Chapter 29

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Oprah: What were your thoughts when you were found to be innocent?

Me: When I found out I was innocent. My mind wasn't really there. So I really didn't feel anything at that moment. Looking back at it am relieved that the truth finally came out that I was innocent.

Oprah: You said you didn't feel anything at the moment. Why?

Me: I had just came out a coma and found out my dad was dead. So my mind was basically focused on that news and nothing else at that point.

Oprah: Am sorry to hear that

Me: It's alright.

I said my face going blank.

Oprah: We found out that day when you were accused to have raped Celina. You actually helped her out despite the fact that she was one of your old bullies in high school. Do you think that after the whole rape accusation you would still forgive her or help her if she came to you for help?

I frowned a little.

Me: No, not at all. I have nothing to do with her and I owe her nothing. So if she was to come to me for help. Am keeping my distance.

Oprah: Before we go into your childhood. I wanted to ask you this question. You know you and Rihanna broke up due to the whole cheating and rape scandal. What can you say about that? Did you feel like that whole situation ruined you guys relationship.

Me: It didn't ruin anything cause there was no relationship. Not like I could even call it that.   The only thing that rape and cheating accusation did was give her a reason to cheat on me and slap me.


The crowd gasped in surprise even Oprah.

Oprah: She slapped you

I nodded

 Oprah: Wow, before I continue with this questions. I would like to dive into your childhood a little bit. As a child you were abused. 

Oprah: At what age did the abuse start?

Me: 4

Oprah: 4

The crowd gave another gasp in shock. 

Oprah: How did this whole situation start. Some of the things that they did. What would make your mother blood relatives to do this to her own son

Me: It started when I was four. That was when my mother started leaving me at their house when she had to go out to work. First it started with using their hand to spank me on the butt or telling me to kneel down for an hour. When ever they saw me not kneeling straight with my hands raised in the air they would flog me with a cane and they made sure it hurt. Then they switched to full out slaps, punches and using my head to hit the wall

Me: When they felt like I was old enough they switched to punching, kicking, starving and locking me outside especially when it was raining.

They took their time using hot Iron to press against any part of my body. They joy in hearing me scream in pain. They would laugh and tell me to suck it up. They did it because they hated their little sister. Although she had the same mother as them, her father was different from theirs.  They never like her because people always told them that her future and destiny was bigger and brighter than theirs.

Oprah looked like she was about to cry I don't know why. 

Oprah: Wow that's a very sad story. To think you started going through this at the age of 4.

Oprah: How did you go through all that and still be such a kind person?

Me: Because it was who I was I didn't want that to change. 

Oprah: You know it's crazy. You just gave the watered down version compared to the videos and pictures that many has seen and the confession that was given. It still sound so painful hearing about it again.

I just nodded I didn't really feel like going into details. The memories were to painful. I just wanted to keep them away although I still have nightmares when ever I go to sleep. But still it's happened. Talking about it not going to change that. 

Neither is it going to give me my childhood back or stop the sleeplessness nights. I was ready to go.

Oprah: Thank you for coming Elijah. Your a really good kid it's a shame we all realized that at a later time.

I just nodded getting up. I saw her reaching her hand for a hand shake and brought my hand forward only to be pulled in for hug by Oprah who rubbed my back. 

That was how the whole interview went.

A/N: Sorry for not updating earlier. I have been so busy. With test and homework's. Plus I had went to visit my dad grave a few days ago. So ever since then I wasn't in the writing spirit.

Now You All Want Me (Trials of Life): Regret: No Name To Superstar rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now