break a leg

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" what now, we just go up to the front door and ask. hey have you seen john b " jj questioned sarcastically, standing up from his spot of the stern of the hms pogue, flailing his arms around which was parked at the docks outside tannyhill. " that's exactly what i'm going to do " shrugged evie, dusting off her shorts.

" no, you're not " stated jj, turning his head to look at the girl who simply rolled her eyes at him. "you can't tell me what to do "

" watch me " he bit back, watching as the girl turned around and began to walk up the docks causing him to laugh lightly under his breath. it was like he showed evie all his buttons and said push them. 

" evie, come on " whisper yelled pope, in an attempt to reason with the headstrong girl but the she was too far gone to even hear him. jj didn't think twice before walking after her. " what the hell are you doing?" he questioned, jogging slightly to catch up with the brunette.

" what do you think? " she retaliated, being forced to stop her movements when jj grabbed her wrist spinning her around. " you think you're invincible? huh? what you gonna go if john b isn't there? " jj narrowed his eyes at her, his eyes scanning her face as she scoffed.

" your an asshole " she scoffed, pulling herself out of his grip. " what you gonna do if john b isn't there" he spoke lowly, clearly trying to intimidate her. what the hell was his problem.

" then chances are he's went bam bam into ward cameron's fucking head " evie raised her voice, knowing that was the only way to get her point across but knew not to yell " no what your going to do, is take your pretty little self back onto the boat and sit tight" jj demanded, his voice so loud that pope winced back on the boat.

" don't yell at me "

" yeah, well you're making me pretty angry right now "

" oh, fuck you jj " she spat, shoving him back by the shoulders, although it didn't do very much. "  fuck you too eves " jj replied, venom dripping from his tone causing the girl to stick up her middle fingers as she walked away in the opposite direction. 


" pope, your looking very dapper " grinned evie, as pope came down the steps of his home. heyward, who stood beside the girl had a proud smile on his features as he looked down at his son.

" you've got this, okay, just think scholarship " evie spoke, while fixing his suit. the boy blew the air out of his cheeks, the nerves building in his chest as he nodded. " evie? " he asked, the girl humming in reply.

" thank you " and he genuinely meant it. everyone else would complain when he brought up the scholarship, shooting him down but evie actually listened and was interested, and for that he was grateful.

evie smiled " i believe in you, break a leg " she kissed his cheek, causing a blush to play on the boys face as heyward raised his brows teasingly. " are you okay, eves? " he asked quietly, noticing the slight shake in her voice. 

she spoke lightly " don't worry about me " 


" evie, can i get you at the bar for service " a voice came through the walkie talkie that hung from her waist causing her to put down the grapes she was eating with a sigh. " yeah, on my way" she replied, cursing under her breath as she came out of the back room of the island club. 

she came into the main patio, tying a apron around her waist before picking up a notepad and making her way towards a table, which just so happened to be rafe cameron and his friends." fantastic" she muttured to herself. 

kelce looked up from topper, laughing slightly when he saw evie" look who it is " he grinned, cocking his head to the side. evie sucked in a breath, one snarky comment away from snapping. 

" what can i get you " she asked, her face blank as she stared at rafe. 

" service with a smile " rafe answered, a contradicting look on his face. the girl pressed her lips into a thin line, mustering up the pettiest smile she could. " what can i get for you guys? " she asked, in a sickly sweet voice.

" whiskey, on the rocks " topper told her, not feeding into rafe's behaviour since he knew the girl was just trying to do her job.  " do yall have some id? " evie spoke, feigning innocence since she knew full well toper and kelce were sixteen. 

" can you not just, do us a solid " kelce asked lowly, looking around making sure no one else could here. " i really need to see some id "

rafe rolled his eyes, pulling out his wallet as he handed evie a fake id. the girl held it up infront of the sun, making it blatantly obvious it was fake. " that says south carlina, instead of south carolina " she told him, eyeing him.

" i'm sorry, i'm going to have to ask you guys to leave " she stated, snapping the fake id in half before dropping it infront of rafe who scoffed his jaw ticking as he glanced to the side. " your life is over, slut " he spat lowly, in her ear shoving away from the table harshly. 

evie gulped, just as he roughly pushed past her causing topper  to send her an apologetic look as he trailed after topper like a lost puppy. 

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