in sarah's corner

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" evie? " jj spoke, sliding open the doors to the twinkie to see the girl with her back against the other side, her knees were pulled up to her chest as her heels sat beside her and her phone was held up to her ear.  " yeah, dad i'm okay. i promise " evie hummed into the phone, while jj closed the door behind him and plopped himself down next to her. 

" he wants to talk to you " evie explained, holding out the phone to jj who nodded before pressing it to his ear. " hi, yeah she's okay- yeah we will come back tonight. okay, bye " jj said, before hanging up the phone and resting his head against the twinkie door. 

" god, kiara's so opinionated its frustrating " evie groaned, picking at the split ends in her hair while jj laughed. " says you, e. you have an opinion on everything " jj chuckled, the girl rolling her eyes knowing he was right. 

" do you know why they fell out? because kiara wasn't invited to her ninth grade birthday party " evie fumed. " i was- but that's not the point " evie added in, before stopping and giggling to herself. " god, that's funny but so not the point " evie chastised herself,  before going back on track. 

" like i get holding a grudge and all.. like i still haven't forgiven sienna munroe for cutting my hair in the fourth grade but she says all these horrible things about sarah when she is genuinely so sweet- and john b! oh my god he called me last night blushing and all sorts about the girl and now hes saying hes using her and im not going to stand here and let him talk about her like that. it's not right " evie ranted, talking extremely fast due to her frustration while jj's eyes widened at the amount of information being thrown at him. 

" you done? " jj questioned. evie nodded, blowing the air from her cheeks as she tied her hair up since it was getting seriously warm inside the twinkie.she didn't know if it was the sexual tension between her and jj or that she was so pissed off her blood felt like it was boiling.  " why do you defend her? " jj asked softly, not wanting to annoy the girl but just wanted a genuine answer. 

" i'm sorry- did you just not listen to all that? " evie questioned, dumbfounded why jj would ask that. she knew their was another reason, and she knew he knew but she wasn't just going to tell him. that would be one awkward conversation.  

" i did, but i know how much you love kie " jj continued, coking his head to the side as he studied her features. her nose was still red from earlier, her eyebrows furrowed and lips slightly parted as she thought. 

" sarah helped me " she spoke, deciding it was the right thing to say after a few seconds of deliberating. " she helped you? " jj repeated, very confused and even more confused when evie tore her gaze away form him. 

" i don't want to talk about it, okay? " evie huffed, just as john b,kiara and pope approached the twinkie. jj opened his mouth to say more, but was cut off when kiara and pope got into the two front seats in the twinkie, meanwhile john b slid into the back and sat across from evie. pope shot evie an apologetic look through the rear view mirror as she scoffed at kiara's immaturity. 


" yo-guys i think i'm going to do this one by myself " john b winced, as the twinkie sat parked outside the bell tower. evie looked at john b with a dead pan look, and nearly laughed at how obvious it was that he was macking her. 

" i just don't want to spook sarah with the peanut gallery " john b argued. " and the shrimp doesn't scare her? " evie teased, holding her fingers out a big size, before shrinking down to almost nothing with a suggestive smirk.  kie just gave evie a look, while the rest laughed apart form john b who was feigning hurt. 

" ouch, e " he whined, with a hand on his heart. " this isn't about you, this isn't about us. this about her " kiara huffed, steam practically coming out of her ear holes. " dude, she's gonna get inside your head " kiara tried to convince john b to not go. 

" kiara she's not a fucking magician "evie cut in, rolling her eyes at how dramatic she was being. " why are you being such a bitch, evie. pogues for life! " kiara retaliated, spinning around to face the girl as john b's eyes widened. " stop with the moral high ground, bullshit, kiara ! this has fuck all to do with the pogues and you know that " evie argued. "  cat fight "jj wolf whistled, holding out twenty dollars. 

" my moneys on evie " jj hummed, as pope put out another twenty. " kie " pope announced, as both boys eyes fell on john b while the two girls argued.  john b motioned towards evie, to which jj cheered. 

" why are you always on her side ? " kiara questioned, as john b just shut over the twinkie door and left, sick of the girls arguing. " because she's not the monster you are describing her to be! and deserves to have someone in her corner " evie explained. she felt like she owed sarah. like she would be forever in debt to the blonde after that night. 

" what the hell has happened to you, ever since may you have been acting weird " kiara yelled, causing evie to go silent. it happened in may. she squeezed her eyes shut, and let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding as pope's eyebrows furrowed. 

evie didn't say anything, and instead the van fell into silence. jj could tell whatever happened in may was serious, since they all noticed evie was different after that. he studied her expression, noticing her chest rise and fall faster than usual, as she put her hands under her thighs to hide the fact they were trembling just as a scream broke through the air. 

A/N - drama, drama , drama. if you guys can't tell what happened in may, bryce raped evie ( same asshole he was in thirteen reasons why ) and that's the secret she is keeping from the pogues. 

if you don't feel comfortable with the topic i suggest you stop reading, but i will put warning at the top of the chapter containing it 

honestly, this full story is just how i would be if i was in obx, i think kiara needs to get over the her and sarah thing- it wasn't that deep 

anyways, hope you have a good night sweets  <3-*

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