full kook

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* light smut warning, suggestive content*not too much though, don't get yourself to exited u horny fuckers.

" evie, jj! " yelled sarah, leaning out of the doors of the twinkie as the two sprinted forward, the girls hand holding jj's. they ran into the van, exhaling loudly before john b came down from the wall." john b, hurry the fuck up! " yelled evie, since mrs crain was still shooting at them. 

john b threw himself into the moving van, as pope's head whipped around from the drivers seat. " oh my god " 

" pope,drive " instructed kiara, hitting the back of the drivers seat with the palm of her hand. " are you okay, you shot? " questioned jj, looking at john b who quite frankly looked and smelled like he was covered in dogshit.  " i'd think i'd know if i was shot right? " questioned evie, touching herself, before jj's eyes scanned down her body in worry. 

" god, you smell like ass " cringed kie, bringing her hand to her nose. " all time pogue hall of fame, baby " jj cheered, high fiving evie who had a wide smile on her features as she gasped for breath.  " she needs to go see a fucking exorcist! " stated evie, using her hands to push the strands of hair that fell from her ponytail out of her face. 

" that bitch can't aim " added on sarah. wiping the sweat from her forehead, but evie's eyes were trained on  the shiny thing between john b's fingertips. 

" you didn't " she questioned, her jaw dropped causing everyone's attention to turn to john b. " we did it baby! " he yelled, hitting the roof of the twinkie as everyone began freaking out and cheering.  without thinking, jj turned to evie and pressed his lips against hers causing the girls eyes to widen. 

" i'm sorry-i-wasn't " he began to ramble, dropping his hands from the side of her face as the pogues were too caught up in cheering to notice. " it's fine, j " smiled evie, reaching down and taking his hand in her own watching as a lopsided grin overcame his features. 

" holy shit! holy shit ! " kiara screamed, throwing her head back just as sarah reached over and high fived evelyn. " guys, we are gonna be rich " reminded evelyn, her face beginning to hurt by how much she was smiling. 

" full kook, full kook, full kook " they began chanting. 


" i can't believe he did it " smiled evie, as she leaned against the door frame to john b's bedroom with jj by her side. " woogity, woogity baby " jj grinned, watching as evie closed over his door. the two tip toed past pope and kiara, who were sleeping in the living room before they came into the spare bedroom. 

" god, i need a shower " stated evelyn, letting her hair down as she looked through her pile of clothes on the floor. jj flopped down on the bed, running his hand down his face with a wide smile, still in disbelief that they actually found the gold. 

evie made her way to the ensuite bathroom, putting her clothes down on the counter before she closed the door, unknowingly leaving it slightly opened. jj watched as she took of her tank top, before moving her hair out the way as she unclipped her bra letting it fall to the floor. he cleared his throat, averting his eyes to any wear but the girl as she slipped off her shorts and stepped into the shower. 


" i am going to see mrs crain in my nightmares " mumbled evie, walking around the room as she picked up miscellaneous bits off clothes to throw in the hamper. jj sat on the edge of the bed, watching the girl take a draw off her juul before placing it between her boobs since she had a bad habit of losing them. 

a poor excuse for a tank top hugged her figure, while a pair of pajama bottoms clung to her waist, sliding down to reveal her lacy thong veer so slightly when she would bend over to pick something up.jj gulped as he looked down at his hands, before glancing back up at the girl who was now infront of him. " are you okay,j ? " asked evie, cocking her head to the side as jj put his hands on her waist. 

jj never had anyone looking out for him. i mean sure, he had the pogues but he never had anyone making sure he was okay, reminding him to take his vitamins or to drink water before, well until evie. and that scared him, because he didn't know how to care for someone. and he was terrified he would mess it up. 

" yeah " he breathed after a moment, the pad of his thumb rubbing circles into the girls hip before jj leaned down, and took a draw from the juul in-between her cleavage, without breaking eye contact with the girl. she placed her hands on the side of his face, directing it up towards her before leaning down and connecting their lips. 

they melted into the kiss as jj pulled her down into the lap, her hands playing with the hair at the nape of his neck as jj pulled her closer, causing her to grind on him. he let out a groan as she repeated the action, throwing her head back in pleasure. 

her delicate fingers aided in jj removing his t-shirt, as he flipped them around leaving evie down on the bed. he leaned down, pressing kisses to her neck and collarbone, before reaching the top of her boobs.

jj maybank never thought he would reach heaven. he was a mild kleptomaniac who couldn't keep his sexual innuendos to himself- which almost guaranteed him a space in hell he was sure. but right now, between evie's thighs as he marked hickeys into her boob he was sure he had reached heaven. 

her fingertips ran down his abs, before he moved his head up to connect their lips once again before he reluctantly pulled away so she could breathe. " we shouldn't " mumbled evie, breathing heavily as jj looked at her with those damn blue eyes, his forehead resting against hers. 

" no, we shouldn't " jj replied, but nonetheless continued to kiss along her shoulder. " oh, fuck it" evie spoke, pulling jj's head down to kiss him once again. and lets just say after that night, evie wasn't sure she would be able to walk. 

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