Chapter 22

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"Look who is here" I said staring out the window. I saw Melissa so called boyfriend Devin step out the car.

I walked to the door and opened it before he could knock. "What you doing here Devin?" I glared at him.

"I want to see Melissa"  He replied

Oh now he wants to see her after making my bestfriend cry. "Why? You've been ignoring her calls for a week now, even blocked her. What changed?"

"I just want to talk to her an apologize it was wrong of me" He said in a pleading tone I gave one last glare before letting him in.

He walked in. I led him to where Mel was and the moment he saw her he called her name.

"Devin what are you doing here?" She asked

"I came to see you to apologize for the way I acted towards you ever since the Lakers game" He said.

"Why?" She asked

"I was scared okay. What my big brother said got to me.  Finding out the way you and your friend treated Elijah because he was quiet and shy and kind and loyal and respectful along with being humble. Am not shy or quiet like he is but I am loyal and also a nerd like he is. I also consider myself a kind person. I was scared you would take my loyalty for granted and use that as  a reason to do close to the same things you did to him to me." At this both mines and Melissa's eyes widened.

We weren't that type of people at least not anymore. Am different now, changed and I have let my lessons. I might still talk shit and catch attitude but I will never treat anyone the way I treated Elijah. He wasn't deserving of what we did to him , he never was. They were horrible people out there that are deserving of punishments but never went through half the punishment we put Elijah through.

I miss him I miss him so much. As memories flooded my brains of how good he was to me and my family even when we treated him badly. I was hit with a full wave of regret and realization due to those memories.

Elijah was one of the most innocent person I have ever met. He was loyal to the core and was filled with love even though he wasn't shown love by anyone. He never fought back when he was beaten or attacked and even after then he would give a small forgiving smile. I used to find his smile annoying.

But when I saw again. I just wished I could see that smile on his face again. That smile that always made me feel a little guilty for the things I did to him. At the time I saw him as a pretender who faked being kind while giving trouble in school and to Aunt's sibling kids.

I now know he was innocent. When I saw his face blank, void of emotions towards me and others. It made me realize I took part in ruining the innocence of a pure hearted boy. I look at pictures of him now and I was surprised how I never noticed how beautiful he was.  Maybe it was because when I was dating him I was to busy being a bitch to him to realized how handsome he was.

How I wish I could rewind back time. If I knew I was going to end up regretting it. If only I knew that my heart would start to open up to him. I won't have treated him that way. But the damage was already done.

I know I was stupid before but months of thinking about all the times he was kind to me which was everyday. How I cheated on him several time and he still forgave me and then finding out he took five bullet's for me. Listening to the song he had made for me almost everyday I had slowly fell in love with Elijah, no point in hiding it.

"Wait Elijah is here" Melissa yelled out shock. That was enough to quickly snap me out my thoughts.

"Yeah I was about to drop him off at his hotel when he suggested I come apologize to you and set things straight with you." Devin responded. I just realized that Melissa was now sitting on his lap.

"He did" Melissa and I said at the same time.

"Yeah I don't want to keep him sitting in the car for a long time. So I have to go and drop him off at his hotel" He replied tapping Mel for her to get up, which she did.

"So I have to go" He kissed her on the lips " I will call you when I get home"

"Let me walk you the door" Mel offered following behind her man. My mind was still on the fact that Elijah was outside in the car and I had no idea. As the couple said there goodbye to each other kissing and all. 

Looking at the front of the car I took notice of Elijah. He was looking down, but I knew he wasn't sleeping as both his eyes were open.

Devin got inside the car and started the engine. My eyes were focused on Elijah even as the car backed out my driveway and unto the street. 

"We really need to talk to Elijah"

"Rob" Mel said when she didn't hear my reply.

"I miss him" I admitted.

I guess his adopted father was right about Karma coming to bite me in the ass. Back then it was a joke now his words were becoming true. Literally hunting me. I threw away his love and now I was slowly in need of it.

A/N: I know it's been long since I updated. But what do you think about this chapter.

What are your thoughts on Rihanna regretting her actions towards Elijah?

Do you think it's to early for her to start missing him and falling in love with him?

Was Elijah right for advising Devin to go back to Melissa since Melissa truly loved him, despite all Melissa and Rihanna did to him?

Now You All Want Me (Trials of Life): Regret: No Name To Superstar rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now