Chapter 31

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A/N: This is part of last chapter.


"No um I would like to see the luxurious car session and I can afford it don't worry" I spoke calmly knowing he was just trying to downplay me.

 Probably saw or heard about me once or twice and had already created an image of me in his head the moment he saw me. 

He was a bald headed white man. I swear it was always the bald head ones who mostly had problems with me without even knowing me.

He let out a huge laugh "listen kid. I know who you are and I know you don't have the money to afford our luxury vehicles so man up and accept your reality" 

He thought he did something.

"It's funny you tell me to man up when you the mentality of a 8 years old." I said making his smile drop. 

"I could less what you know about me or what your close minded mentality thinks of me. Your a worker. Your job is to take customers and show them cars. Letting them pick for their selves. Not to give me a life story you know nothing about." I said looking at him I could tell he was steaming.

"Now accept your reality and show me the luxurious session or simply dismiss yourself and let someone do the job for you and show me the cars I want to see. "  I finished

"Paul what are you doing? Mr Davis here is allowed to pick any car he wants as long as he can afford it and your job is not to tell him what he can or can not afford. Your job is to let him check out a car of his choice and let him decide if he can afford it or not" A man said making his presence known.

"Mr Williams I was just"

"Save it Paul. The boss will hear about this. Please Mr Davis and friends please follow me. Am the manager here. Am so sorry about one of our workers disrespect" Mr Williams said cutting the rude worker off.

"No problem" I replied 

"Well Okay Eli you handled that shit like a pro" Eric said sounding shocked. As we followed the guy, while Devin was on his phone talking to someone.

I could already see lot's of Luxury cars here line up from Lambo's, to Ferrari's, to Roll's Royce's and even McLaren. I plan on getting cars for myself along with Eric and Devin.

"Which one do you guys like?" I asked them.

"What?" Eric asked.

"Which one's do ya'll like?" I asked again "you know just to get your opinion"

"Shit I think this baby look fire" Eric said pointing towards a blue Lamborghini Urus. 

"That's what you like?" I asked. He nodded staring at me confused. I gave a little nod and looked towards his younger brother  "what about you Devin? What you like?" 

"I like the Lamborghini Aventedor. Why did you ask?" 

"I will like to get those two cars. It's for them. Also ."

"Wait what...." 

They cut me off "you're getting this cars for us. What? Why?" Devin said surprised.

"Because you two came through for me. When I really had no one other than my old man to depend on. No one wanted to be my lawyer. No one wanted to be my agent/manager either. But you two. You didn't let my situation stop you for helping out so this is my way of saying thank you" I explained 

 You didn't let my situation stop you for helping out so this is my way of saying thank you" I explained 

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Both brothers were frozen in shock. "As for me I want  that red ferrari spider, that Rolls Royce Cullinan and that G- Wagon" I told the dealership manager.

 "As for me I want  that red ferrari spider, that Rolls Royce Cullinan and that G- Wagon" I told the dealership manager

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Today I felt like just splurging on myself a little. I love cars, so why not. As long as I use and spend my money wisely. Which I believe I have been doing and keep playing great on the court am good.

Why shopping for myself. Why not also get something for Eric and Devin too. They have been nothing but kind to me so far and am grateful.

 Time to drive one of this bad boys home.


"Wait, Wait" 

I placed my hand in between the closing elevator doors stopping them from closing. The person got into the elevator revealing a woman. Seeing this I instantly faced forwards making sure to not look at her directly. Even when she spoke to me.

"Thank you" 

 "Your welcome" I replied. I looked at her for a few seconds before facing my front

She brought her hand forward for a hand shake "Am Alana".  I stared at her hand and replied "Am..."

She cut me off  from what I was about to say. "Elijah Davis Memphis Grizzlies uprising super star. I know who you are"

"Ohh" Was my short reply

The elevator arrived at my floor and I got out walking to my apartment door. "Goodnight"

I unlocked the door and got in closing right behind me and locking the door. I turned on the lights, walking further into the living room still surprised that I now owned this big luxurious apartment, three expensive cars and millions in my account. I really came a long way. That's for sure.

I walked to my bedroom and took all my clothes off before getting in the shower. Once done. I got in bed a small pineapple bowl by my bed side, the TV now on and showing One Punch Man. 

I laid in bed watching anime till 2 am then I fell asleep.

A/N: Hey guys. Update is going to be slow this is my exam week and I have other projects to do. So I will be really busy this week.

By The Way

Do you guys think Elijah was right to buy Devin and Eric those cars?

Now You All Want Me (Trials of Life): Regret: No Name To Superstar rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now