mrs crain, the shooter

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" oh be so safe, sarah cameron " evie mimicked john b, putting on a deep voice as the two walked up to the porch. sarah rolled her eyes playfully at evelyn, lightly bumping her shoulder. "why does he always call you by your full name anyways " evie asked, almost walking straight into a tree but thankfully the blonde pulled her out of the way.

" i don't know- and your one to talk with jj " sarah stated, raising her eyebrows watching as evie pressed her lips into a thin line. " oh my god, your blushing " she laughed, evelyn burying her head in her hands as she smiled.

" she must have a generator plugged into the main power supply " sarah changed the subject since they were nearing the house. evie nodded along, even though she didn't have a clue what sarah was on about. " shush" evie whisper yelled, staring up at sarah with wide eyes as the blonde stepped on a step which creaked particularly loud.

evie came up beside the blonde, who was looking at the power cables with her flashlight as evie opened up the circuit breaker." no,no,no,no " sarah pleaded, as evelyn looked up realising the cables go inside the house.

" we are so gonna die " evie muttured, slowly pulling open the gate to access the front door. " no that's not gonna happen because jj will murder me if something happens to you " sarah spoke, watching as the girl slowly opened the front door.

the door creaked as the two girls stepped inside, looking around the home with the flashlight. evelyn's heart was beating 100mph, and she quite literally jumped out of her skin when a cat yowled from beside her. " holy shit " she gasped, with her hand on her heart but continued walking nonetheless.

sarah used her flashlight to trace the cable which went along the ceiling which eventually led to the actual circuit breaker. sarah grinned widely as evie sighed in relief as she flipped the switch, turning off the power.

something began whirring, before a clock ticking filled the house, the two girls pressed up against a wall. evie and sarah shared a look, as they could hear someone wheezing as they thumped down the stairs " shit " evie breathed, as a pair of wrinkly feet came into view.

" it's-it's late leon " wheezed mrs crain, as sarah held her hand over evelyn's mouth. " too late" she began coughing, sounding like she smoked twelve packs a day. mrs crain walked past the two girls, who refused to breathe but evelyn was almost positive mrs crain would be able to hear her heartbeat. " i can hear you, leon"

" i've been waiting all night " she yelled, whipping around to face sarah and evie. sarah screamed, while evie pulled her behind her as she ran. " go, go ,go, go " repeated evelyn, not letting go of sarah. they ran through another door, but when she turned around sarah was gone.

" sarah! " she yelled, turning around in time to see mrs crain with a fire poker. " oh my god " evelyn yelled, spotting sarah waving her over as she sprinted to her. sarah was infront of a door that was nailed shut, attempting to pull the boards off as she kept glancing back with worry in her eyes.

mrs crain turned the corner, and launched at evelyn just missing her by an inch before sarah pulled evie away. " cmon, cmon this way! " sarah panicked, the two girls running through a doorway before they slammed it shut.

evie breathed a sigh of relief, her back leaning against the door before the fire poker broke through right beside her. evie pushed off the door, as sarah looked at the door wide eyed"fuck" she yelled, but had no choice but to keep running, grabbing onto evie's hand.

" this way,e. cmon it goes underneath the house " sarah instructed, moving evie infront of her as they began to run down the stairs. " guys! " sarah screams, now in the basement. jj's head whipped around as he saw evie, her hair dishevelled as she panted heavily. " what's going on? " jj questioned, holding onto the rope. " evie, breathe " spoke pope, noticing how the brunette was gasping for air.

" there is no time to breathe, pope. bitch tried to kill us with a firepoker! " evie yelled, as jj's eyes scanned over her body to make sure she was okay.

" okay, code red" he boomed, before leaning over the well. " let's go, john b! get back on, man " he yelled as sarah and evie took hold of the excess rope behind jj. " one, two, pull! " p, pope told as everyone began to pull, but suddenly they all went flying back as the rope lost it's weight.

evelyn winced as she landed on the floor, but scrambled to stand back up since john b was yelling something incoherent from the well." pull him back up, pull him back up" boomed jj, everyone grabbing hold of the rope again as they pulled john b up before a gunshot broke through the air causing everyone to drop to the ground, jj's body subconsciously went on top of evie, shielding her from the gunshots.

" shit"

"oh my god "
" get down "

" she can't aim for shit" sarah spoke, hiding behind a wall with kiara before she grabbed the girls arm running out of the basement without looking back. " evie, go ! " yelled jj, his jaw clenched as mrs crain began shooting aimlessly.

" i am not leaving john b " evie stated, scrambling to look down the well just intime to see john b's hand reach the top.

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