Chapter 38

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I can't believe I am really doing this. But I promised Blue I will be here. "Bro don't worry we right with you" Eric said placing his hand on my shoulder.

See here's what happen Bey is hosting a family event at her house and invited me I rejected her offer but she had to ask me in front of Blue. Who had found away to get me to say yes. When she started pouting and crying begging me to come I ended up saying yes and promising her.

Now am not the type of nigga to break a promise so here I am.

Now am not the type of nigga to break a promise so here I am

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I knocked on the door lightly hearing no response. Okay I knocked nobody answered I tried time to turn back.

I turned around about to walk away when Devin held me back and Eric knocked again. "Eli bro come on. Your already here don't turn back now" He held me back.

I heard the door open and felt someone jump on my back "ELIJAH your here. You came" Blue squealed as I turned around picking her up.

"Yes am here. I promised remember " I said to the six years old who nodded her head frantically making me give a low chuckle.

"Hey welcome please come in" Beyoncé said with a smile to my friends and I. They thanked her before entering into the house.

She then turns to me her smile widening making me cautious even more "Hey Elijah" 

"Hello Mrs. Knowles " I replied. She sighed and motioned for me to come in which I did. "Look mom Elijah came he's really here. I told you he was going to keep his promise" Blue said gushing to her mother who laughed at her daughters excitement "that you did".

She led us further into the house with Blue literally dragging me. I could already hear peoples voices and music playing in the background. As soon we got to were they were it got quite as they all now stared at me with open mouths.

I just kept the same blank look on my face not bothered. "ElI-Elijah " A voice gasped out amongst the crowd.

"Come I will show you all the new paintings I did" Blue said dragging me along with her to God knows where.

We went to one of the living room that had few people in it and I saw a bunch of children painting and drawings on the table.

We took a sit on the floor and she immediately started showing me all her drawings and paintings while explaining to me what each of them represent.

"And this is me, you and momma" She said surprising me as she had a bright smile on her face.

I didn't know how to reply so I  decided to take her mind from the situation and grab a pencil and paper. "Your drawings are beautiful Blue" I said to her making her smile widen "but look" 

I started to draw her and she sat there leaning her head on me as she stared at the drawing I was doing. I made sure to add extra details like a flower crown on her head making her smile. I shaded it to make it look more realistic.

"Here done!" I said handing the finished drawing to her which she happily took. "It looks cool. Do you think I would be able to do this someday?" She asked looking at me holding the drawing close to her like it was something important.

" Am sure you will" I assured her making her smile again.

"E Elijah Elijah your oh my god" A voice said in front of me making me look up to see my crying ex mother.

"I hope I wasn't disturbing you by talking to loud Mrs. Davis?" I asked just staring at her blankly. "No. I just wanted to see how you were doing?" She said with a worried smile.

This caught me by surprise and I could tell she realized it. As a frown formed on her face when she realized why I was looking at her surprise. The last time we met I was disowned and she never bothered to ask me how I was doing before she disowned me. Why now?

"Am fine thank you" was my short reply as I rose from the couch about to walk away. "Elijah wait please." She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"How may I help you Ma'm?" I asked her stopping and side eying the hand on my shoulder. "Am sorry. Am so sorry. I know I have wronged you for so long. I was never a mother to you I left you alone to bear the hatred of my siblings. You took the pain that was meant for me. I am so sorry" She said as tears started to stream out of her face.

"Can you please leave me alone. I don't want any problems am only here because I promised Blue I did nothing wrong" I said taking a few step away from her.

"No, no, no you did nothing wrong. Am sorry am so sorry. I was a horrible mother to you I should have been there. You were my youngest I  should have taking care of you the most but I left you to survive. You been alone your whole life despite me, Odell and Kendra still being alive. You have had to carry a cross that is to big for anyone to carry all by yourself without any help. Am sorry. I know it's going to take me years to earn your forgiveness and prove to you that I am really sorry. But I will do whatever it takes. Even if it means that I go to jail for given those detectives free rains to torture you for something you ended up not doing" I went to speak.

"I know I don't deserve it and your probably at age where you don't need a mother. But am willing to try am willing to do anything to get my baby boy back and earn his forgiveness. I know your grandma is disappointed in me. I was stupid for taking their side over yours knowing they hated me as a child. I was stupid for thinking they really changed. Am sorry for disowning you when you came to me in hope that I would show you the love you needed to hold unto that little bit of light you had but all I did was help make it worse and help break your will to live and be happy. Am sorry"

I looked into her eyes with one eye. She was serious. Alright then. I won't forgive fully. I want to see if she will keep to her words. It's not just by mouth. It's easy to say it but can she keep to her words.

I turned my head to her fully "let me think about it

A/N: Another chapter

Your thoughts on this chapter. Did Elijah make the right move?

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