person's pov

A: "i heard something..."

X: "what?"

A: "a voice calling my name.."

S: "you must be imagining things, no one said your name"

A: "oh..."

???: "Aether..."

A: here it is again.. Let's just ignore it..

???: "hahahaha.."

A: now that's creepy af

Xiao grabbed Aether's hand softly, intertwining their fingers.

X: "I'm here.."

A: "thank you Xiao.."

Al: "come on guys we don't have all day"

A few hours later they were finished with the photoshoot for the album cover. Albedo drove them back home. It was early so they weren't really tired. Scara walked into the living room and opened the tv, Kazuha followed. As for Heizou he went into his room and opened his computer. Lately he was spending too much time there but didn't tell anyone about it.

Venti went to the pool and got a bottle of wine with him.

Xiao walked into his room and changed clothes as Aether followed him.

X: "hm?"

A: "I heard the weird voice again earlier.."

X: "huh? Really? What was it like..?"

A: "a girl.. But i couldn't see one anywhere.."

X: "whatever it is we'll figure it out.. Until then, please, don't go anywhere without me.. Okay..?"

A: "what!?"

X: "I need to make sure you're safe.."

A: "are you serious? But xiao.."

X: "no buts, I'm not risking it"

A: "....."

A: "fine... But you're overreacting"

X: "I'm not"

A: "whatever"

X: "are you mad?"

A: "yes."

X: "hmm.."

Xiao walked closer to aether, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and kissing his neck softly.

X: "You're hotter when you're mad~.."

A: "go to horny jail"

X: "but you promised me.."

A: "yeah but now I'm mad, you'll have to wait"

X: "...."

X: "sometimes I hate you"

A: "or maybe you just love me too much"

X: "that's true"

A: "now now you'll have to do something to make me not be mad anymore"

X: "I love you"

A: "not enough, try harder"

Xiao leaned on Aether's ear and whispered to him

X: "Can I just fuck you already..? Please..?"

Aether's eyes widened as Xiao's whispers brought shivers down his spine. He blushed so hard his face started burning.

A: "y-yessir.." was all he could say right now

X: "good boy.. Now lay down"

Aether laid on Xiao's bed immediately as he told him. Xiao got on top and kissed him passionately, pushing his tongue inside his mouth. This caught aether off guard, causing him to moan a bit. Xiao started exploring aether's mouth, slowly intertwining their tongues and making out until Aether started getting hard.

X: "someone's excited"

A: "...."

A: "your fault"

X: "damn am I really that good?"

A: "shut it"

X: "make me"

Aether took the opportunity and pushed xiao against the bed, getting on top of him. Xiao's eyes widened by the sudden move as his cheeks got red. Aether looked so good up there.

X: "what are you doing-?"

A: "making you shut up as you asked"

X: "well you didn't really succeed but nice try"

A: "you're literally red, shut it"

X: "no I'm not."

A: "you know I have the uper hand right now, right?"

X: "It's not like you can top anyways"

A: "you sure about that~?"

Aether said as he slipped his right hand under xiao's pants, making the boy at the bottom gasp and look at him.

X: "the hell are you doing?"

A: "returning the favor from last time"

X: "wha-"

The blonde moved his hand closer, teasing Xiao as much as he could.

X: "just touch me already"

A: "impatient~?"

X: "I hate you"

A: "owwww that's very unfortunate but I'll do as you please"

And with that, Aether slid his hand under xiao's underwear, as he touched his tip softly. Xiao moaned at Aether's touch, also covering his, now completely red, face. Aether started rubbing the tip with his thumb slowly, earning many whimpers from Xiao.

A: "you're already so hard"

X: "y-your touch.. So g-good~ ngh~"

A: "Xiao..?"

X: "h-hm~?"

A: "I wanna fuck you"

Xiao didn't say anything.

A: "Xiao."

X: "then do it~"

Aether smirked and stared down at xiao's body.
Guess who's alive ya'll

I know many of you expected a Kazuheiscara chapter but I decided to pull a hoyo and surprise you with another Xiaother smut just like Hoyo surprised us with Albedo's banner.

I swear to fucking god for somehow I knew Albedo was gonna rerun in 3.1, I was telling EVERYONE about it but no one believed me. To be honest I was surprised myself, I literally gasped so loudly when I saw him.

I'm currently pity 79 and 50/50 pls albedo come home I cant waste all my wishes on you I need to save for Scara and his weapon 😰


P.S. If the chapter doesn't make sense it's because I wrote it 3 different days so like yeah anyways

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