the whole enchilada

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" john b " evie yelled, stepping onto the dock outside the chateau causing the brunette's head to perk up. " oh my god, are you okay? " she questioned, walking towards him before hugging him.

"i'm okay, evie " he reassured, the girl pulling away to scan his body for injuries before harshly shoving him back. " don't scare me like that " she spoke, the boy nodding.

" are you sure he got everything? " kiara asked, referring to the gold. evie pressed her lips together as she looked at john b who sighed, then over to jj who's eyes were trained on the marsh.

" every bar. the whole enchilada " john b sighed, before pulling the cast of his arm. " what are you doing? " evie questioned, eyes widening at the boy who winced.

" look, it's not like i expected a happy ending or some shit " he huffed, throwing the cast to the side before noticing evie's stare. " it's a hairline fracture, e " john b shrugged his shoulders.

" yeah well, i'm not gonna be the one complaining when you can't tie your shoelaces " she whisper yelled, blowing the air out of her cheeks as john b rolled his eyes.

" guys!" pope boomed, sprinting down the dock causing the group to turn towards him.

" oh, oh god. i ran all the way here " he panted, leaning his hands on his knees to catch his breath. " pope, your interview " evie spoke, eyebrows drawn together since it was't meant to be done for another hour.

pope shook his head " don't ask "

" jb, dude. look i'm sorry about everything " pope apologised, causing evie to look back at jj with her eyebrows raised. wasn't that hard to apologse was it. " it's fine"

" but-but, i don't have alot of time and i have information that is tactically relevant. so, before i had my interview my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms. for cameron's big plane. because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landig strip to take off. so, i'm sitting there in my interview thinking to myself. hm, why would cameron need a longer airstrip to take off. what could be so heavy to way it down "

" the gold " john b realised, slowly standing up. pope pointed his fingers around, before clapping his hands together " exactly "

" guys, this is our chance. but it leaves tonight and we have to go " pope explained, as kiara jumped down from the edge of the dock. " guys, we can't give up now " she stated.

" what's the plan, fabio? " evie asked john b, squitning her eyes from the sun.

" we're gonna steal that shit back "


" we go in there, guns-a-blazin', make ward cameron beg for mercy abscond with as much gold as possible and vamanos, get the hell outa there " jj told the group, putting ammo into the gun.

" send that shit down the intracoastal " john b continued, catching evie's eyes in the rear view mirror and smiling. " wait for weather " kiara added on form the passengar seat.

" exit to cuba " pope grinned, causing jj's head to snoot up. " no, man,xccalak " jj diagreed, shaking his head.

" yucatan, really ? " evie laughed, kissing her teeth in amusment. " lobsters so thick ,magoes for days- " jj began, but was cut off by evie.

" and no word for money " evie mocked the blonde in a deep voice, having heard this a million times before. " exactly " jj grinnned, to two seemingly forgetting their disagreement earlier.

" let's do this shit " john b nodded, as jj clicked the safety off the gun tucking it into hsi waistband.


" what's the plan, jb?" asked evie, just as the pogues came to the airstrip, hiding behind a chicken wire fence. " didn't really get that far" john b sighed, glancing back at evie who shook her head in amusment.

" there loading up the gold " pope stated, holding a pair of binoculars up to his eyes as john b done the same.

john b exhaled loudly " there's ward"

" what?What " kie questioned, as john bs face dropped while he lowered the binoculars. evie furrowed her brows, snatching them out his hand and holding it out infront of her narrowing her eyes so she could see.

" it's sarah " evie muttured, sending john b a apologetic look. " she's with him? " pope questioned, glancing at jj who had an unreadable look on his face.

" wait a minute " john b snatched the binoculars from evie. " he's hurting her "

" their fighting " john b told the group, as evie wrung her hands togther anxiously exhaling in an attempt to calm her anxiety. jj noticed, he glanced at the girl before taking her small hand in his own noticing she was trembling. his thumb rubbing her palm comfortingly but the girl pulled her hand away causing jj to scoff under his breath.

his jaw ticked as he looked away, shaking his head as ward and sarah got into the plane.

"john b, where are you going? " questioned kiara, as he got into the twinkie and turned on the engine.

" john b? " questioned evie, walking infront of the twinkie.

" what the fuck are you doing " asked evie, knowing he couldn't drive with her in his way.

" move, evie " john b spoke, his eyes trained on sarah.

" no, john b. what about are you doing? " she shook her head. this was a sucide mission.

" evelyn, move " john b warned, putting his hand on the clutch causing the girl to shake her head. " you know this gold stuff, it isn't worth everything you are losing " she spoke, moving out the way allowing him to drive off without a second glance as pope, kie and jj all yelled at him.

" what are you doing! " boomed jj, running into the now torn off fence as john b sped off.

" come back " screamed kiara, running her hands down her face in frustration.

the plane slowly turned around, seemingly not stopping as john b drove straight onto the airstrip beside it.

" why did you let him go " yelled jj, spinning on his heel to face evelyn anger clouding his judgement. the girl took a step back as he came closer, her eyes trained on the ground but jj didn't stop.

" you're letting him do this? if anything happens it's your fault evelyn. you're fault " jj spoke lowly, as if she were a child.

" you think i don't know that jj? if you weren't so fucking occupied in blaming me and treating me like a five year old you would see that i fucking know that? " arizona yelled, her temper running out.

" guys, can we like not? " interrupted kie, sounding annoyed.

" shut up, kiara " they both said at the same time.

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