is it a sex thing?

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" your what! " evie screamed into the phone, having being rudely awakened by a facetime call from john b. jj didn't look to impressed either, but amusedly watched evie scramble to get jj out of the frame when he called and slipped a hoodie over her dress which she was still wearing. 

" staying at the cameron's, yeah " john b sighed, watching as evie picked up a hair brush and began brushing the hairspray from her hair" is it like a sex thing? " evie asked, stopping what she was doing causing john b to choke on air as a laugh fell from jj's lips. 

" like step bro- step sis? " evie questioned, cocking her head to the side.

" what, no- is that jj? " john b questioned, and watched as evie groaned before launching her hairbrush in jj's direction and showing john b as jj just missed the airbrush. "ow? " jj exclaimed, with his hands thrown up in the air. 

"oh, shut up it didn't even touch you " evie dismissed, flipping of john b as he wriggled his eyebrows at her suggestively, knowing what was going on between the two since evie couldn't keep her mouth shut.


" honestly i don't really believe the story's of this place " john b dismissed, as the pogues trailed through ' parcel  nine' , aka the physco axe murderers lady's house. " which stories did you hear? " jj asked evie. last time the two kissed, jj completely ignored her for a day but after last night jj was surprisingly chill but extremely touchy with the girl whether it was their knees touching as they sat in the back of his twinkie or his arm around her.

" the one where she chops people to pieces! " evie whisper yelled as jj slung an arm over her shoulders.  " i'll keep you so safe " jj imitated john b, making his voice go up a few octaves from when john b said to kiara, which made evie laugh causing a smile to play on jj's lips. 

" i knew hollis! " jj boomed, spinning on his heel to face the group. " wait, you know hollis crain? " pope questioned as evie nearly shat herself at the statue towering over her and fell over into john b, who knocked over pope which caused him to fall into kiara who pushed jj down for the giggles. " evie " john b groaned, with his newly broken arm. 

" whoopsies " evie winced, since she was the only one left standing. 


" no fucking way " evie jeered, as they stood in crain's basement; she hated life right now. first of all she looked like a tramp, grey sweatpants clinging to her hips with a varsity hoodie on top. her hair was pulled into a birds nest on her head, the tip of her nose still red and puffy from last night - plus her head hurt. and now john b wanted them to explorer a physco ancient killer's basement. 

" down came mrs crain and cut of all our heads. up came the sun and dried up all the blood " sang jj, shining  his flashlight around and laughed when it landed on evie who looked like she was about to cry. " shut up, jj " she cried, putting her hood up since their was mosquitos everywhere. 

" another dead end? " kiara questioned since there was no water in sight. " theres no water here " pope stated.

" know why we didn't find it? bad karma " kie sassed, spinning on her heel to face john b who rolled his eyes at the girl who was clearly still not over the whole sarah thing. 

" you know, we had a good thing going " kiara continued. 

" grow up, kiara " evie spoke, rolling her eyes. kiara simply scowled at her, ignoring what she said before turning to john b again. " and then you decide to rope in barbie, now the trails gone dry. coincidence? i think not "

" this is exactly why i didn't want to tell you about sarah. what the hells the deal with you two? " john b questioned, stepping closer to kiara who dismissed what he was saying. " nothing? Is it because i kissed you? is that the problem? " john b questioned, evie audibly gasping when kiara slapped him. 

" oh, shit " jj gasped, as evie's mouth hung agape flabbergasted by the whole situation. 

" that echoed ! " she whispered to pope and jj who nodded in agreement. evie wished she had some popcorn right now, this was fucking amazing to watch. 

" stop treating me like i'm some girl thats obsessed with you instead of your friend who's actually trying to look out for you " kiara scolded. " did you, uh, hit me? " john b asked as kiara held up her palm showing a skeeter. 

" skeeter? " john b repeated, before slapping kiara. " weres your proof? " questioned kiara, as john b held up his palm. the two began slapping eachother all over, while evie, pope and jj watched in amusement before evie turned to jj and slapped him over the back of the head. 

" ow? what was that for ? " he cried, holding the back of his head very dramatically if evie did say so herself." felt like i was missing the fun " evie mumbled, before smiling innocently towards jj. 

" these things are swarming " pope yelled, jumping from his spot next to jj slapping his arm. 

 evie looked around at all the mosquitos and cringed just as a hand came in contact with her ass. " skeeter " jj sang, holding up his hand causing evie to narrow her eyes at him . 

she swung for him, obviously missing him and pretending to punch him in the face adding in some sound effects from oomph. " do you actually want a square go? " she questioned, holding her fists out playfully as jj nodded, before raising his own.

" shit " evie huffed as the ring jj gave her a while ago slipped from her finger and through a crack in the floorboards causing evie to groan while jj turned to her with a deadpan look. " this is why we can't have nice things " he deadpanned, causing evie to start shimmying her shoulders and singing the taylor swift song in her head humming along to the tune.

" what was that? " kiara asked, pope's head shooting up as the ring plopped below the floorboards. he shared a look with john b, before the two picked up a floor board.

" well, well , well " chanted pope, as the group all stared down at the well that was previously hidden beneath the floor boards. evie would have laughed, but was to busy staring at her finger with a frown on her face since the ring was now gone. " that's  actually heart-breaking " she spoke, pretending to wipe a tear from her cheek. 

" we're gonna need a really big rope " 


A/N - its all going down next chapter....

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