the strays

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" hey, mr c " smiled evie, waltzing into the wreck with kiara by her side, there hands interlocked. a wide grin formed on the elder man's face once he spotted the brunette and his daughter.

" hello evelyn " he replied. " i told you to call me mike " he playfully warned, pointing his finger at her causing evie to laugh as kiara leaned over the counter.

" guess now is not the best time to ask for free food for me and my friends ? " kiara asked, a sickly sweet smile playing n her features as mike sighed, glancing over to jj, john b and pope who sent him a awkward wave. " look at them. their greedy pelicans " mike spoke.

" actually their strays we found at the shelter. helping the less fortunate and stuff you know ? " evie tried, causing kiara to laugh while mike tried to hide the smile making his way onto his face.

" thought i told you two to stop hanging around those guys " mr carrera now sounded more serious, as he glanced between the two girls. " believe me, we have tried. they just won't go away " evie sighed dramatically, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear as kiara nodded in agreement.

" these are my friends " kiara stated, holding her and evie's interlocked hands up for mr carrera to see as she looked over at the boys who's eyes were trained on a customers plate of food.

" well, i gotta throw it out. might as well take it " mike sighed, causing evie to squeal as kiara wrapped his arms around him. " thanks dad " kie mumbled.


a laugh fell from evie's lips as she attempted to throw another chip into jj's mouth, but missed once again causing it to slide down his top. bob marley played in the back ground while kiara got up to dance. she began jumping around, before pointing her finger in evie's direction who feigned surprise, before standing up and swaying her hips to the music.

john b began to laugh at the girls, causing kiara's gaze to fall in his direction before she pulled him up to dance. the brunette began shaking his head rapidly, while evie rolled her eyes playfully. " come on, john b. don't be a bore ! " evie teased, making the brunette stand up from his chair and dance with the two girls.

evie could see out of the corner of her eyes pope and jj watching the three and pouted slightly, before walking over to pope and whispering something in his ear. " no need to be jelous pope, she gave him the heisman " evie whispered, causing pope's face to go beet red.

" what, no. i don't- " pope stuttered out, embarrassed that the girl had discovered his secret. " i won't tell unless you dance with me " evie blackmailed, causing pope to whine before getting up. evie nudged him in kiara's direction as jj watched his best friends, a wide smile on his face.

jj was snapped out of his daze when evie's hands wrapped around his own in an attempt to pull him from his chair, but sighed dramatically when he wouldn't budge. " jj. come on " evie smiled. as the blonde reached up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear causing evie to narrow his eyes at him. " you can't do that then not dance with me " evie beckoned, teasingly running her finger across his sharktooth necklace causing his adam's apple to bob in his throat.

" that's the spirit " evie laughed, as jj stood up and spun the girl around, joining the rest of the group who were laughing and singing without a care in the world. the rest of the customers of the wreck looked at them like they were crazy, but they didn't care. they had eachother, and that was enough.


" god bless geeks, pope. truly, man " jj spoke, his eyes trained on the underwater camera as evie and john b were in the water testing it out. " what would we do without ya, pope " kiara grinned, smiling as evie poked john b in the back before looking around and acting all confused to wound the boy up.

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