two cannot keep a secret ( well sarah can't)

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" no effing way ! " screeched kiara. " you brought her here? so what? she's in on this now " kiara yelled, pacing the chateau patio as she eyed sarah who just looked annoyed. evie was sat beside jj, her head resting on his shoulder as the arm around her waist pulled her closer.

john b just turned to look at evie, who shrugged her shoulders. " what-why, no. don't look at me " she dismissed.

" you always have an opinion on everything, so what you don't now? " john b began to argue with the girl, but immediately felt bad since he knew she had been so supportive of everything.

" fuck you, john b " evie rolled her eyes. " look, all i care about is her cut comes out of your share " jj chimed in, watching as evie's leg bounced up and down freakishly fast. evie was shitting herself since number one, kiara and sarah weren't a god mix and two her secret was bound to come out. " you know, i don't remember taking a vote. this is our thing, a pogue thing " kiara yelled.

" you know as far as we're are all concerned kiara, you are a kook. you live on figure eight. you don't get to pick and choose when you are a pogue when it conveniences you " evie spat, sick and tired of kiara's bullshit. " what is it with you and defending her, evie! " kiara screamed, while sarah's smiled at evie gratefully.

" none of your fucking business " evie replied, calmly. sure she was being harsh on kiara, maybe even going to far but kiara was just getting on every single one of evie's nerves.

" i gotta say , i'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this " piped pope.

" when are you not " john b questioned, causing jj's head to shoot up ,evie playing with the rings on his fingers to distract herself.

" i don't know, i drove here with evie pretty comfortably " pope explained, using hand motions to explain himself. " it's true. most relaxed i have ever seen him is doing karaoke with evie in her car " jj assured, causing the girl to look u at him through her eyelashes and smile lightly.

" that's cute, guys " john b murmured, feeling slightly betrayed by the girl who was sitting silently. " you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her here" kiara continued, death glaring john b. " who's we? " evie asked, with an irritated look on her face.

" stop talking about me like i'm not here! " sarah finally snapped. evie had to give it to her, she had some amount of self control. " then leave! "

" oh my god " evie yelled, standing up from  her spot to get the two to stop. " john b, i love you but you seriosuly cannot tell me you are choosing a girl over your best friends " evie questioned, causing sarah to scoff.

" have you told them, evie? " sarah asked, cocking her head to the side with a knowing smile. " told us what ? " john b asked, very confused.

" sarah, don't " evie warned, but it didn't stop the blonde. " did she tell you guys, about bryce? " sarah questioned, looking at each one of the pogues causing evie's breathing to speed up. she pulled jj's hoodie sleeves over her fingertips to cover up her hands that were trembling, but it was to late. he already saw.

" sarah, please " evie begged. " you promised you wouldn't " evie yelled over sarah's voice, who was asking the pogues if she had told them.

" told us what " kiara screeched, " tell them about bryce, evie. tell them what he done " sarah boomed. she could see it was destroying evie, but as horrible as it was she had to tell them. sarah was scared the girl would explode if she kept it a secret any longer.

" you promised " evie's voice rose. " you can't keep it a secret any longer, look what it's doing to you " sarah continued now in concern for the girl, while evie repeated the same words over and over pleading with sarah not to tell them. "If you won't , i will " sarah chastised.

" what is she talking about , evie? " jj asked, taking a grip of evie's arm gently forcing her to face him. evie opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, her heart was thundering in her chest as jj took her shaking hands in his own. " evie, what is it? " john b questioned, pushing off from where he was resting against the wall.

" i'm sorry- i can't " she breathed, pulling away from jj as she began walking out from the patio. " bryce raped her " sarah dropped the bomb, causing evie to stop in her tracks. she turned around, and all she could see was jj's eyes boring into hers. his lips were slightly parted in shock, as his chest rose and fall faster than usual.

" evie, is that true? " kiara asked, her own eyes flooding with tears. she felt horrible, she had been saying all this stuff not knowing what the girl was struggling with.

" fuck you sarah " evie sobbed, before quickly walking away never stopping even when john b's voice called out to her.  " what the hell, sarah " jj yelled, before storming down the patio steps after the girl.

" john b " whispered sarah, looking at john b who's head was in his hands. " how did you know " he mumbled. pope was hugging kiara who was crying due to the guilt she felt as sarah began standing up from her spot. " i found her after "

" evie! " yelled jj, nearly catching up to the girl. the sky thundered with rain, threatening to fall as he reached out for her, spinning her around to face him. his eyes scanned her face, his heart beating so fast he thought it was going to burst out of his chest just as evie tore away from him.

" go away, please. j, i'm begging you " she breathed as jj began to follow after her causing him to stop in his tracks.
A/N - omg this lowkey sucks.

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