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" you gonna be okay? " asked kiara, as evie came into the kitchen looking for the first aid kit. the pogues stood outside for jj for however long he needed, before evie took his hand in her own and wordlessly led him into the bathroom so she could clean him up. 

" yeah " evie replied, reaching up to the shelf and pulling the kit down. she turned around pressing her lips into a line as she looked between pope and kie, before going back to the bathroom. 

the blonde was sat on the counter top, his head hung low in shame at how pope, kie and evie saw him like that.he felt horrible for earlier, so much that he jumped off the counter to throw up in the toilet. he couldn't believe he said that to evie, treated her like that, his evie because she was enough. she was more than enough. 

evie came back, setting the kit down beside the blonde before she tapped the side of his knee, gesturing for him to let her between them. which he did. when he felt her fingers on the side of his face he flinched. he had not been touch with such gentleness since his early childhood. he was no stranger to women and had felt their hands on all parts of his body; but her touch made him feel like he belonged some place.

 " oh,j . i'm so sorry " evie's voice was barely above a whisper as jj choked on a sob.he despised everything about this, he felt like throwing up whenever she apologised as if any of this was her fault, as if she was not the one single handedly making him feel better. 

" no, don't do that. don't apologise " he murmured, looking down at her as he placed his hands on her waist. he watched as she sucked in a breath, before nodding. 


" eves " jj mumbled as the girl delicately patted the cotton bud soaked in alchahol on the marks on his face. she hummed in reply, concentrated on not hurting the blonde.

" do you wanna talk about, the bryce thing " he asked softly, studying her reaction. she stopped what she was doing and pulled away slightly, but his hands resting on her waist didn't allow her to go very far.

" this is about you, not me " evie replied, turning around and throwing the bloody cotton buds in the bin. " evie, i care about you. a lot okay? so much that it freaks me out and this, this has an effect on you and i want to help. like you always help me " jj explained, while evie put antiseptic cream on his face.  she took a deep breath, still not meeting his eye.

" it was in march, before he went back to college for spring break. i went to a party on figure eight, i-i drank to much, or he slipped me something i don't know "  evie spoke playing with the rings on his finger.
" i don't really remember the rest, i can just remember him um " jj watched as her eyes flickered down, as she cleared her throat. he didn't need her to explain this part, he understood without her even having to say the words.

" um, sarah burst in with topper. she pulled him off and we " she stopped to take a breath, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. " we went back to tannyhill " she continued while jj listened intently.

" god, i showered for two hours that night trying to scrub off every single part of me he touched, then sarah came in and you should have seen the look on her face, i never want to see that look ever again. i was bleeding and sarah was freaking out "  jj watched her eyes began to water, but then the brunette would turn her head to look at the wall and blink them away before turning back to jj.

" i guess i never told anyone because a part of me felt like it was my fault. i don't know maybe, i provoked him, maybe i drank to much, maybe my skirt was to short ? i keep trying to think of excuses and god, i don't want to think anymore " evie muttured, her voice breaking towards the end.

jj immediately pulled her into his arms, holding her so tight he thought he might suffocate her. he could hear the sob amount from her lips no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
" evie, i swear it is not your fault " he mumbled, trying his hardest to convince the girl. evie  nodded her head as she pulled away, still infront of the blonde. 

he reached his thumb up to gently wipe the tears from her face, causing the girl to smile sadly. "i'm sorry for earlier, evie " he spoke, watching as evie drew in a sharp breath. " and- and for this morning aswell it's just, i don't know how to do this " he told her, causing the girls eyebrows to furrow in confusion. " do what? " she asked, her voice soft as she looked up at those damn blue eyes. 

" like someone " sure jj had his fair share of hump and dumps, but he never felt like this before.a smile came onto evie's lips at the words that came out of his mouth. " you like me? " evie asked, the edges of her lips upturned as jj all of a sudden got nervous.

 " course i do  " he mumbled shyly, casting his eyes down suddenly feeling embarrassed. what if evie didn't like him? what if he scared away? the questions ran through his mind, but he was pulled out of his thoughts as evie's finger gently pulled his chin up towards her. " i like you " she told him. 

" say it again " jj asked, needing to hear it again to know he wasn't imagining this. " i like you" evie repeated, knowing how much it meant to him to hear it. jj broke out in a wide grin, before he leaned down, and hooked his arm under evie's thigh pulling her onto his lap causing her to squeal, before he connected their lips. 

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