jj's killer right hook

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it had been one hour. or two, or three or four or five or maybe even a full day. evie didn't know. but she stayed in the same position in the sand, knees pulled up to her chest as the side of her cheek resting on her kneecaps.

no one followed after her, no one even tried since when evie got like this, she needed to be alone. atleast that's what they thought. but what they didn't know was that she didn't need someone to hold her hand and tell her that it's going to be okay but someome to sit by her side so that she wasn't alone with her thoughts, therefore evie didn't complain when john b sat down next to her.

he glanced over at the brunette, before pulling the kinder bueno from his pocket and holding it out to evie. evie looked between him and the bueno, before taking it from his fingertips and opening the packet, handing him half.

" why didn't you tell me ? " john b asked, breaking the silence as they ate their buenos. evie looked down at the sand, pulling her jumper over her fingertips before she tucked her hands back under her thighs.

" remember what you and jj done to james cassidy? " evie asked softly, watching as john h immeditaely nodded. he would never forget, how could he ? the scar acrossed his cheekbone served as a reminder.

flashback - junior year - age fifteen

" oh my god, j " evie laughed, an unnatractive snort falling from her lips at something the blonde did. pope was absoultely buckled beside john b who was almost crying from laughter.

the laughter slowly died down, evie looking up from their table in the canteen to see sienna black waving her over, one of evie's friends.

" i'm gonna go see sienna " evie spoke, standing up from the table with her phone in hand as she slung her bag over her shoulder. " tell her to call me back " jj teased, with a wink causing evie to roll her eyes as she walked away flashing him her middle finger. and since she wasn't paying attention, walked straight into someone's chest.

" i am so sorry " evie apologised, looking up from the ground to see james cassidy. james was a well known fuck boy in her year, who had tried it on with evie one to many times and had one hell of a temper.

" evelyn prescott " he grinned, not so subtly looking the girl up and down. evie grimaced, regretting her outfit choice of tank top and leggings and zipped up the zipper she had stolen from john b earlier.

james hand came up to her bra strap which was peeking out, his finger trailing along it almost going down to her breast but evie slapped it away before he had the chance.

unbenownst to evie, jj, pope and john b's eyes were all trained on the girl. the blonde's jaw was clenched, his fists rolling into balls at his side as he noticed how evie was trying to push the bot away, but he wouldn't listen.

" i should go- " evie mumbled, beggining to feel severly uncomfortable under james' gaze as she made an attempt to walk away but was stopped by james hand coming around her waist.

in an instant, jj was coming up behind the girl, watching as she attempted to pry james' hand off. " james, let me go " evie pleaded, his grip like a vice.

" she said to let go " jj spoke harshly, his adams apple bobbing in his throat as james let go off evie, pushing her away causing her to bump straight into jj's chest.  jj's hands came to the side of her arms to make sure she didn't fall, before moving out from behind her and taking a threatning step towards james.

" no, j- don't " evelyn begged, seeing the way his nostrils flared. there was practically steam coming from his ears.

jj roughly shoved james back, who retaliated by trying to hit jj square in the jaw, but missed. john b attempted to pull them apart, but only ended up getting hit by one of james' friends, zack. another grade a asshole.

and before evie could even blink, there was a full blown fight. students gathered around, many getting their phones out as sienna came to evie's side who was yelling at them to stop.

" you had to shove him ? really, j ? " evelyn questioned, her leg bouncing as they sat inside the principles office.

a black eye adorned jj's blue orbs, a cut on his lip as a nasty bruise formed on his jaw. john b didn't look any better, a nasty gash on his cheekbone which evie slapped one of her spongebob plasters on ( she personally didn't think john b was cool enough but also didn't want him to bleed out ) and a forming bruise on his cheek while his nose was swollen.

" what you think i was going to let him treat you like that ? " jj asked, turning his body to face evelyn who was staring straight ahead. he watched as the girl sighed, glancing over at john b who stayed silent. " thank you "

the three got suspended for a week, while james ended up in hospital with a concussion, broken nose and fractured jaw. jj and john b almost killed the guy. but despite the fact james cassidy  was a horrible person, she felt bad for him.it was the same with bryce.

" look, i know what your going to say. that he's a horrible person and i shouldn't care but i do. believe me john b if i could just hate him, i would but theres a part of me that still sees him as the boy with parents that cared more about their image than their own son.the one who grew up alone. and i know he's not that boy anymore, i know that. he'a manipulative- he's a fucking rapist. but i can't just let him get hurt " evie explained, playing with her fingers to distract herself as her heart thumped in her chest.

" you know what your problem is, eves ? " john b spoke, seemingly ignoring what she just said.
" excuse me ? "

" you care too much " he stated matter of factly, watching as evie scoffed. " oh, i'm sorry am i not enough of a cold hearted bitch for you " she questioned, her nose scrunched up at her bestfriend. john b didn't reply, instead just looked back out at the ocean.

" jj likes you " john b spoke up again, trying to distract the girl from her thoughts.  " jj likes anything that breathes "
evie hummed, with a teary laugh causing john b to chuckle.

" yeah, but jj likes you, alot. but he won't tell you. because, your scary " john b said to the girl, looking over at her to study her reaction.
" i'm scary ? " the girl asked, her nose scrunched up as she spoke.

" slightly " john b answered, wincing when the girl slapped him off the back of his head. " your just proving my point ! " he squeaked, his voice cracking as the girl narrowed her eyes towards him. " shut up "

" but you know why we done that to james ? " john b asked, turning his head to face the girl again. his hands resting in the sand as his legs were crossed infront of him. " why ? "

" because you won't stand up for yourself, so we do it for you. you don't want to hurt people who have done a thousand times worse to you because thats the kind of person you are, evie. the kind of person who sticks up for the kook queen against her best friend. you have been there for me my entire life- i should start charging you for this" john b cut himself off, with a look of realisation on his features causing the two to burst out into laughter.

" god, when did you get good at advice " evelyn questioned, wiping the tears of laughter from under her eyes as she smiled at john b.
" i drank some tequila before coming here " he admitted, his face turning a light tinge of red due to embarrassment.

" you mean sarah gave you a pep talk ? got her you can do it, believe in yourself eyes ? " john b nodded to what evie was saying, amazed at how it was practically a carbon copy to what sarah told him.

" i have had that talk one to many times " evie hummed, giggling as john b swung an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer so she could rest her head on his.

" me and you against the world ? " evelyn asked, recalling what the two said when they were younger. " me and you against the world " john b repeated.


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