Chapter 24

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"Nah them nigga's ain't know what hit them" Dillion said we walked out the locker room getting ready to go to our hotel.

"Man yah went crazy on them and it's good we got the win first game were playing against them" I said before I heard my name called by the team media persona.

"Elijah your needed in the media room for interviews" She told me. "Oh alright" I followed her to the media room where a bunch of sport reporters were waiting to ask questions.

"Hey everyone" I said as soon as I walked into the room and took a sir. " I heard several "Hey's" and camera's clicking.

I pointed at white man sitting in front of me. "Great game today Elijah" He started off.

"Thank you" I replied

"Your first game against the Lakers you got injured. Three Days later and you helped your team get the win against Warriors without taking a single jump shot. Weren't you a little worried that it would affect your game play" He asked.

"Yeah. I was worried a little bit. But I knew I just had  to compromise in other to push my arm further until it fully heals. All I just had to do was use what giving to me to take it to the basket or pass to my teammates" I responded

I pointed to the next one.

"Elijah you were on fire tonight, despite not taking any jump shot. But what really got people talking is that full court pass you made to Jaren Jackson. It was a risky pass,  your the first person to ever throw a pass like but it landed perfectly in his hands. I want to know what were your thoughts when you made that pass?"

"Like you said it was a risky pass, but I saw my teammate open and I knew had to take the opportunity and I had to trust my teammate. I knew I could make that pass but a little part of me was still worried that it would end up a turn over but thankfully it didn't" I replied.

I answered all the question asked. "Well I guess that's all questions thank you for your time Elijah" 

"No problem" I got up and walked out. One more game to go then I will be out of LA till we have to play against a team from here again.

I got in the elevator about to press the first floor before a hand stopped the elevator from moving.

The person came in with people and I immediately looked away not wanting to be around them now.

I tried to get out but they were blocking my view and the elevator closed and started to move. I sighed and went back to the corner of the elevator, hoping they would leave me alone but my hope was short lived "Elijah" The voice said

I tuned the voice out, waiting patiently for the elevator to get to my destination. I felt a hand roughly grab me and I immediately punched the person in the face, knocking the person to the ground. 

"Don't touch me" I told the bleeding body guard calmly. I could feel eyes on me, sensing the aura I knew they were shocked but I didn't care I left as soon as the elevator door open. Arriving at the garage I headed for my rental car.

I could hear my name being called and footsteps following me. "Elijah wait please!"


We saw Elijah getting into the elevator so we quickly got in before it closed. He tried to get out the elevator but Kelly, Michelle, myself and one of my bodyguards blocked him.

He was so cold, he felt as if he had just disregarded our presence. "Elijah" I called out, no response.

"Elijah"  I called out, again no response. He didn't even move. Just stayed in the same place looking at the small screen inside the elevator.

Then out of no where my bodyguard roughly grabbed Elijah by his shoulder literally squeezing his shoulder. We were caught by surprise when Elijah punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground with a thud.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw the damage Elijah did with one punch. Knocking down someone way bigger than him. I looked at the body guards face and he looked to be in a haze, his nose broken and heavily bleeding.

Anger overcame at the foolishness he just showed. I was about to yell at him for grabbing Elijah like that only to realize that Elijah just got out the elevator. I quickly got out my two best friend's behind me.

"Elijah wait please" I said trying to catch up to him . I finally caught up to him a he go to what I assume was his car.

I gently grabbed his arms. "Elijah please I just want to talk " I said to him softly. Something told me that there was still a part in Elijah that would never hit a woman no matter what.

He turned his head to look at me. He was so beautiful, how come I never noticed it?  

His green greyish eyes darkened as he looked at me. He held an emotionless look on his face, his eyes no longer had that bright light in them, it was dull and cold.

"How may I help you Mrs. Carter?" He asked, based on the way his body was I could tell he was tensed.

I flinched at the tone of his voice "Elijah please am in need of your help. I know I don't deserve it but please Blue has refused to talk to me, come out her room or even eat. Please help me" I told him.

"But am not a therapist I never studied therapy. This is something that needs therapy and besides her both your self, your husband" I flinched at that

"And even your daughter herself told me to stay away from her. So this matter does not concern me in any way. Excuse me!" He got his arm out of my hold and got in his car, driving off.

I stood there frozen having no idea how to respond. He was so cold towards me, like he didn't care.

"He really changed" Kelly whispered behind me shocked. A part of me wanted to cry, but a part of me was determined to get him to help me with Blue. Even if I have to end up bringing her to him.

A/N: Another Update and sorry for taking so long.

But Rihanna just release a song after 6 years. She finally decided to stop being wicked. Making fans wait six years. I hope an album is next.

But anyway, your thoughts on Beyoncé wanting Elijah to come see Blue?

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