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" you're sure your okay ? " evie questioned for the one millionth time, her hand on john b's chin as she moved his head from side to side checking his face.

" i'm fine, evie " he spoke, slapping her hands away and falling back onto his bed with a loud sigh.

" are you okay ? " he asked, turning his head to look at the girl who now sat on the edge of his bed.

" i'm fine " she answered, a little too quickly causing john b to furrow his eyebrows.

" john b, you almost drowned and your asking me if im okay ? " muttured evie, who stood up and began pacing the room. john b held his hands up, rolling his eyes at the girl who would not let him care about her.

" well sorry, i care about you " he reminded causing evie to sigh, as she looked back at him with a tight lipped smile.
evie closed over john b's bedroom door softly once he had fallen asleep. she stayed by his side until he did, waking him up once or twice to make sure he hadn't suffered cardiac arrest.she made her way across the hall and knocked on the door of big john's old room which evie and jj shared.

" come in " muttured jj from the other side of the door, so evie opened it and stepped inside, notcing the boy sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. jj's head cocked up once he noticed it was evie, and he stood up.

evie made a bee line for the pile of her clothes on the floor not even sparing the blonde a glance.
the entire car ride back from the kegger pope and kie were screaming at jj, while evie stayed silent. holding john b's head in her lap.

she crouched down on the floor and began looking through the pile, throwing clothes behind her aimlessly.

" evie, say something please " jj begged, watching as the girl rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands.

" what do you want me to say ? " she asked softly, picking up a tank top and shorts turning back to the boy attempting to stay civil, but her temper quickly ran out.

" do you want me to yell at you? do you want me to cry and tell you how stupid that was ? please, jj. fucking tell me what you want because i don't have a clue ! "she whisper yelled,not wanting to wake john b but it was evident she was mad.

" i was saving him. topper was going to drown him " jj defended himself,frustrated that the brunette couldn't see where he was coming from.

" was he really jj ? i mean was he really " evie questioned, knowing topper wouldn't risk that. jj went silent, so evie nodded and began making her way out the room.

" evie " tried jj, but was met with the girl pretending to fish something out of her pocket but ended up giving him the finger,making a point to slam the door on her way out.

he scoffed at her immaturity, but watched in amusment as she stormed back into the room and picked a sweatshirt from the pile, not making eye contact with the blonde, but when she heard him laugh evie picked up the closest pillow and launched it at his face before quickly leaving the room, making sure she slammed the door extra hard.

" john b ! " evie whisper yelled, slapping the brunette across his face. this was the seventh time evie had hit john b, and she honestly began to think he was dead- but his eyes finally opened.

" jb " evie panicked and quickly stood up as the boy winced and rubbed his eyes.

" evie what the hell " he questioned, holding his now red cheek.

" peterkins in the kitchen " she announced as john b's eyes widened before he groaned.

" go " she shooed, practically shoving him out the door to hide from the police officer as evelyn was still traumatised from their encounter a few minutes ago.

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