Chapter 18

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"Can I ask you something now?" Steve says

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"Can I ask you something now?" Steve says.

"Yeah, anything man" 

"How did you and Clint meet? What's your story?" He asked.

I chuckles and leans back in myseat.

"Well, it's pretty basic. We met in a coffee shop. I dumped into him and we briefly talked. After that, we started showing up at the same time every day. One thing lead to another and I asked to buy him his coffee. We kept meeting up and started opening up to each other. I told him about Riley my first partner and my days in the military. Once he could trust me, he told me about working with S.H.I.E.L.D. He even cracked a joke saying that I was the falcon to is Hawk. It was the lamest joke I ever heard but it me fall for him. We talked about his fears of us starting a relationship because of how demanding the job can be. Plus he has his enemies and he didn't/still doesn't want them coming after me. I completely understood where he was coming from. Sadly we stopped talking for a month and it was heart breaking. I missed him even though it was simple coffee dates. I tried busying myself with the VA so I wouldn't think about him all the time but I still did.  After work one day I went to the coffee shop to get some coffee and I saw him with a girl and it crushed me. I didn't even get coffee, I just turned around and walked out. Three days later, Clint showed up at my house. Apparently he used S.H.I.E.L.D's data base to find where I lived. When I opened the door and saw him, he pushed me against the closest wall and kissed me. I instantly melted into him. Sparks were going crazy between us. After we pulled apart and calmed down, he explained to me that the girl was his sister Laura and they usually get together once a month to catch up. I was jealous over nothing. Kinda similar to you. Anyways, we talked about how miserable we both were not seeing each other and since then we've been inseparable. He is the love of my life and I will forever be grateful for him. We got married 3 years ago. My sister and family came up to his sister's farm and we had a small ceremony in the open meadow surrounded by flowers. We tried to get through the ceremony before it started raining,  but it started down pouring. We didn't care. We loved it and now whenever it rains, it reminds us of that special day and how lucky we are to have each other." I finish with a smile remember everything.

"Wow, that is really adorable. I am happy for you two. Does he know you are with me?" He asked.

"Yeah, he was there when I got to call from Fury. Told me to be safe. No one on the team knows we are married though. They just think we are best friends. We didn't want to hear shit from Tony and well, when Nat found out he was gay, she didn't take it well but got over it. She tries setting him up on dates and shit but he never goes through with it." I say.

"Can I confess something?" Steve say looking conflicted.

"Yeah" I reply.

"I think Nat might be Queen Hydra" he says.

"Honestly that doesn't surprise me. Especially after talking with Wanda and Pietro but we don't have hard evidence yet. But do you really think she'd go back to the people who tortured her?" I say running a hand over my face.

"Well, Fury and I have talked and I've asked him but he never gave me a solid answer. He's been trying to find hard evidence to find out who it is. That is why he turned everything off in here that could track us because if hydra gets Bucky, I don't know if we will ever find him again. But I would burn this world down to find him." He confesses.

"You plan on marrying him?" I asked.

He smiles and looks up at me. "We already have"

"What?! When?" I asked excitingly.

"Remember the mission getting the twins. Well him and I had gotten into a fight right before that mission. I will spare you the details, but the vision Wanda showed me was the fight but in real life after he fell off the train essentially blaming me for what happened. That morning at like 3:30 I think, we couldn't sleep so he opened up to me and we talked for a while. Next thing I know, we are jumping on my motor cycle headed to a 24/7 wedding chapel, got married, used each others dog tags as our rings, then got matching tattoos on our sides. Since then the love between us has been magical. Constantly stealing kisses from each other, cuddling, dancing in the kitchen while cooking or living room, having to simply be touching each other in some way. When he regresses it's even better. He loves when I hold him around my waist and I slow dance with him snuggled into me. His giggle when I place small kisses all over his face and tickle him. We will draw together, watch cartoons, and simply hold onto each other. He has worked through a lot of his trauma since he has started regressing more, and even outside of head space. He talks about it with me because he knows I will never look at him differently. That is why I have to keep fighting for him, because he deserves to move on from what happened. I really hope where we are going can do that for him." He says.

"According to Fury they can. I just wish he told us where we are going. Then again I know why he didn't." I tell him.

"How far out are we?" He asked.

I got up and went over to the control panels.

"About 20 minutes, so I would go ahead and wake him up since we are close." I tell Steve.

Steve wakes him up and once Bucky is fully awake, they come up to where I am at. Not much longer we approach forest. I begin to freak out thinking we are going to crash. However, that is not the case.

We pass through a force field and end up in a hidden location. I see the landing section and gently land the jet.

I open the back and we make our way out.

"Hello Captain Rogers, Sergeant Barnes, and Mr. Wilson." A gentleman says.

"Hello sir. Uhh mind telling us where we are?" Steve asked.

"I am King T'Challa. Welcome to Wakanda."

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