Chapter 3

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No One's POV:

It was horrible. Two week there and it was an horrible experience for him, Elijah's court case was a month and two weeks from now.

Things went from bad to worst for him. Like he was taken out the fry pan and put straight into raw fire. Things were getting worse for him everyday he spent in prison.

The inmates mock him for apparently fumbling the bag by cheating on Rihanna. They beat him up during the time when they are allowed to go outside and do physical activities.  They even take his things and the little food he get. At the end he end up taking the blame for it and get locked up in the timeout room.

Oh how he hated that room. It's a very scary place with no windows and it's very dark. So he always feel lonely and find it hard to breathe. It was during his time in that room that he realized that he was truly alone.

No mother, no father, no family in general. No one to call friends or even acquaintance. He had no girlfriend, he never even had one in the first place. 

 He had no lawyers that was truly willing to defend his case. His Lakers teammates hated him even Lebron although he won't show it.

He was all alone and he as always been. Everyone in the world probably hated him and wouldn't care if he died and that's why he was being treated this way in prison by both inmates and police officers. No one would care if he died or not.

He was now back in his cell when a face he knew to well stopped showing his face. Officer Greyson. His main tormentor.

The door cell opened and in walked five mean looking inmates the same ones that always beating him up.

Elijah's POV:

No, no, no , no, no. I looked at the officer and the men in fear. They gave me menacing grins as the officer looked the door and stood in front of the cell backing me without a care in the world. As two out of five men brought out knifes. 

I tried to back away but the room was small and I was pressed against a corner. The rushed at me and I was grabbed and stabbed in my stomach and sides. "Mr GreyUgh" I was shoved to the wall hitting my head and sliding to the ground. The stabbing got worse. The would stab me and roughly drag the knife out then stab me again.

I pleaded with them to stop as I start to feel myself losing consciousness. I was choking on my blood. Groaning feeling their kick's and punches all over my body.

"Aye hold this nigga up " A voice said, "alright nigga what we finna do?" another voice said. "You still got that lighter  Devonte" the first voice asked. I could barely hear my head was down, my eyes dizzy. I got see some shoes.

"Yeah I got it right here" Another voice said.

"Pass it here" 

I had no idea what was going on. My eyes was closing and opening, probably swollen. I felt burning hot metal stabbing into my skin and being dragged across my skin like a letter. 

I couldn't scream or cry out. My throat was dry and my voice was a little bit damaged from all those screaming and being kicked in the throat.

 Words were literally being carved on my skin. It was almost like I could feel the words being written. This wasn't the first time I had words carved on my body, no the first time was when I was four turning five.

It just felt like at this point I no longer had any more tears to cry out or any strength to scream. 

So that's what he needed the lighter for. The last thing I saw and felt was fire burning against those newly carved words.

"He's bleeding heavily" 

"He losing a lot of blood"

I opened my eyes but my vision was blurry. "His eyes are open. He supposed to be unconscious. Quick get some anesthesia" 

"It's not much so he might wake up again. But right now he seems out of it" the voice spoke.

My eyes closed and when next I opened it I saw a bright light. I got up expecting to struggle but instead I felt no pain. I got up and looked around.

Next to me was an old women sitting down on the ground humming a sweet tune. She looked up and I was surprised at who it was.

"Grandma" I looked around "where am I?" This wasn't the prison, this place was way to beautiful and peaceful to be a prison. What ever this place was I didn't want to leave.

"My grandson, my grand baby" She got up and pulled me into a hug and held me tightly.

"Grandma" I whispered melting into her loving arms inhaling her scent. "Oh you have been through so much. So much pain" She said I could feel a tear roll down her eyes and that was all I needed to start balling into tears.

"Grandma *sniff* *sniff* why? why me? Why must I go through all this pain? I haven't wrong anyone have I? So why do people hate so much? Why am I all alone?" I cried unto her shoulders as she rubbed my back.

"People who are kind always go through the most struggle. You  Bromeh have one of the most purest hearts I know. Hold unto it, don't let the struggle break you." She whispered into my ear crying.

"Don't let it break me. But am almost broken. I don't want to go back. Don't let me go back let me stay here with you. Where it's peaceful? I wouldn't have to go through any more pain or heartbreak please" I dropped to my knees and begged her holding her feet.

I can't go back there. I can't.

"It's not your time yet. Your time is way way ahead. Your to early. You have to go back. I am really disappointed in all my children and grandchildren. Most Especially Veronica and Odell I expected them to know better. Be strong, if not for yourself for me. I love you umormeh. My dear beloved grandson and when the time comes for you to forgive your mother forgive her for me" She pleaded with me.

"But grandma" I tried to protest. I really didn't want to leave.

"Please Bromeh. I have to go and it's time for you to go" No, no she can't 

"Grandma don't go please. Don't leave me all alone. I have no one. There's no one to go back to there. All that is waiting for me is more pain " I pleaded now full out sobbing and pleading to her holding her leg.

"Am sorry" she whispered, no please.

 No matter how much I struggled to hold her leg. She still left and now am all alone again.

A/N: Chapter End! How did you all love the chapter? Comment below and vote. Thank you! 

Now You All Want Me (Trials of Life): Regret: No Name To Superstar rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now