Chapter 13

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"I was able able to rent us this hotel. I will only be in the states for two months and some weeks then am going back to China."

I nodded and gave him a low bow in respect. I was grateful he did this. He had a family. A wife and two little girls. He left them to come train me.

Even when his wife didn't like me due to all the bad media about me. He still trained me.

"Don't thank me. Your a good kid. It's a shame people saw that so late after the damage was done. I was able to rent out a old gym here in Memphis. It's has all the things I need to train you to be better and stronger." I looked at him confused

" The truth came out!"

"I don't normally curse but that bitch Selina got exposed. It turns out it was a set up. She planned it with Asap Rocky bitch ass to get rid of you. So he could get with Rihanna's stupid self" He explained.

"Got to say your a strong kid. I might be strong but not strong enough to go through what you've gone through throughout your life. Although I can see half of you is broken and the other half is fighting hard to stay strong. Keep fighting. Don't give up yet" Lin said.

"I will be going to my hotel room " I told him, he released a sigh as I walked towards the door. "And thank you for all the things you've done for me and what your doing now I appreciate it." I grabbed my new schedule from the table and left his room.

I got my key card out my pocket and placed it in front of the door. It opened and I got in. My things were already arranged here. Since Henry's bitch as family took his house after killing him. 

Luckily Henry passed the house down to me, giving me ownership. They killed him because I wasn't there to defend him. 

There was no way in hell they were taking that house. Am going to make sure they not only do not get access to that house but get locked up in jail. I owed Henry that at least.

I will be going to view his body tomorrow and prepare for a funeral. I was going to bury him like a king. I got enough money. It's not in millions but it's still a lot.

I took a look at my training schedule. I had two and a half month to recover and get back on track with my skills and improve. I had my laptop and phone with me. I was sent a lot of plays to study and game plays to watch.

5am-5:20 am: Wake up and do 50 push ups

5:20am-6am: Do your hygiene's and eat

6: 10am - 6: 30am: Weight lifting

6:32am - 7:00am: Cardio

7:00 am - 8:00 am: Callisthenic

8:05am - 8: 30am: Foot Work Drills

8:31am - 8:46am : 15 minute Break

Then I had Dribbling Drills, shooting drill and passing drills. Then do some boxing and MMA. Once am done I take a ice bath and watch some plays.

I need to go shower. I came out the hospital and took long hours flight. So I need to wash up. I got dressed in some pajamas and watched film all day. Never stepping out of my room not even to eat.


Odell's POV:

"Hey big bro. Do you want to hang out?"

"Your a disappointment. Why would I want to be seen with you" A frown made it's way upon his face.

No, no your not. It's me. Am the disappointment

"So you want to start bullying people"

"What no am...


I punched his face catching him of guard. I watched as he fell to the ground with a sneer on my face.

"Since you like putting your hands on people. How about you fight me?"

"What no? I didn't fight anyone. I was attacked"

"Stop fucking LYING" 

I kicked him in the chest making him fall on his back and roll over clutching his chest.

"Get up"

"Please I don't want to " he got up pleading but I replied with another punch to the face shattering his nose. I punched him again but he blocked his face this time. Making me furious so I punched him in the abdomen. He  hunched over my fist coughing out blood.

I kept punching him not caring how weak he was or the fact he was close to falling over.  I threw another punch to his face. Making contact with his head and he fell over. His breathe siezed and he wasn't breathing.

"Get Up. You like fighting people. You like bullying people. Let me see you bully me"

No Please, Please. I can't go through this dream anymore. Wake up please get up. Punch me, fight back, do something.

He wasn't moving. Why wasn't he moving? I did so much damage

"You've killed me. You have finally succeeded in killing me" 

I could heart it his voice. It was loud and clear void of any emotions. So cold.

"Are you happy now?"

Am not. Am sorry am so sorry


I jumped up to find myself in my room on my bed. Lolo laying next to me now up. My face was drenched with sweat and tears.


Since the time we found out the truth. The whole truth. I've been wallowing in guilt. There was nothing that could bring me out of this aura of sadness and regret surrounding me. Except Elijah's forgiveness.

I just wanted to see my little bro and hug him. I heard he was in coma because of Rocky fucking Rocky. 

He got away with it because of Rihanna. He couldn't even blame Rih for it cause he was just like her. He also covered for the others when they attacked Elijah,

Attacked him for nothing. Now he was in coma and he was afraid that he might lose his brother before he even got to apologize. 

He was willing to do anything, anything to get his brother back. He was going to be there for him. Especially now that his adopted father was dead.

"Babe I know it's hard, but please you need to sleep. If not for yourself. For Elijah. He won't like to see you like this, please" She begged.

I looked at her and couldn't stop the tears from flowing. "I nearly killed him. He's is in Coma and I don't know if he will be okay"

"He will be fine. He's strong. Am sure he will get out of it" She assured grabbing the side of my head and placing it on her chest.

All I could do was cry on her chest till I fell asleep.

A/N: What do you think did I write this Odell regret part well all could I have done better?

Now You All Want Me (Trials of Life): Regret: No Name To Superstar rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now