crackhead wasteland

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" welcome to crackhead wasteland " mumbled sarah, as they pulled up outside barry's trailer. "i don't know about this, man " pope's eyebrows drew together in worry as jj jumped out the twinkie. evie didn't think twice before going out after him, since this was a huge mistake. 

" this'll only take a second " jj announced, turning around to see evie. " evie, get back in" he demanded, his voice firm as the girl crossed her arms over her chest. " no " she simply answered, causing jj's jaw to clench because he knew there was no way in stopping the girl since evie was stubborn as hell.  

" jj, what are you doing? " evie asked, following after him as she looked back at john b who was also getting out of the twinkie. " oh what so your speaking to me now? " he asked, spinning on his heel to face her. " your kidding, right? " evie scoffed, he left her. she didn't fuck off the minute after they fucked.

" where you going? " questioned john b, as jj looked down to evie's converse before back to john b." yo soy justica " jj answered, walking into the trailer and beginning to pull down containers, pouring out the continents" i know you got a stash here somewhere "

evie stood at the door, her hands trembling as she looked around. john b noticed, and sent her a reassuring look. " yeah,so what's your plan, slick? " john b questioned. 

" well, as thou hath stealeth from us, we shall stealeth from ye " jj recited, picking  up the couch cushions  to check for anything" yeah,that kinda got lost in translation " john b stated, looking at jj. " an eyes for an eye, john b "

" thats great, jj. but what happens after you rob a drug dealer, huh? " john b pressed, standing infront of the blonde in an attempt stop him, face to face. evie was really freaking out now, wringing her hands together as she looked back at the pogues for some grounding. 

" i'm not scared of this guy " jj scoffed, pushing john b out the way to continue looking. " jj- stop it " john b demanded, following jj into the bedroom as he began pulling stuff out the closet. 

" there we go "" he grinned, pulling down a duffel bag as he threw it on the bed. he poured out the content's. " i'm getting even! "jj yelled. 

" all right, took care of business " jj spoke, coming out of the bedroom with the duffel bag over his shoulders. he didn't even spare evie a second glance. 

" hey, if you keep going don this road your gonna end up just like your dad " john b whispered lowly, his hands gripping jj's shirt as evie's eyes widened. 

jj immediately shoved him back, causing him to tumble into evie who managed to catch herself before she fell. " you watch your mouth, man " jj  spat, pointing his finger in john b's direction. 

" aren't you tired of being messed with? " jj asked, but this time evie spoke up. " that's not the point, jj " she pleaded, her eyes full of worry, the blonde ignored her an d instead came out of the trailer to where everyone else was now standing. 

" all right, so we're looking at four grand each for reparations for putting us through that bullshit " jj spoke, holding the cash up as if it was some prize causing bile to rise in evie's throat. sarah's eyes softened when she saw the girl, her eyes red as she attempted to hide her trembling hands. 

evie opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. instead, a wave of panic spread throughout her body causing an intense feeling of suffocation. her mid raced as she realised how serious the situation was. 

" we are sick of your shit "

" oh, my shit? " jj let out a humourless laugh before shaking his head. kie's eyes darted towards evie before she took a step towards jj. " you're pulling guns on people shit"

evie could tell they were all waiting for evie to jump in, because if there was anyone who could convince jj it was evie but her feet were glued to the floor and her throat tight with the words she so desperately wanted to say. instead, her gaze locked on the grey duffel bag set at his feet, filled with cash. cash that he stole from a drug dealer who had his gun to evie's chest an hour ago. 

anxiety coursed through her veins, her stomach swaying with nausea. she wrung her hands together to try to create some type of grounding. " e, you need to tell him, tell him this is not what we are doing " pope stepped infront of evie, putting his hand onto her shoulders. 

jj's gaze was burning a whole right through her head and it took every thing inside her to meet his stare head on. 

evie understood him. everything he's ever done, as reckless as it was, there was always a reason. that was something his friends never understood about him, they just played it off as jj being jj. this money, as stupid as it was, he needed could help him gain every bit of freedom he needed to get away from his dad. 

luke was cruel and uncaring. continuously spitting venom at him, reminding of how disappointing and useless jj was. so, evie understood, she would have taken the money too, but not from someone who would come after them. 

jj said nothing as his eyes raked over every inch of evie's face, completely closing himself off. the choking panic evie felt earlier came back ten fold. " J" she reached out to touch his arm, the bracelets she gave him mockingly dangling from his wrist as he jerked away from her. 

" don't"

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