she has the eyes

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" my couch was pretty comfy, i'll be honest " spoke jj, snapping evie out of her daze. after evie's exhausting shift kiara still showed up at her house and literally dragged her to the annual obx outdoor cinema.

" we are out of the green zone " pope panicked, lowering her voice so kiara couldn't hear while she laid out the blanket in the back of her dads truck for the four.

" pope, calm it " evie spoke, tipping the back of his cap causing pope's head to shoot uo. " you told her? " pope whisper yelled.

" she has the eyes " jj cried, just as his eyes met evie's but she quickly looked away and turned to kie. " wanna go get sodas? " evie asked the brunette who nodded her head and getting up. the two made there way over to the booth that was selling drinks.

" hey, can i get three pepsi's and a diet coke please " kiara spoke with a smile as she fished the money from her back pocket while evie noticed rafe approaching. " hey evie, kie " he called out causing the two girls to share a look as the man handed them their drinks

" rafe " evie replied, spinning on her heel to leave but was stopped by rafe grabbing her wirst.

"tell your boy that we know what he did " rafe warned lowly, but evie ripped her hand from his grip attempting to hide the look on her face. " sorry, what boy are you talking about? " kiara questioned oblivious to the situation.

" uh, he'll know " rafe huffed, but evie had already walked away, well nearly sprinted to go slap pope and jj in the face and tell them how stupid they were before kiara got there, but sadly she caught up.

" just szw rafe and he said, and i qoute tell your boy we know what he did " kiara scoffed, handing pope and jj their drinks. jj looked past kiara at evie who made a shut your hole motion with her hand before he cleared his throat turning back to kie.

" what is that? " kiara questioned, causing the two boys to go silent. " where 9is he ? " jj asked, not answering her question. " him and the powerpuffs are over there " evie explained, looking in their direction to see them already looking at the group.

" great, the whole death squad " pope croaked looking directly at them but jj spun him around. " don;t stare bro " he murmured.

" just warning you evie, if they come at me im swinging. slicing and dicing, i'm on edge right now" jj warned, looking at the brunette who stood infront of him with a unamused look onh her face. she was still annoyed at jj, but far to tired of arguing with him.

" shut up, jj " evie mumbled, the grey sweatshirt jj gave her earlier still clingingto her figure causing the boy to smile slihglty since it meant she most likely wasnt going to bite his head of.

"I'm sorry, jj. please tell me that you did not bring a gun here.ji, there are kids" kiara scolded sounding like his mother.

" no, i didn't bring the gun kie. everything's fine, okay? " jj snapped.
"hm reassuring " evie deadpanned, playing with the rings n her finger.

" founding principle guys no secret amongst pogues. what is rafe talking about? " kiara beckoned as the announcer began speaking but evie lowered her head, guilt swarming her chest as their was a secret she was keeping from the group.

" kie, it might go down tonight " pope harshly spoke

" deny, deny, deny " jj whispered.


" jj" pope murmured, breaking the peaceful silence the group had. evie had fallen asleep long ago, her head resting on kiara's thighs since she had no interest of being there in the first place.

" gotta take a piss"

" hold it " jj replied, and the two began bickering before standing up causing kiara to look up at them.

"where are you going? " she questioned.

" gotta take a leak " jj answered, looking down at evie who began to stir.

" you gonna hold it for eachother? " kiara questioned, running her hands through evie's hair but got no reply as the boys disappeared.

" assholes " she mumbled.


evie's eyes fluttered open, as she noticed she was alone. she looked around in confusion and noticed that the death squad were also gone from their spaces.

" shit" she muttured, getting up and walking around in search of them.

she turned the corner behind the movie screen and noticed bryce holding onto jj while rafe punched him in the stomach, and topper attacking pope alongside kelce while kiara screamed at them to stop. evie panicked, not knowing what to do before she took the lighter from her bra and heald it to the corner of the screen, causing it to go up in flames.

"guys, fire " rafe yelled, noticing the screen and evie standing behind it with the lighter in her hand.

bryce threw jj down onto the floor while kiara ran to pope. evie crouched down beside the blonde, and noticed the bruises already forming on his face alongside the bleeding nose.

"your an idiot " jj mumbled, getting up with evie's help.

" it was a dumb tradition anyway " evie smiled, jj throwing his arm around her shoulders.


" hey pope, someone here to see you " announced heyward, coming into the shack where pope, kiara, evie and jj stood before income shoupe.

"evening, officer " pope croaked, glancing back at evie who shrugged her shoulders.

"  have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property, keep your hands where i can see them " shoupe stated, making his way over to pope while evie's eyes widened.

" shoupe what the fuck! " she yelled

"young lady, you better watch your mouth " shoupe warned, as he put the handcuffs onto pope who looked like he was about to cry.
"whoa, shoupe. what'd he do? " heyward questioned.

" your just arresting my boy? shoupe, are you listening? "

evie looked over at jj and saw the look on her face causing her to take a hold of his hand.

" j. don't " she whispered, knowing what the blonde was about to do.

"I'm sorry, evie " he mumbled before speaking up.

" it wasn't him " yelled jj,causing pope to turn around with wide eyes.

" ji, don't no-j" evie pleaded, trying to pull him back.

" it was me. he tried to talk me out of it, but i was mad cos he had just been beaten up. i was so sick of those assholes from figure eight that i lost my shit. i can't let you take the blame for something i did " jj explained, his voice breaking towards the end as he took his hand from evie's grip.

" you've got to much to lose " ji continued, now infront of pope. " what are you doing? " pope whisper yelled

"i'm telling the truth. for once in my god damn life i'm going to tell the truth " jj boomed, looking at evie. she knew he was referring to their argument, when he said the kiss meant nothing.

"he's a good kid you know where i'm from " jj kissed his teeth as shoupe nodded in agreement making evie sick to her stomach.

" shoupe, what the hell you can't just arrest them" she argued, causing kiara to come up beside her and interlock there fingers.

" that's the whole truth? " shoupe asked, looking directly at pope who switched between shoupe, jj and heyward.

" i know what you think dammit im asking pope" shoupe snapped.

" yeah, that just about covers it " pope spoke, causing shoupe to take the handcuffs from pope and put them onto jj instead and throw him into the police car.

" jj! " evie yelled, but it was to late as the two had already driven away.
AN - this chapter so boring i know but the hot tub scene is coming up

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