pullin' a houdini

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" john b pullin' a houdini " jj stated, placing the empty bottle of beer on the edge of the hot tub where him and evie resided, the latter still in her work uniform as her feet dangled into the water below. pope and kiara were testing the winch out infront of them, but the two were too caught up in eachother to notice.

" yeah, where is he? " evie asked, scrunching her nose up as she watched kiara holding onto the edge of the winch for dear life. " i got my scholarship interview tommorow morning, we gotta get this done!" pope announced, causing the brunette's head to shoot up.

" that's tommorow? want me to help you prep tonight? " evie asked. she knew how much this scholarship meant to pope, and she knew it was his one-way ticket off the godforsaken island, and she would not let anything ruin it.

" that would be great " pope smiled, before he turned his attention back to kiara who screamed as the winch tipped to the side, causing her to almost fall flat on her ass.

" speak of the devil, hey! " shouted jj, as john b came waltzing in. " dude, i set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything " jj lied, causing evie to elbow him in the ribs playfully before she swung her legs over the edge of the hot tub and slid down making her way over to john b.

" no he did not. i did that. him and evie have been giggling in the hot tub like five year olds " pope spoke, matter of factly causing evie to flip him off not so subtly as kiara butted in, stating she helped.

" hey, jb, what's up? " asked evie, noticing his uneasy demeanour but he completely blanked her practically running up the steps to the chateau. she swung around to the pogues, her face scrunched up in confusion" uh, whats that all about? "

" i was gonna ask you the same question " huffed jj, watching as evie trailed up the chateau steps after the boy, causing jj to make a mental note to never piss her off due to how threatening she looked stomping up those steps " hey, asshole. fucking remember me? " evie questioned, staring at john b who began rummaging through the chateau.

" you alright? whats up "

" what are you looking for? "

" bro, whats going on"

" john b, what are you doing? " asked evie, eyebrows drawn together as john b pulled up the couch cushion, revealing jj's gun which evie not so expectedly hid.

" john b, what do you need the gun for? " jj questioned, as he stepped forward and reached forward for the gun, but was instead met with john b harshly shoving causing him to fall back onto the pull out couch.

" j, you okay? " asked evie, turning her attention the the blonde who immediately nodded, but the girl could tell it bothered him more than he would let on. " john b, chill what are you doing? " yelled kiara, as john b made a dash for the chateau door.

evie blocked the doorway, knowing john b wouldn't lay a hand on her. " what are you doing? " she asked, looking all over his face noticing the bruises forming around his eye. she watched as his jaw ticked, as he glanced between evie's eyes and her arm that was leaning across the doorway.

" get out of my way, evelyn " he spat, pushing her arm down and shoving past her. the girl spun around, to see him hop onto jj's motorbike revving the engine a few times as he kicked the stopper up.

" ward knows about the gold " he revealed, looking back at the group. " he killed my dad "

and with that, he was gone.


" no, no, evie. relax " pope tried, as the girl frantically paced the chateau. " pope, he. he has the ,gun " evie panicked, rubbing her hands together " and ward, fuck " the girl exclaimed, throwing her head back as she ran her hands down her face. pope looked over at jj for help. whenever evie was close to a panic attack, they could usually calm her down. whether it be let jj be her personal punching bag, or putting on taylor swift or finding her something to smash. this time, nothing was working.

jj pushed off the sofa, stepping forward to the girl stopping her pacing. " evie, look at me " jj instructed, his hands on the girls arm who tried to push out of them. " look at me " he stated firmly, causing the girl to finally glance up at him.

" i know you are worried about him, but we can't do anythin' the now alright? just gotta wait it out. he'll show up. can't kill a pogue " jj spoke in an attempt to calm her down, rubbing soothing circles into her bare skin.

" oh my god, i didn't even think of that " she cried, tearing away. she was more concerned about john b shooting ward, but the thought of ward rattling john b's jaw and pushing him off the side of a boat never crossed her mind until jj brought it up.

" jj! " scolded kiara, for even putting that thought into the girls head. " 'm sorry, okay! didn't know what to say " jj whisper yelled, as kiara groaned in frustration. the blonde stepped forward, cupping the brunette's hand with his jaw and pressed his lips against hers since it was the only thing he could think of to do.

a gasp left his lips as evie wiped his kiss off with the back of her hand, and as sh picked up the nearest pillow and launched it as his face. " i don't want your crusty lips, asshat! " she yelled, in a full blown panic not being able to think straight.

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