Chapter 19

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Third person's pov

Scara slowly fell asleep with Kazuha beside him. He was sleeping peacefully. He was really exhausted from the busy day, the cold but also because he didn't sleep at all last night.

Kazuha laid beside Scara and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep too. Scara felt the blonde beside him and snuggled closer to him, cuddling him softly. Kazuha placed his hand on scara's hair, caressing it slowly. They both missed the feeling of being in each other's arms so much.

The next morning, Kazuha opened his eyes and saw scara trembling beside him. He sat up immediately and touched his shoulder, trying to see if he was awake. He was still asleep. He turned him around to see his face better and he was crying.

K: "scara..?"

Scara didn't reply anything.

K: "Scara wake up"

Kazuha started shaking scaramouche softly to wake him up but he didn't.

K: "scara come on, wake up!"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Kazuha.

S: "Zuzu..?"

K: "thank goodness you're awake.."

S: "what happened..?"

K: "I should be asking that"

S: "huh?"

K: "you were trembling and crying"

S: "I was..?"

K: "yeah, did something happen?"

S: "I don't remember..."

K: "are you feeling any pain?"

S: "no.. I'm just kinda cold.."

K: "cold? It's 35 degrees outside"

S: "well I'm cold.."

K: "I'll bring you a blanket-"

S: "no.."

K: "huh?"

S: "just hug me.."

K: "are you sure?"

S: "yes"

K: "alright.."

Kazuha sat down and opened his arms. Scara sat on Kazu's lap and laid on him softly as Kazuha wrapped his arms around scara's body, caressing his back softly.

S: "thank you.."

K: "no problem"

S: "I missed this.."

K: "me too.. I really missed this.. I really missed you..."

S: "you did...?"

K: "of course..."

S: "I thought you didn't like me.. I thought.."

K: "shhhhhh..."

S: "I love you.. I.."

K: "I love you too"

S: "you do..?"

K: "yes but.."

S: "but..?"

K: "I'm confused.."

S: "what do you mean..?"

K: "I also love Heizou..."

S: "oh..."

K: "and from what I've understood Heizou loves both of us.. It's just.. I know you love me but I'm confused.. What am I supposed to do now.."

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