24 ☠️

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I knew I was already going to have a hard time falling asleep, but now it was just impossible. I couldn't move an inch, and not just because Felix's arm was wrapped around me so tightly in his sleep. My mind was racing with memories I had when I was younger. Not exactly great ones though. Not only of what my father used to do, holding me to threaten me, but especially the ones of my two brothers.

"I'm exhausted," one of them would finally say, now wrapping his arm around me, making me unable to leave. "Goodnight little one."

I'd had trouble sleeping ever since. Already on my own, but now like this made my breath stock again, as if I was back at home. I could already feel the tears well up, but desperately tried to hide them. Even if the guys were all sleeping, the viewers for sure would notice.

"It's too early fo-" Changbin's voice groaned suddenly, stopping mid sentence. Shit. Don't tell me he was watching. Changbin was so far one of the few I started feeling comfortable around, but there was no way he'd be able to understand any of it without an explanation, only making things way more awkward again. And explaining would mean the viewers would know too, which was a no go. Oh great, there was no way out of this was there?

"What the hell?" Changbin muttered. "I thought he was supposed to stay awake, and now he's peacefully sleeping with Y/N wrapped in his arms?" Yup. Screwed. "I knew he was popular with the ladies, but he could have at least noticed she doesn't like physical touch. She's avoiding it like the plague, how hard is it to leave someone be," he groaned, walking over. Shit. Fuck. What do I do? Pretend to be asleep? It seemed like the best option for now. I could feel Felix being moved besides me, his arm and hand now removed from me before he was woken up.

"Changbin? What's up?" Felix asked in a groggy voice. Though the sun had already risen, I don't think it was all that late already. Probably around 7 in the morning if I had to give it my best guess. "I should be the one asking you that, I thought you were supposed to stay up, not sleep with Y/N in your arms." I started lightly shaking my head, in the hope Felix would notice. "But Y/N sa- ah... I'm sorry. I guess my sleeping habits got the best of me." Thank goodness, he saw it. Changbin let out a sigh. "Listen man, it happens, but you have to be careful here. If you don't think you can stay up at least wake someone else."

Felix hummed, not saying much else. "Oh, by the way," Changbin added, "she doesn't like to be touched, so I wouldn't do it so carelessly." I had to admit, if felt quite sweet to have someone notice. Even if I thought I made it obvious, that didn't mean others would notice so too automatically. It was nice someone did though. "She does? How do you even know?" "It wasn't too hard to notice, she's been avoiding it since the beginning, even if just like a high five or anything like that." Felix just let out a small 'ah', not going in on it further.

"Why are you guys so loud," Chan groaned, definitely sounding like he didn't have enough sleep. "Did we wake you up?" Changbin asked, laughing sheepishly. "Not just him," Minho joined. Perfect, that meant I could 'wake up' too. My eyes met Felix's first, giving him a thankful glance, which he shot back with a wink.

"Say...guys..." Jeongin muttered, still laying down. "Why do we already have 1,5 million won donations?" My eyes shot up, everyone following. He was right. Did last night really change that much? Even the comments were flooding about last night, though most of them were telling others to not say a word about it. I could only hope none of them would question it, but judging from the look on their faces everyone was too busy being amazed by the amount of donations.

"Does that mean we'll get our first object?" Seungmin asked, getting a response from high up.

"You guessed it, congratulations guys. You have already made it through the first million already! You have been extremely clever so far gathering the donations, congratulations. In a couple of minutes, a drone will be send to you with a package, be sure to take it before the drone flies off again. Good luck on your remaining journey, may you make it through.

We all couldn't help but smile, celebrating the little victory. Maybe it wasn't much yet, but we could use everything given to us. "I guess there really are a lot of people watching this aren't there?" I asked, still somewhat in disbelief. "Kind of twisted if you think about it," Changbin chuckled. He was definitely right, but I still couldn't help but feel a little thankful, even though I really hated it at first. I mean, I still do, but at least there wasn't only a downside to it now.

Everyone's moods had luckily been lifted already, long forgetting anything that could have caused it, a huge relief for me and Felix. And not only that, luckily my ankle indeed already felt a lot better. Who knew what today was going to bring, but it at least felt like we could handle it all now.

Especially with the actual compass we had received from the package.

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