suicide mission

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" blaming you, evie? are you kiddin' me. you're fucking askin' for it when you let john b go on a suicide mission " jj yelled, pope and kiara desperately attempting to calm the two down.

" fuck you, jj!" boomed evie, shoving him back by his chest but the boy barely moved. " fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! " she repeated, her hands hitting off his chest as he simply glanced to the side.

" you done? " he questioned glancing down at her. evie hated how he spoke to her as if she was a child, it drove her crazy. " i'm done " she spoke, her voice hoarse from yelling as she walked away without a second glance as cops sirens crashed through the air.

evie turned back around to look at the three. who were wide eyed as they panicked. " look guys, it's no use if we are all in jail " squeaked pope, anxiety building in his chest.

jj shook his head, cursing under his breath " i'm on probation "

" let's go!" demanded kiara.


" there goes the gold " stated jj, watching the airplane fly over the back of heyward's shop. evie honestly couldn't have had cared less about the gold since it seeemd to be fucking up everything in her life.

" shit!" grunted pope, picking up a bottle and throwing it at the walll infront of him. " pope!" yelled kiara.

the boy picked up a bat, and began swinging for anything around him " god, dammit!" he continued cursing as he destroyed an old peice of furniture, kiara looking at him wide eyed.

evie just watched, dumbfounded as she never saw pope freak out like this as he continued to hit stuff off the walls while yellling.

" pope!" screaed kiara yet again as he picked up a trash can and through it across the shed, his features laced with anger. the boy was hyperventilating before he sat down on the couch, with his head in his hands trying to control his breathing.

" pope, you okay? " asked evie softly, crouching down infront of him. he could see the blatant worry in her eyes, causing him to nod his head.

" yeah, dude. i was wondering when this was gonna happen " began jj, making his way over causing evie to roll her eyes as she stood back up, dusting off her shorts.  he dug into his pocket,before pulling out his weed pen and holding it out to pope. " here you go, chief"

" you know he doesn't smoke, jj " evie reminded, her arms crossed over her chest as she looked up at the blonde. jj could tell she was still pissed about earlier as he looked back at pope.

pope reached up and took it from jj's hands, eyeing it while jj spoke " not until today " he shrugged.

" what is that going to help?" questioned kie, standing beside evie who shook her head at jj who gave her a blank stare in return. " i lost my scholarship, walked out in the middle of the interview. every- it's gone, it's not gonna happen " pope sobbed, his nostrils flared.

" pope, we can fix it okay just- " evie started, trying to think of anything other than the weed to help make the boy feel better.

" no, evie. you can't fix everything,god! when are you going to realise that " he yelled, pushing off from the couch as evie flinched slightly, not expecting for pope to yell at her but retaliated nontheless.

" yeah, and getting stoned isn't going to fix anything either! " she argued back.

" don't speak to evie like that " jj immediately told pope, towering over him not liking the way the girl jumped.  pope ignored jj and evie,taking a draw from the pen instead letting the smoke fall from his mouth causing the brunette to scoff.

at this, even kiara reared her head back. the curly haired girl's brows furrowed, as her face scrunched up "jj, you are literally the biggest dick to her- and your saying that to pope? " kiara questioned. jj didn't reply, the only signal that he heard kiara was the way his back tensed up.

evie held her hand out for a high five discreetly towards kiara, the girl proudly high fiving her as she stared down jj.  evie knew kiara was right. all her and jj did was argue. but she would rather argue with him than laugh with anyone else, not that she would admit it. so she put up with it. sure, she argued back, she isn't a saint. but no matter how far the boy pushed her, evie stuck around. and maybe that was her problem, she got too attached became too much too fast.

john b's bloodied figure rounding the corner snapped evie out of her thoughts. " oh my god, john b. are you okay? " she questioned, here eyes widening in horror as she looked at the blood on his hands and t-shirt.

" dude, dude you good? " yelled jj, running over to john b who looked out of it. " is this yours? " evie questioneed, picking up his hand as kiara panicked. " who's blood is that?"

" john b, are you okay? " evie asked, looking i his eyes for nay sign of anything but they were blank. a group of police cars rounded the corner, causing the group to immeditaely jump down and hide behind an old cabinet.


" john b, what are we doing at the police station" asked jj, as the twinkie pulled up outside the county sherrif' department. john b explained how ward confessed to killing big john, and when peterkin attempted to arrest him rafe shot her. that was enough to make evie sick to her stomach.

" somebody's gotta tell them what happened " john b reasoned, evie biting her lip anxiously as kiara glanced at her. pope coughed from the backseat, causing evie and john b to look back at him. " easy there, chief " laughed jj, as a particualry large cloud of smoke left pope's mouth.

" all right, i'm just gonna be real with you right now . you might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose. it's fundamnetal, just like my old man always told me. you should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is " jj told john b, but was interrupted by kiara.

" your old man's an abusive liar " at this jj went silent, his eyes flickering down to the back of evelyn's chair.

evie knew she shoule have said something to kiara, but after her and jj's fight earlier she couldn't find it in herself to defend him.

" i agree with jj, fuck the police " pope agreed, high as shit. " you goin' to the dark side now?" questioned kiara, pulling a face.

" when's the last time the police helped us?" retaliated pope causing evie to perk up. "okay your acting like peterkin didn't help you with dcfs" evie pointed at john b as she spoke " and she even shortened your probation " she pointed at jj, letting there eyes lock for the first time since their argument earlier.

" they need to know " muttured john b, begginging to get out the twinkie but stopped when evie followed him. " what are you doing? " he asked, as her converse clad feet hit the ground.

"you thought i would let you do this alone?"

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