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that's evelyn but as we like to call her, evie

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that's evelyn but as we like to call her, evie.evie  is our little fairy, with the swing of her hips she can make you do just about anything- plus she is my bestfriend in the full entire world. growing up we would spend every waking moment together and were attached at the hip. we spend our late nights messing around in her dads surf shop or making pancakes with her little brother mateo.
she is the most supportive person you will ever meet and loves sunflowers , she frequently likes to remind me that leonardo dicaprio is the love of her life. she might be a sarcastic twat-but she's evie.and everyone needs a evie in their life.
p.s jj one thousand percent has a thing for her, everyone can see it, apart from evie.


evelyn's eyes fluttered open as she felt the bed dip beside her. she turned her head, lifting it from her pillow and rubbed her eyes. her dog , socks was sat on the bed wagging his tail. the brunette smiled, before patting the golden retriever's head. she could hear people talking in the kitchen and rolled out of bed.

as she left her bedroom with socks by her side, simultaneously tying her hair up evie could make out the voices clearly.

" morning , sweetheart " ledger smiled to his daughter as she entered the kitchen. her hideous green fuzzy socks carried her over to her dad as he pulled her in for a side hug, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

" jesus , took you long enough " exclaimed jj, stuffing his mouth with scrambled eggs. evelyn pressed her lips into a thin line before flipping the boy off noticing her little brother on the sofa.

" and shes awake " spoke a voice from behind evie causing her to almost go into cardiac arrest.

" what the fuck fabio ? you scared the shit out of me " evie stated , pushing john b away with a huff. ledger exhaled at his daughter's foul language, mutturing something about being lady like under his breath.

" thank you " she mumbled, accepting the cup of coffee from was no secret evelyn wasn't a morning person.

" you know , you have a way of saying thank you that makes it sound like ' drop dead ' " jj commented , taking a drink from his orange juice causing the girl to playfully narrow her eyes in his direction.

" just you focus on chewing your food, big boy" evelyn stated , patting jj's shoulder as she stole some bacon off john b's plate causing him to pout like a little kid. if the pogues weren't at the chateau , they were at evelyn's. ledger loved having the pogues over as it was more people to cook for, and he loved cooking. so, it wasn't rare for evie to wake up and find the pogues in her house.

" the storm pushed all the drum into the marsh. it's god telling us to fish" john b explained , pointing a finger at evie who groaned, throwing her head back in annoyance.

" its too early " she whined.

" its 2pm " jj reminded causing evie to roll her eyes.

" whatever " she muttured, opening up a cupboard and taking out a packet of dog food, causing socks to wag his tail exitedly.

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