Chapter 23

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 "Ernie Johnson here and today the Memphis Grizzlies are facing the  Golden State Warriors right here in the Golden State arena. Kevin with the Memphis being away from home crowd. Do you thinks it's going to affect the way they play against the warriors tonight"

"We don't for sure. This is the first time this season that Memphis Grizzlies face the Warriors. So at this point anything could happen, but I do believe Warriors could walk away with the win. They have more advantage than Grizzlies and am not just talking about them having the home crowd" Kevin Harlan replied

"We'll just have to see Kevin. Ernie Johnson here with ESPN in Oracle Arena" He finished off as the camera switched to the game, where both teams starters could be seen getting ready for tip off.

As the game went the game started a blonde haired woman was making her way to the game with the intention of seeing rising Memphis superstar point guard.

"Bey Robyn said when she tried to talk to Elijah he completely ignored her, like she wasn't there" Michelle said to her bestfriend. 

"I know but I have to try. Blue hasn't been the same since the whole news got revealed. She locks herself up in her room. She refuse to eat sometimes I have to force her. She won't talk to me or Jay although he doesn't care. Son of a bitch. All she does is stay in her room and cry about how she pushed Elijah away. I need him to help Blue"

I should have never, never ever turned Blue against Elijah. It's all my fault she was like this. I never even spoke to him personally to see how he was doing. I judged him based on things I heard and he's been nothing but kind and caring to me. He was father to Blue when her father was to busy sticking his dick elsewhere.

Kelly, Chelle and Solange being close to me made it easier for me to go the game so am not alone.  The moment we got down we were surrounded by paparazzi.

:Beyoncé over here

:Are you here to watch the game

They kept flashing the camera's in front of my face asking me question. The surrounded me and the girls making it impossible to get into the arena. Julius and my other bodyguards had to make them back up. Giving us passage way.

As this was going on. Draymond Greened was talking shit after dunking on Jaren Jackson. Elijah got the inbound pass. Looking all the way to the other end he saw a open Jaren Jackson close to the basket.

Not wanting to stress his arms further, he curled the ball as if he was bowling and threw a full court under harm pass.

The whole crowd even the Warriors player where in awe at how beautiful the pass was as it landed precisely in Jaren's hand. He bounced the ball once the launches into the air slamming the ball into the net. Getting me my third assist in the game.

"ELIJAH FIND'S JAREN. WELCOME BACK ELI" The commentator yelled as every was taken by surprise from that pass even Curry had to nod his head to that pass.

"Woah what a pass from Davis to Jackson. So beautiful" Mike Been said

"And you could even see Curry give a nod to that pass. No doubt one of the most beautiful pass in NBA's history and the crowd agrees" 

"Yo that pass crazy dawg. Am surprise at how perfectly it got into my hand for me to dunk it" Jaren said pumped as him and Elijah slapped hands.

"Am surprise I even through that type of pass. But glad you caught it man" Elijah replied as him and the other four walked to the other side of the court getting ready for defense.

Curry brought the ball upfront and Elijah go in front of him defending him. Elijah knew his defense not only had to be tough but he also has to be focused, because Curry was tricky and cunning. One wrong move on his part and Curry will be able to take a shot.

Curry tried to do a spin move to get passed him but ended up bumping into him, making him back up. Curry did a step back and a behind the back, before driving to the paint. He went for a layup but I was just in time to block it. 

Elijah was inbounded the ball, bringing it up the court he did a quick crossover, dashing for the paint he swinged the ball left, and right before laying the ball in doing a euro step layup.

Elijah got in position to stop Draymond from dunking the ball but ended up getting dunked on. "You can't stop me little bitch" Draymond said getting in Elijah's face. Elijah gave him a completely blank face making him frown and walk away.

"Robyn wasn't joking when she said Elijah doesn't show emotions like before. His face just blank. Even with Draymond shouting all in his face" Kelly said.

"Bey " Michelle said worried. I looked at her and gave her a small smile. I was worried. He really wasn't the same smiling, sweet, innocent Elijah anymore. His smile was no longer there. 

And I was part of the reason why. As the second quarter went on with Elijah increasing his team league without taking a shot. I remembered the last time I had set my eyes on Elijah before today. It was at aunt Janet's house. The day she disowned him.

When Irene's bitch ass had called us downstairs. He had looked so broken and I took part in doing more damage. It wasn't my first time slapping him or putting my hands on him but it was definitely my last.

He was so quiet and stiff even when we beat him till Blue came and said those words to him. I would never forget the way he broke down and begged Blue not to say those words to him.

We really broke him and I would do anything, anything to get that smile back on his face. 

"And Elijah with a one hand flush" The commentators voice boomed through the arena bringing me out my thoughts. 

"Timeout Warrior" The referee announced as Warriors Steve Kerr called. He was worried. He wasn't expecting things to come to this. Elijah Davis was giving them problems without taking a single jump shot.

"Good job out there team. Keep it up. We only got five minutes on the clock and we're up by 10 points.  We have to try and increase the league and prevent Warriors from scoring to much, give them any chance and they could come back. Elijah keep playing hardcore defense on Curry. Dillion guard Klay. Jaren, Adams and Brandon guard the paint." Coach Jenkins told his teammate.

"We all do our parts and trust me. We're gonna walk out with the win" The Memphis coach finished.



The buzzer sounded signifying the end of the game as Memphis won it. Elijah being the lead scorer for the team.

Having a 32 points, 5 assist, 4 rebounds and 2 steal game. All this without taking a single jump shot.

A/N: There another chapter rushed the game. But it's been so long since I wrote a basketball game in a book so I kind off lost touch with the description.

But what are your thoughts on this chapter?

Why do you think Bey decided to go to the game to see Elijah?

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