crains house

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" you guys forget your keys or something? " yelled pope, as the hms pogue approached. the three girls sat at the bow of heyward's boat, there legs dangling down into the marsh as the sun shone down.

" you need a tow? " teased john b. " don't give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked " kiara spoke, looking at evie and sarah. " duh " evie murmured,standing up and crossing her arms over her chest. sarah glanced up at evelyn, slightly intimidated by the shorter girl.

" you gotta admit, it was kinda funny " laughed john b, his smile faltering as he saw the look evelyn gave him. " mastermind, huh ? " asked kiara, squinting her eyes from the sun as john b replied saying he was always planning.

" some patriarcal bullshit " stated evie, looking down on the pogues befoe spinning on her heel and going to the opposite side of the boat. jj gulped, pressing his lips into a line as he looked down at his feet.

the three boys all shared a look, immediately doing a game of rock paper scissors to see who would go and get the girl since they were all genuinely scared that evie would bite there heads off. "sorry, pope " shrugged john b, kissing his teeth as jj raised his hands up innocently. pope shrugged his shoulders, before climbing on to the boat, not minding speaking to the girl.

" hey,e " spoke pope, coming to sit down by the girl. evie looked up at pope, with an unreadable expression before looking back out at the water. " i'm sorry- i tried to talk them out of it " he immediately apologised, fiddling with his fingers before the girl burst out laughing.

pope looked up, seriosuly confused as the girl put her han dover her mouth. " i'm joking, pope. i'm not pissed " evie laughed, causing pope to let out a sigh of relief before he beagn laughing along, since the brunette's laugh was so contagious.

" got me a little scared there " admitted pope, before standing up and reaching a hand out to evie. evie simply smiled, taking his hand and standig up before pressing a kiss to his cheek. " i'm not mad at you " she reassured, walking to the bow leaving pope with a light pink tinting his cheeks.

" e, you good? " asked john b, with a sheepish smile as he held out his hand for her. " i'm fine, but i'm going to strangle you in your sleep " she smiled sweetly, stepping onto the hms pogue. 

" charming " 


" okay, we got rope? " asked john b, glancing back at the pogues in his rear view mirror. sarah sat beside him, looking out the window the two ocasionally sharing a smile. " grappling hook? " asked johnb causing evie to laugh.

" no grappling hook, we're not batman " laughed evie, her knees bumping against jj who sat with his head propped against the bac kf his wtinkie, staring up at the roof. " althought that would be awesome " she trailed off, kiara humming in agreement.

" pulley? "

" check "

" dark clothes? "

"about that " evie spoke up sheepishly, glancing down at her bright red tank top and shorts watching as sarah groaned throwing her head back dramatically. " evie" john b whined.

" okay just because we are braking into some old shanks house does not mean i need to look like a hobo doing it " she stated, shifting in her seat as pope rolled his eyes in amusement.

" flashlights "

" yep "

" we're good "

" let's go get rich guys " sang jj, swinging the twinkie door open and jumping out, the rope wrapped around his arm and shoulder. 

" wait, wait. wait " john b spoke, causing evie to stop mid getting-out-of-the-twinkie as she spun around to face the brunette. " i wanna say thank you guys, seriosuly " john b spoke" means a lot to me that your here " john b smiled at how evie winked at him. 

" always " kiara replied, furrowing her eyebrows at how far apart jj and evie were standing,  the two usually being all up close and personal " that's cute " stated evelyn. " okay are we done with the orgy? " evie questioned, causing john b to roll his eyes as kiara whined about evie ruining the moment.

" let's get that wheat in the water! " smirked pope, jumping out of the twinkie causing jj's ears to perk up. " weed? i'm up for weed " jj spun around, eyes lighten up . " what, i said wheat " confirmed pope, giving jj a look while he came up beside evelyn, standing beside her as the girl played with her ring. 

" ladies first " spoke jj, leaning his arm out as he gestured to the wall in front of him and evie. evie rolled her eyes before finding a foothold and began to climb over, giving jj a perfect view of her ass. " you old pervert " sang evie, now at the top of the wall as she looked at jj, who had a face like a kid caught inside a cookie jar. 

the rest of the group made there way over, before they began walking through crain's lawn. " shit!" gasped sarah, immeditaely ducking down as the front porch lights flickered on. the pogues followed suite, ducking down behind a bush as jj ushered them to hurry. " okay, so she has motion sensor lights " stated pope. 

" we could, uh.. move really slowly, maybe? " jj suggested, casuing a laugh to fall from eveie' slipsa as she rubbed his shouder. " oh, j. your not the sharpest tool in the box are you? " she asked, jutting out her bottom lip teasingly. 

" i may not be the sharpest but i definitely have the biggest-" jj began to retaliate, but was cut off by pope. " o-kay!" he cried. 

" let's throw a rock at it " evie whispered, having found a perfect rock on the ground as she kicked it with her converse clad feet. " see that- that's a good idea " john b backed her up, pointing his finger towards her while evie grinned at him. " what? " questioned pope, wondering why he was friends with these idiots. 

" thats a really good idea, let's let the axe murderer know we are here " kiara deadpanned. 

" oh please, she's what like ninety? she's barely kicking " evie spoke,  just giving up on the crouching and sat down on the ground causing jj to send her a look. " what? my legs hurt " 

" what about the breaker? in the circuit box on the porch? " asked sarah, causing the group to turn towards her. " we used to play hide and seek here as kids. and if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch i've seen it " sarah explained, evie internally thinking how truly physco kooks were. playing hide and seek on a axe murders lawn. 

" no,no. you're not going in that house alone " john b firmly stated. " i'll come " evie volunteered, causing jj's head to shoot up. " what-no. you are not going in there " jj whisper yelled, looking down at evie with a pleading look in his eyes. 

" watch me " evie shrugged, looking towards sarah who smiled. the two girls turned towards kiara, expecting the girl to come with. " nuh-uh. no chance " kiara stated. 

" suit yourself " mumbled evelyn, standing up from her spot on the ground and dusting off her shorts. " hey! be safe " john b told sarah, before glancing back at eveie. " don't do anything stupid" john b begged evie, causing the girl to put her hand on her heart in mock offense. 

evie turned to leave, but was stopped by jj's fingers wrapping around her wrist turning her around. he lookd up at her with a ' please don't go' look in his eyes, causing evie to sigh. 

" i'll be fine, j. promise " evie spoke, holding up her pinkie. jj knew how much pinkie promises ment to evie, so he reluctantly interlocked there pinkies. evie bent down, and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek causing the boys mouth to go dry as she walked away. 

" crain chops people to pieces! " jj reminded as the girls walked away, holding hands. " be careful" he whisperyelled. 

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