Chapter 21

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"Elijah look your a good kid. You've always been a good kid. Never gave any trouble and have always been forgiving" The principal of Sierra Canyon said as he tried to plead with the young man standing before him.

Elijah was called into the government building in California. Getting there he just happened to be stuck in the elevator with the Sierra Canyon principal and Vice principal. He saw them as soon as he entered the building.

They tried calling him and ignore them. Seeing him get in an elevator they quickly rushed into that elevator much to the NBA player annoyance. Thankfully he had his lawyer with him.

"We could just put this behind us" Vice principal said frowning noticing Elijah was ignoring them with airpods in his ears.

The elevator arrived at the floor Elijah and Eric were supposed to be and Sierra Canyon principal goes to stop it from opening so Elijah won't walk out.

The vice principal and principal were slowing losing patience. Yeah they did some bad things to him. But he should be man enough to let shit go.

"I will advise you to leave my clients alone or I would have no choice but to sue you and your school for harassments and trying to force my client into getting the police to drop the case of your past abuse towards him" Eric spoke looking at the principal.

"We just want to talk to him privately but your client is being stubborn." Vice Principal sad.

"If your hoping by getting me alone you could threaten me into doing your bidden your mistaken. If you attack me am in full right to fight back." Elijah replied making the two frown.

Look's like the kid grew some balls and forgot his place. "Listen here you weak bitch" The white egoistical principal of Sierra Canyon said yanking him back roughly.

"Get your hands of him Darius" One of the government officials in the building said. "Haven't you done enough to this young man now your trying to force him to prevent you from getting what you deserve." 

"What no. I was just..."

"No need to lie. It's all caught on camera and it will be another evidence used against you and your staff members" 

At this the now known Darius wasted no time letting the kid go. "I told you to leave my client alone but no you don't listen. Man move" Eric pushed them out the way as him and Elijah walked out.

They wanted to ask some question concerning his several attacks and bullying at Sierra Canyon. That way they could have the entire staff taking to court and locked in jail with their license revoked. Elijah told them the information they needed. Some he wasn't ready to talk about.

But the information he gave them were enough to use in court.


"Well your arm seems to have healed. But I would advise you not to stress it out to much." The team doctor said as he finished checking me.

"So he's good to play." he assure the Memphis coach. Currently Elijah was at team practice preparing for the game the have in two days. Thankfully he was giving the clear so he can play. But was just told not to stress his now healed arm.

This was good news for him. He really wanted to play. "Alright Elijah. You go practice with the guys"

"What would you like to work on Elijah" One of the trainers asked

"My layups" Elijah simply said

"Alright" The trainer put's him through all sorts of finishing play. "Now we are going to be working on your shooting from top of the key.

Elijah  got in position and started to take shots from top of the key. To him that was as important as three pointers and dunking. Although his hands felt a little weak but he never let it show.

Two hour later practice was over. Elijah stayed over an extra thirty minutes to get some more shots in. He would have stayed more. But he was advised not to stress himself.

He got out of the building and got in the car that was waiting for him. "What's good man?" Devin said as soon as he saw his friend and client get into the car.

They did their little bro handshake. "Am good man. How about you?" Elijah replied asking one of the two people he could consider his friends.

"Am good man" Elijah took notice of his face. He could see the sadness in his eyes, along with the look of uncertainty.

"If you love her. You should be with her don't let me be the reason why you two are not together." 

Devin looked at Elijah shocked "what?" 

"You and your brother Eric have shown me kindness. It would be unfair of me to make you feel like you can't be with the woman you love just because of a past situation"

"If you truly have something for Melissa then go be with her. Don't describe her based on what she did to me. She doesn't know any better. She seems to love you. Follow your heart and if you see any red flags then you can pull out of the relationship" Elijah advice him.

Eric told him what he had said to Devin about Melissa and how Devin has kept his distance from her.  Seeing how sad he has been since Elijah told Eric that he should let Devin be unhappy to make him happy. Eric felt bad but was worried for his younger brothers safety and Elijah.

"Their house is not to far from hear. You can go visit her. I will wait in the car while you talk to your girlfriend inside" 

He looks at me concern written all over his face. "Are you sure"

Elijah nodded giving a small smile. "But she and her bestfriend treated you so bad" He said, Elijah shook his head not bothered.

"I know. But you love Melissa and your not me. I guess you could say I was destined to not be loved by anyone" Elijah told his friend.

At this word Devin felt bad. No one should ever feel like they don't deserve to be loved. Little did Elijah know he was so wrong.

A/N: Finally another chapter!

I know you don't agree of me putting Elijah back with Rihanna. But this what I wanted. She, Nicki and Beyonce work hard to get his forgiveness, trust and love. They ain't getting it easily.

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