Chapter 4

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Third person's pov

A: "you don't know what a hug is..?"

X: "no"

A: how...

A: "a hug is a way to show affection.."

X: "affection?"

A: "yes yk.. It's a way to show you care about someone"

X: "you care about me?"

A: "of course.. We're friends after all, aren't we..?"

X: "yeah.."

X: friends..

A: "also I wanted to ask you.. Want to join us for a movie night?"

X: "movie night?"

A: "yeah, the whole band will gather together tonight at the living room and watch plenty of movies, until we get tired. It's a form to celebrate that from tomorrow we will be officially a band and work together yk"

X: "oh. I understand"

A: "so?"

X: "if it's for the band then okay"

A: "YAY, okay, cya tonighttttt"

X: "mhm, bye"

A few hours later

Aether, Heizou, Venti, Kazuha and scaramouche were sitting all over the floor with pillows and blankets around them, eating snacks and trying to decide on a movie. Xiao soon joined them and sat beside aether, not saying much.

H: "let's watch a detective movie"

S: "that's boring. We should watch a thriller"

V: "ohohoho someone's trying to play it brave"

S: "no i enjoy thrillers, you're probably the one who's scared"

K: "guys guys calm down we can vote"

A: "I've never watched a thriller, I'll go with Scara's option"

X: "..same.."

V: "a thriller sounds nice"

H: "alright alright you win"

They put on the thriller and sat comfortably, eating more snacks. Aether was kinda nervous, he didn't know his limits when it came to scary things because he used to avoid them at all costs. But he didn't want to seem weak in front of his new friends so he agreed to their idea.

Xiao noticed aether sweating and kinda trembling so he held his hand softly, caressing it to help him relax a bit.

A: "thank you..." he mumbled to which xiao just nodded.

Aether's hand was warm and soft.. Holding it felt so good.. So right.. Xiao was trying to focus on the movie but he kept getting distracted by the blondie beside him.

Around 50 minutes passed and the movie was halfway through. Little did poor aether know things were only gonna get scarier.

The music got more intense as the place got darker and darker until there was no light left in the room apart from the tv. Heizou really liked to mess with the lights during this movie.

Aether held xiao's hand tighter, squeezing it a bit softly and crawled closer to him. He didn't know why but xiao made aether feel safe. Like nothing would get to him if he was beside him.

After 50 more minutes the movie was over. Aether was burying his face into xiao's shoulder, shaking from fear. The ending was terrifying. Thankfully the lights were off so no one could see how pathetic he looked. Only xiao knew but he trusted him.

The others stood up, said goodnight and went to their rooms. Aether wouldn't move though. He couldn't. He was terrified. This must have been the scariest thriller out there. He kept hearing noises everywhere, even though nothing but xiao was there.

Xiao rubbed aether's back softly trying to help him calm down.

X: "shhhh.. I'm here.. No monster will get to you.."

A: "w-what about clowns.."

X: "clowns too, no clowns will get near you"

A: "zombies..?"

X: "as long as I'm here nothing and no one will hurt you, okay?"

Aether slowly nodded, melting into xiao's arms. He was tired. Really tired. He closed his eyes, feeling xiao's warmth and fell asleep. The other boy stayed there for a while, making sure aether was asleep to pick him up and carry him to his room.

He placed aether down on his bed softly and covered him up with the sheets. He stared at him for some seconds until he stood up and walked into his own room.

After some hours he heard footsteps outside his door and a hesitant knock.

X: "hmmmm..?"

A: "xiao.."

X: "aether..?"

A: "I'm sorry.. I just.. I can't sleep.."

X: "come in"

Aether walked in and looked at xiao until he decided to get closer.

X: "come here"

Xiao sat up and pat the bed beside him for aether to sit. The blonde did as he said and sat beside him.

X: "why did you agree to watch it if you get scared easily?"

A: "i didn't want the others to make fun of me.."

X: "you know they aren't that type of guys.. Nevermind now it has already be done. You can sleep with me if it makes you feel better"

A: "really..?"

X: "no i was lying. Obviously i mean it aether, just come here"

Xiao laid down opening his arms. Aether laid his head on his chest and cuddled him softly. A few seconds later he was already asleep. Xiao closed his eyes, holding aether softly and he fell asleep too.
Google search by aether: is it gay if i sleep with my best friend?

Anyways that's part 4 for you guysss
Tbh I'd really appreciate it if you could comment your opinion every now and then because I wanna know how you find this ff. It's actually my first one so it would really matter to me.

Anyways thank you for reading this, love ya <33333

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