who shot the sherrif?

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evie could see john b was nervous. his hands were tucked into his sweatshirt, his eyes trained on the ground as he took slow breaths, but evie didn't blame him. the static crackled as evie let the door fall closed behind her, taking two quick steps so she could catch up to john b.

" uh, excuse me, mam " muttured john b, as the women was frantically hitting a button on her walkie talkie before she put her hand up. " this is not a good time, kid "

" i know who shot the sherrif " he admitted, finally meeting the women's eyes who was silent, a panicked look washing over her face. evie stood beside john b, anxiously biting her lip nodding when the women told the two to stay put.

" it's okay, john b " evie reassured, rubbing her hand up and down his arm as the women practically leapt from her desk. " i'll get a deputy"

suddenly, shoupes voice came over the intercom. " central, three vick. we have a suspect in our 31. john routledge " john b scoffed at this, his eyes quickly meeting evie's.

" sixteen year old, white male. six foot last seen wearing board shorts, a bad brains t-shirt and a faded red hoodie " shoupes voice stopped just as two deptuys came out the recording room. john b backed away slowly, as evie gulped glancing back at the door which was still slightly open.

" just... breath. all right? " plumb tried, telling john b to raise his hands. john b listened, his shaky hands going into the air as evie's heart thumped in her ears. " i didn't do it, i swear " he muttured, shaking his head frantically.

" dont move " another deptuy told him. " john b, run! " evie yelled, the boy immediately turning on his heel and sprinting out the door with evie not far behind him.

" shit, shit , shit " she chanted, almost tripping up over a rock.

" kie! start the car" john b boomed, sprinting towards the twinkie snapping kiara out of her trance. " what, john b? " she questioned, looking back in worry as she raised the clutch turning on the engine. john b managed to throw himself in, franticallty telling kiara to go.

" john b, where-where's evie? " asked jj, his eyes wide when he couldn't see the brunette. " i'm here, i'm here " yelled evie, rounding the back of the twinkie which began to pull away as jj lent his hand out. evie accepted it, jj begging to pull her in as a deputy attempted to pull her back by her waist.

" let go of me!" she demanded, kicking her leg back causing the deputy to fall flat on his ass as jj pulled her into the twinkie and kiara sped away. evie ended up on top of jj, immeditaely climbing off of him to lean her back against the twinkie door.

" what the hell happened? " questioned pope in a panic , kiara looking like she could burst into tears at any given moment. " their- rafe. their blaming john b for peterkin " evie panted, clutching onto her chest from her near death experience.


" good news for residents of outerbanks . dominion power says their underwater transmittion line " the radio blared on, awaking evie from her sleep. she blinked a couple of times to see she was laying on kiara's lap, who was looking out the window.

she sat up from her spot just in time to see the cop car drive by at full speed, with it's siren blaring. the group was silent. jj flicking his lighter while pope, kie and john b seemed to be lost in thought. the twinkie was hidden under an old shelter in the further side of the cut in hopes that the police wouldn't find them.

" and still, no arrest in the shooting of sherrif susan peterkin. the state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest,  a juvenile from- " kiara immeditaely leapt forward, cutting off the radio. " let's game this out, maybe you guys can help. being the smart ones and all... but who are the cops going to believe " jj asked, leaning back against the back of the passenger seat beside evie.

" so the accuser is a bigshot developer. kind of lord of the island got the governer on speed dial kind of person and the accused is john b.  who is... pretty much a homeless 16 year old boy at the moment " jj spoke, causing evie to roll her eyes as she pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knee.

" thanks " john b mumbled, knowing the circumstances weren't great. " okay man, yucatan. what other option do you have? " jj asked.

" enough with the mexico bullshit, jj " evie snapped, rubbing her hand down her face. she expected jj to talk stopping, but no. he continued.

" what other option does he have? " jj questioned, turning to evie with a blank look who opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by john b.

" chill, guys. we don't need you to fighting on top of everything. sarah will bail me out " john b rolled his eyes as he spoke. evie and jj argued more than anyone he knew.

" she did witness the whole thing " chipped in kiara. " and she's going to snitch on her brother" asked pope, looking back at john b as jj lit up a joint.

" we've gotta get you off the island " jj hummed, causing evie's head to snap to him. " what " she questioned, her eyebrows drawn together. john b could see how panicked evie had gotten from just those words, so he spoke up. " it will be okay, jj. just stop " he quickly lowered his voice. " your freaking evie out "


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