medusa, also known as evie

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" hey " evie shouted as she came through the front door, closing it over behind her as socks ran up. evie crouched down and began scratching the dogs as he began to lick her. evie spotted her dad and jennifer cooking something, while mateo sat before them at the countertop drawing something.

" evie " sang mateo, as evie came up behind him and messed up his hair before her dad pulled her into a side hug.

  " evie, you hungry ? " asked jenny, with a wide smile on her features. jenny had been staying over more often and mateo had seemed to like her, ledger was happy so evie had no issue with it but evie was shocked to find out jennifer was a kook. she was sweet, and not stuck up in the slightest. it was weird.

" no, thank you " evie smiled, sitting down next to mateo. ledger looked at jennifer, and motioned towards evie causing her to raise a brow. " what is it? " she questioned, narrowing her eyes at the two.

" so,  we have been invited to midsummers " ledger began, causing evie to almost spit out her water.

" sorry, what ? us. at kook central ? " evie asked, wide eyed before looking over at jennifer. " no offence " evie spoke.

" none taken " jennifer replied with a laugh knowing herself that most kooks were stuck up pricks. " we have to go, e. they are investors in the shop and kiara will be there so it can't be to bad. pope's catering, and we got you a dress so you can't say no " ledger spoke, practically begging.

" fine " evie sighed, knowing she had no way out of it.


thank god after all that evie had work so she didn't have to pretend to care about the merchant and midsummers, but unluckily jj fucking maybank also had a shift. after that whole no gold debacle john b went back to the chateau in a cunt of a mood, which evie didn't blame him.

evie walked back home, declining kiara's offer of a ride and got ready for work after chatting to her family and jennifer before driving to figure eight.  the brunette was working the bar, alone might i add and the club was weirdly busy so evie barely had time to breathe.

jj on the other hand was washing dishes in the back, and every chance she got evie would give him an excessive amount of glasses to wash just because she found it amusing since he had been acting like a prick all day.

" old fashioned, on the rocks " a man spoke, leaning on the bar as a cigar sat between his lips. " coming right up " evie smiled, and picked up a glass before turning around and reaching for the whiskey and sighed when their wasn't any left.

evie spun around, and held up the empty bottle with an apologetic smile before heading to the back to get another, which also happened to be where jj was. evie wordlessly came into the room, and looked up at the whiskey on the top shelf and nearly began crying. there was no way she was reaching that.

jj turned around, to see the girl on his tippy toes, hands flailing around in an attempt to reach the bottle. he put down the plate he was washing and wiped his hands on a towel before coming up behind her, and with one hand on her waist reaching for the bottle. he held the bottle in his hand, still not looking at her in the eye causing her to laugh humourlessly.

"why can't you look me in the fucking eye ? " questioned evie, seriously annoyed at the boy and when she got no reply continued. " so what we kissed and i have turned into medusa? " she asked.

" we kissed, evie. it was a stupid mistake and it didn't mean anything " jj spoke, lying straight through his teeth as he watched the brunette run her hand down her face in frustration. a part of her wanted to cry hearing this, that the kiss meant nothing to jj, that she meant nothing to jj but another part of her was fuming,

" oh my god jj! i'm not asking you to marry me it would just be fucking nice if you would fucking look at me " she nearly yelled, her annoyance growing. jj said nothing, but averted his gaze down to the floor causing evie to scoff.

" you want to play that game? fine " evie spat, snatching the bottle from his hands.

" evie " he murmured softly, now glancing up at the brunette. evie's breath caught in her throat and she wanted nothing more to hug him, but her rage was taking over.

" no, don't evie me. you've made your bed. lie in it " evie spoke, before spinning on her heel and leaving the back room.

truthfully, jj was terrified. so fucking terrified. he cared about evie to much and it scared him. he hated that her laugh brought a smile to his face and when goosbeumps grew on her skin he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her to heat himself up. he liked her, and the kiss only confirmed that.

jj didn't know how to like someone, he was used to the usual hump and dump. and he adored evie, and the thought of hurting her made him want to crawl under a rock and never come out. sometimes he wanted to wrap evie in bubble wrap to protect her from the outside world, but now he had fucked it. like always. 


" sorry that took so long " evie smiled, handing the man his drink before he took it and left just as consuela told her to take her break. evie then picked up the bar flap and made her way to the break room, just as a face time call from john b came through.

" what " evie snapped, as soon as the call connected still pissed off from earlier but quickly slapped her hand over her eyes as john b was shirtless.  " evie, look i'm with- " john b began, whispering just as the door swung open revealing the one and only sarah cameron.

" are u taking pictures of yourself ? " sarah questioned, a teasing grin on her features. " what-no " he stuttered, before showing her the phone revealing evie. " sarah, hi. what the fucks going on? " evie asked, very confused.

" john b ran into a debacle, and i saved the day " sarah sighed. " you always do " evie mumbled, and shared a knowing look with sarah causing the blonde to smile sympathetically. 

" okay, not the point " john b dismissed, practically shoving sarah out the door. john b couldn't wait to tell evie about his adventures with sarah since he knew the two got along but he was to distracted by the look on evie's face.

" you look mad " john b deadpanned, watching as evie sighed, and placed the phone down before pacing the room. " jjkissedmenadhehasbeenignroingmealldaynowandwejusthadabigargumentthereandimhungry " evie spoke very fast.

" what? " john b questioned, not understanding what she said in the slightest. " jj kissed me and he has been ignoring me all day now and we juts had a big argument there and im hungry " evie repeated, slowly causing john b's eyes to widen.

" your joking "

" i wish " evie cried, slumping down in the chair as she noticed the tine. " crap,crap,crap. breaks over, got to go love you bye " evie panicked and hung up before john b even got the chance to say anything else.

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