Chapter 4

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After the brutal attack which Elijah was brutally stabbed and beaten to near death. In which he had to go through surgery just to survive. 

Elijah woke up after two days in Coma and instead of being allowed to rest in the medical bay in prison. He was taken to his prison cell which was still stained a little with his blood.

He sat on his bed his eyes slowly losing it's light. He's been like this for  four days now and has only eaten once within those three days. He hadn't been given food and he couldn't go to the cafeteria to get food. 

He also got beaten again a day before opening some of his wounds. Right now he was weak mentally and physically.

All he could do was just sit there and think about his life and hope that a miracle would happen. This was how Officer Greyson met him.

"Well would you look at that." 

"I don't believe it. Your really alive and you seem to be doing good to well don't think your anything special. Your just a pathetic trash that nobody wants forget the fact that you were in the NBA or you dated Rihanna." Greyson said hoping to get a reaction out the kid. 

But he got nothing. It irked him and he gave the bastard a punch to the face. But to his surprise he didn't cry out or even make a sound. He didn't give any reaction just continued to look else where.

"Elijah Davis get up. " Another officer came and called for him entering into his already opened cell door. With a bit of struggle Elijah got off the ground and limped to where the other officer was ignoring Greyson.

Greyson glared at the back of the stupid kid for ignoring him. His lucky his big boss is here. Fucking rapist, monster. Rejected nobody. He hated the kid he came from average black family who had backgrounds of being Officers. 

He felt like the kid had things handed to him and didn't know how to use it well. It was a stupid excuse but it gave him a reason to hate the kid and take his anger out on him.  He promised to teach the kid a lesson when he gets back. 


"Your free to go. Your being released. Selina decided to take pity on you and dropped the charge. Don't know why, but you don't deserve it" He said as he led me to where I could change into my clothes and get my things.

I was dressed and got my things. You better not let me see you in here again or you gon have to deal with everyone in this prison." One of the officer warned. I gave a little nod and left. I noticed the money I had with me was gone. They took it all. He had no cash on him not even a dime. 

One Hour Later:

"What are you doing here you rapist?" I flinched at what my own mother said to me. "Mom you have to believe me am innocent. Am not a rapist" I was cut off with a slap from her.

"I don't why you can't be like your brother or your sister. You have always been a troublesome kid causing trouble and look were you are now. Now a rapist and a cheater. To think you had the mind to cheat on that kind hearted young woman like that. Look at yourself and look at her. She's a woman that every man and woman wants. Your a nobody that you have nothing to show forth. Your in the NBA but your team don't want you. She gave you a chance and what did you do" She said to me a belt in her hand.

"You go and cheat." She hit me with the belt in the face and I just stood there and took it. "As if cheating wasn't enough you decided to go and rape a female. An innocent female with a son who came to you for help" She hit me again with the belt and I just stood there and took it.

"That girl was to kind. After raping her she still dropped the case and forgave you. You don't deserve it."

"Mommy please. Am innocent please I have always been" I pleaded with her she hit me with the belt again.

"Don't call me mom. Your no son of mine. I feel disgusted that you came from my womb. If I can I would kill you but am not a murder" She said each words stabbing into me.

"I disown you Rocky is more of a better son than you" She said and I pleaded with her.

"Please believe me" I begged till I heard voices I knew to well. Her siblings and there children were here and I knew they were going to beat the shit out of me. I was about to turns around and leave but I was roughly grabbed by the back of my shirt.

"Come back here. Where do you think your going?" Irene said holding me in place and sneering at me. She was also a teacher in my high school that's how the kids got a way with bullying me and I ended up getting in trouble in school.

"Guys come oh. Come downstairs, guess who is here" She yelled out as her brother George descended on me and started to rain his fist on my face.

"You have a whole lot of nerves coming here" Beyonce said as she came down and saw me she  slapped me. "You wasting your energy" Jay Z said punching me into the stomach with full force. I hunched over a little but made no sounds,

"Ahh look at this one ohh. You want to form strong" Isaac one of my evil cousins said kicking me in my  chest. I felt a huge pain were he kicked me at, like my heart was beating faster than it was supposed to but I endured. 

I refused to cry. They won't see my tears. 

I saw Blue not to far from me and she pushed me unto the floor. My body was weak so of cause I fell. "I hate you and I never want to see you again you MONSTER" She yelled at me.

"No Blue please don't say that. Am not a monster" I pleaded with the little girl she scoffed and looked like she was about to hit me.

"Don't Blue. You've done well baby go upstairs and let the adults handle the rest" The mother said to her daughter.

I just knew I was in for another round of pain. 

A/N: Hey I will be posting his basketball stats in every chapter. Well no every chapter but at least every other chapter. It will be based on the NBA 2k22 or 21. I don't know but his basketball stats is based of NBA 2k.

Now You All Want Me (Trials of Life): Regret: No Name To Superstar rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now