dark and twisty

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" that was the best 100 bucks i've ever made ! " cheered jj ecstatic as he ran down the docks, a huge grin on his face. pope was stood on the boat, with his back towards jj, the baseball cap sat firmly on his head in attempt to hide the marks left by rafe cameron. but was pope couldn't figure out was, why did bryce walker have such a big impact on evie?

" where's evie? " jj asked, stopping in his tracks after noticing the lack of petite brunettes presence. " bryce walker is back on the island " pope spoke in a monotone voice, keeping his eyes on the water.

"o-kay " jj replied, still confused on evie's whereabouts as he noticed the gash on the side of pope's face. pope winced as jj ripped off the cap, and stared at him. " what happened ? " jj questioned, his jaw clenched.

" jesus pope " he nearly yelled, noticing the bruising forming around the cut already.

" what about evie, she okay ? " jj questioned, worry growing inside him for the girl once he saw pope's state. " rafe, topper and bryce jumped me " pope huffed. " they said no pogues on their side of the island " pope finished, swallowing before looking over at jj who hesitated as he glance back at pope, concern lacing his features.

" evie's fine. she had a panic attack after bryce showed, but they didn't hit her " pope explained, knowing that was what jj wanted to hear. jj released a breath he didn't know he was holding, his adams apple bobbing in his throat as he looked around with his jaw clenched firmly.


" evie! " called out ledger, noticing his daughter quickly enter the home and make a dash for her bedroom. he shouted on her once more, but frowned when he got no reply. he put down the knife he was using to cut some strawberries, a best dad ever apron sat on top of his clothes as he followed his daughter into her room.

" where is it? " evie panicked as she stood inside her bathroom looking through the medicine cabinet, her breathing rapid. the pill bottles were now scattered across the counter, some landing on the floor as evie searched frantically.

" whats going on, eves ? " ledger questioned, reaching out for evie as he watched her bring her hands to her eyes and let out a frustrated groan.

" evelyn, breathe " he instructed, and finally realised what she was looking for. he looked down at her, instructing her to sit on the closed toilet seat as he opened up a drawer and took out the bottle of xanax.

" i'll go get you water " ledger spoke softly, as the girl unscrewed the pill bottle and poured two of the pills onto the palm of her hand.

" here " ledger sighed, handing her the glass as she placed the pills on her tongue, before tilting the glass of water back into her mouth. " thank you " she whispered, setting the glass down on the counter as she brought her knees to her chest, resting her cheek on her knee.

" what happened " ledger asked, rubbing her hands softly causing the girls eyes to pool with tears. " i'd rather not talk about it " she murmured, while ledger nodded, not wanting to pressure the girl into speaking.

" go lie down " he instructed.


evie was pulled out of her dreamless slumber as she heard her bedroom door close over. she turned around, noticing jj's figure pacing her room. she rubbed her eyes, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her finger as she looked at the blonde.

" hello " she spoke, although it sounded more like a question as she watched the boy with his hands on the back of his neck. " i done something stupid " he replied firmly, sitting down next to her in bed causing the girl to sit up.

" like convinced john b to mack kiara stupid or sunk a boat stupid ? " evie questioned and her face fell as she saw the look jj gave her. evie seemed to have a talent at getting people to tell her the truth, she had this look in her eyes that just made you want to confess all your deepest and darkest sins.

" you sunk a boat? " she whisper yelled in disbelief. " it was topper's, they hit pope e. they made you go all dark and twisty " jj cried, casing evelyn to raise a eyebrow at him.

" i do not go all dark and twisty " evelyn denied, crossing her arms over her chest.

" you have slept for 16 hours straight, haven't left your bed or spoken to anyone. i call that dark and twisty " jj beckoned, watching as the girl flopped back down on the bed without a reply. he sighed, before lying down on his back and looking over at the girl who was staring up at the ceiling.

" come here " he muttured, moving the girls arm gently to pull her into his chest, an arm wrapped loosely around her waist. " what happened ? " he asked softly, looking down at her while she played with the rings on his fingers,

" i don't want to talk about it " evie mumbled, listening to the rhythmic sounding of jj's heartbeat. " okay " jj replied. which caused evie to look up at him in disbelief, expecting him to annoy her until she spilled the beans. his eyes flickered down to her lips for a split second, but it was enough time for evie to notice.

his hand reached up to push some hair from her face, before his thumb rubbed across her chin before he connected their lips. evie pulled away after a moment, her hand still on the nape of his neck as jj had a huge grin plastered on his face which caused evie to laugh before leaning back in.

AUTHORS NOTE - it's short i know. im off school after wednesday so expect lots of new chapters !

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