the pawn shop

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evie was a fairly smart person. she passed most of her classes, and never got into too much trouble but lying on the bed inside the château the brunette never felt stupider.  after evie and jj were done their activites, jj got up slipped on his t-shirt and shorts and left wordlessly.

she nodded her head, scoffing slightly as she cursed to herself. she was naïve to think jj wanted her for more than just sex, and she felt like a even bigger idiot for giving into him in the first place.

" eves, what are you doing ? " questioned sarah, swinging the bedroom door open to see the girl sat on the edge of the bed looking at the wall infront of her. " nothing, i'm coming " she muttured, picking up a long sleeve, oversized t-shirt to throw over her bikini top.

sarah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, wondering why the girl was acting so strange since they had just found the gold. " are you okay? " asked sarah, noticing the girl looked like she was about to burst into tears. sarah glanced behind her, before closing over the door as she sat beside evie.

" what happened? " she asked softly, having a inkling it was to do with jj. the boy had been acting like an irritable prick all morning, getting annoyed at the slightest thing. " nothing, i'm fine " she dismissed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

" don't lie to me, evie " sarah stated, knowing full well the girl was talking shit. " is it jj? " sarah questioned, watching as the girl pressed her lips into a thin line at the mention of the blonde.

" what did he do ? " prodded sarah, watching evie playing with the bracelet around her wrist. "i had sex with jj " evie murmured, as sarah gasped slapping her hand over her mouth. " what" she beckoned, her blue eyes wide but shook her head with a confused look on her face.

" wait-why are you so sad? i mean was he bad or something? " sarah asked, cocking her head to the side.  " no, he just got up and left straight after " evie mumbled, causing sarah's face to fall. anger bubbled inside sarah's stomach, but she didn't go out and scream at the blonde for evie's sake.

" oh, evie " sighed sarah. " god, i feel like such an idiot " evie groaned in frustration, flopping back onto the bed. sarah didn't hesitate in climbing up beside the girl and lying on her side to face evie. " eves, he's the idiot- i mean, i can go kick him in the balls right now" sarah offered, her nostrils flared in annoyance. 

" i don't know- i just thought he was different. guess not " evie shrugged, but sarah could tell it was bothering her more than she was letting on. the blonde opened her arms, allowing evie to crash into them without a second thought.

it didn't make sense in sarah's head. jj looked at evie like she hung up the stars in the night sky, why would he do that to her ? especially when he knew about her past with bryce- it just didn't make sense. there must have been a reason.


 " hell of a job melting it down, frankenstein " announced jj, swinging open the twinkie door as they pulled up to the pawn shop. evie wordlessly opened the passenger door, stepping out of the van since when sarah asked the pogues who were the best liars, all heads turned towards evie and jj, who hadn't spoken a word toe  eachother the entire car ride.

" like you could've done any better " kiara narrowed her eyes in his direction. " i could have done much better- i took a welding class " jj informed, holding the gold between his fingertips. john b came up to stand beside evie, who had one leg crossed in front of the other as she looked down at the ground. she had been silent the full car ride, and even sat in the passenger seat even though she was usually in the back with jj. 

" you good, e ? " asked john b, bumping shoulders with the girl who snapped out of her trance. " yeah " she breathed, smiling reassuringly-but john b could see right through it.  " yo, chill out! " he stated, in an attempt to stop jj and kiara's bickering. 

" easy for you to say, your not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off " jj whisper yelled, holding  up the piece of gold which now looked like a dodgy pancake.  jj swung open the pawn shop door, using his finger tips to hold it open for evie who mumbled a ' thank you'

" afternoon, ma'am " jj grinned, coming up to the counter while evie looked around. "afternoon " the women grumbled, averting her eyes from some paperwork to jj. " i see you buy gold  " jj spoke, leaning his hands against the counter as evie came up beside him. 

" that's what the sign says, don't it? " the women deadpanned, looking unimpressed. " well i sure hope you buy a lot of it, because am about to blow your mind " jj told the women, swinging his backpack down as he dug through it. " i ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it " the women sighed, as evie shot jj a sceptical look. 

" how about them gold apples?"

" that ain't real " the women chuckled. her hand on her hip as she glanced down at the gold. " it can't be"

" feel how heavy it is " nodded jj, dropping the bar into the women's frail hands as he glanced to evie, who was looking down at her converse. " spray-painted tungsten " the women announced, shining a flashlight onto the bar. 

" ma'am, he doesn't even know what tungsten is " evie spoke up for the first time, spinning the ring around her finger. " that's right, i don't " confirmed jj. 

" why don't you, uh, see how soft it is? " the women picked up a chisel and a hammer, before hitting the block. " wow, would you look at that " hummed jj. 

" hold your horses, we ain't got to the acid test yet "

"ooh, the acid test. my favourite"

" well it ain't plated, and it ain't painted " the women's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as she pushed her glasses up her face. " ma'am , i'm telling ya, this is as real as the day is long " jj spoke, evie looking up at him at the strange expression. 

" it look's like somebody tried to melt it down "

" my mom " evie mumbled, looking up as jj breathed in sharply at the mention of the girls mother. " she had all this jewellery laying around the house, and she thought it was best to melt it down " evie sighed, exhaling deeply to try and make the story seem believable 

" seven pounds, thats a lot of earrings"

" okay, to be honest ma'am, it just been really hard to see my mom fall apart with alzheimer's" evie lied, jj eyeing her since evie never willingly spoke about her mum. "look, me and my girl are just trying to get some dough so we can be on the first plane outta here " jj told the women, wrapping his arm around evie's waist for affect. 

" mhm " evie hummed, shifting under jj's grip since she wanted nothing more than to just walk away from the blonde. " give me a minute " the women huffed, grimacing at the two teenagers. as soon as the women, went into the back, evie pried jj's hand from her waist and stepped away from him. 

jj looked up, his eyebrows drawn together as guilt filled his chest as he saw how upset the girl seemed. evie was never this quiet. that's how he knew he genuinely fucked up." so, i uh talked to my boss and uh this what i can do " spoke the women, putting a check down infront off j causing the girl to walk back over to glance at it. 

" fifty thousand, you think i walked in here not knowing the spot price? ma'am i know for a fact this is worth 140, at least "

" well, sweetie. you in a pawnshop. this aint zurich. do i look swiss to you? "

" ninety, or i walk "

" seventy. half price and um i don't ask questions about where you got this"

" i'm gonna need that in large denominations, please" jj agreed. " well, here's the snag. i don't have that much denominated, not here anyway i can write you a cashiers check " the women offered, side eyed evelyn who was looking around the shop. 

" cash.. no, ma'am. i want the cold hard. that's what the sign says. cash for gold. and that's what i expect " jj spoke, pointing to the large sign above the doorway. 

" you're gonna get done in for false advertising " evie muttured, looking up at the women who rolled her eyes. " well i have to send you to the ware house, i have the money there. is that all right? "

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