john b and sarah sitting in a tree

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" so, the gold never went down with the royal merchant " john b explained after insisting all the pogues leave midsummers and attend an emergency meeting. evie was to busy staring at the ground, with her knees pulled up to her chest in a daydream feeling like she was going to throw up from the alcohol in her system.

" oh my god, here we go again " pope shook his head.

as the pogues made a dash away from midsummers, they ended up at rixons cove and once john b got a good look at evie he opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when jj's shook his head.

" hear him out, aright? " jj tried, the cicadas chirping in the background while evie used the palm of her hands to wipe the tears from her face to hide the fact she had been crying but a, all the pogues already saw her and b her red nose and puffy eyes gave it away.

" it's been here the whole time. it's on the island " john b continued, looking at each of the pogues with a proud smile on his face. " are you serious? " kiara questioned, thinking they had stopped with all this royal merchant shit.

" i'd like to voice my scepticism " pope deadpanned, pointing his hands in john b's direction who rolled his eyes. " i'm sure you would, pope. but can i please present you with my evidence, sir " john b asked, causing a unattractive snort to fall from evie's lips.

" kinky " she stated, finding herself hilarious causing john b and kiara to share a look. they didn't know weather to be happy she had stopped crying, or worried that this was the first word she spoke. "o-kay " jj tried, taking the lid from a water bottle and holding it out to the girl as john b presented pope with said evidence.

" your pretty " evie mumbled, tracing her finger along jj's jawline. " pretty? " jj repeated, with a smile causing evie to drunkenly giggle as she nodded. " okay, now drink " jj sternly instructed, now serious causing the girl to roll her eyes.

" ok, dad " she muttured, taking the water bottle from his hands to take a sip, but nearly choked when jj winked at her suggestively.

" not like that you pervert! " she bellowed, eyes widened making the blonde chuckle.

" so tanny used the gold from the merchant to buy his freedom " john b explained, passing a piece of paper to kiara. evie cocked her head to the side, confusion clear on her features but decided against asking knowing that john b would explain it to her later. #

" after that, he bought his farm. drumroll, please, because that farm is... tannyhill plantation " john b dropped the bomb as pope looked up at him with the paper still in his hand with a look that said ' your talking shit '

" yeah, so after that, he used his money to free ever more slaves and then he sold a shit-ton of rice which pisses off all the white planters, and then they decide to lynch him " john b continued, her eyebrows furrowed since this made no fucking sense in her head.

" so, your telling me you think you've found the gold because your spidey senses are tingling? " evie asked, with a dead pan expression to which pope pressed his lips into a thin line in a attempt not to laugh.

" shut up " john b mumbled like a child before continuing his story time. " he writes a letter to his son, a farewell, and in the last line of that letter was a coded message about where to find the gold "

" where " kiara asked with a toothy grin. " harvest the wheat near parcel nine, near the water. except... there's no wheat. you see wheat is code for gold, check this out. the gold is in parcel nine near the water "

kiara laughed, happy that they didn't waste all their time on this gold hunt, while pope gasped since john b was rarely right about things. " well done, john b " evie cheered from her spot, raising her hands in the air enthusiastically. she would have gave him a hug, but she was worried that if she stood up she would be sick all over him, and jj's hand on her waist restricted her from moving.

" all we need is the original survey map of the property and we found the gold "

" okay, so this might have a small chance of actually being true " smiled pope, his flashlight shining onto the letter. " hello,! fire ! your near the fire you're gonna burn! " screeched john b, as jj picked him up and spun him around causing a smile to dance on evie's lips.

she appreciated the pogues not saying anything about earlier, but she also knew it meant that they would begin to get suspicious - and she was not ready to have that conversation with them. jj and john b were still flirting, john b's hand on jj's cheek as the blonde told him how proud he was causing evie to hold out her hand to kiara with a grin on her cheeks.

" told ya john j was a thing " she sang as kiara reluctantly dropped a twenty dollar bill into her palm, evie tucking it into her bra with a proud expression.

" so, sarah cameron's coming tonight - " john b began, stepping away from jj causing evie's head to shoot up. " wait-wait, hold on. sarah? why sarah? " kiara questioned, her excitement long gone as the blonde's name was mentioned.

" this is gonna be good " jj commented, sharing a look with evie as he knew she knew. but evie knew first, which made her 1000x better than jj.

" she- she got me into the archives in chapel hill yesterday " john b stuttured, running a hand through his hair. " you where in chapel hill with sarah cameron? " kiara half yelled, a disgusted look on her features. " he was mackin on her "jj explained, causing evie to slap a hand over his mouth.

" why? just why? " evie whisper yelled as jj licked her hand causing her to pull away as she wiped it on his shirt. " ew, ew ,ew " she chanted causing jj to roll his eyes at her immaturity.

" i wasn't macking her " john b denied. " john b, i love you but you were most definitely macking sarah " evie mumbled, since their was no use lying about it now. after john b came back from chapel hill, he gave evie the full run down of their day and evie explained everything about jj and her.

" i was using her for access " john b argued causing evelyn to scoff. " like that's any better? john b your not talking about a fucking inanimate object this is a person! " evie yelled causing kiara to stand up defensively. " why are you defending her? " kiara questioned, betrayal flashing across her features.

" yeah, why are you defending her? " john b repeated, happy it wasn't him getting grilled but immediately felt bad. " because she is a person, who isn't here to defend herself " evie spoke calmly, attempting to hide the look on her face but jj noticed causing his eyebrows to furrow.

" did you tell her about the treasure? " kiara questioned as evie got up from her spot and began walking away. " evie! " yelled john b, looking at her retreating figure. john b and jj shared a look, before jj got up and followed after her.

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