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" do you think it's weird we found that compass? " evie asked jj, slamming the car door shut as they made their way across the porch. after finding the compass, kie pope, evie and jj decided to give john b some space and part ways for the night, therefore jj ended up with evie as she wouldn't let him go home.

" yeah, its freaky " he commented, following evie as she made her way inside her home.

" evie! " ledger yelped in surprise, while evie's eyes widened. ledger and a women lay infront of the tv, some empty plates on the table and wine glasses in there hand. ledger's arm was around a stunning blonde, with piercing green eyes.

" i thought you were staying at john b's tonight ? " he asked, quickly getting up from his spot as jj pressed his lips into a thin line to stop himself from laughing." change of plan " evie smiled awkwardly, eyes wide as the women stood up.

" hi, you must be evie. im jennifer, but you can call me jenny? " the women introduced herself as ledger's eyes frantically darted between evie and jennifer. evie could swear her left eye began to twitch as jj blinked slowly.

" hey, nice to meet you this is jj " evie smiled, gesturing to jj who awkwardly waved at the women. "sup"

" i'll give you a moment " jennifer spoke, kissing ledger on the cheek before making her way out of the room." evie, i was going to tell you it's just-" ledger immediately began to explain in a panic but evie cut him off.

" dad it's fine, she seems lovely " evie reassured, causing him to let out a sigh of relief.

" ok thank god, do you not think it's a bit soon? " he asked, knowing evie would be honest with him.

" no dad, mom died 2 years ago. if your ready, then go for it, if your happy i'm happy " evie spoke, while ledger pulled her into a hug.

" thank you, sweetheart " ledger whispered just as jennifer came back into the room.

" hey, jj " ledger greeted, now more relaxed as jj returned the greeting.

" use protection! " evie yelled as her and jj began walking to her bedroom causing ledger to give her the finger.

" oh and jenny, it was lovely meeting you " evie smiled, before closing over her bedroom door. evie and jj shared one look, before they doubled over in laughter. they were cackling like maniacs which ended in tears falling from evie's eyes.

" oh my god, i can't believe that just happened " whined evie, looking into the mirror and wiping the tears from her face.


" do you think we can go out there ? " asked evie, turning to jj as there ears were pressed up against her bedroom door. they were trying to gauge whether it was safe to go get the leftover tub of pasta without seeing ledger and jennifer.

" hmm i don't know " jj spoke, looking at the brunette who opened the door and peeked her head around the corner and let out a sigh of relief before she strolled to the kitchen with jj behind her. she slowly opened up the refrigerator and took out the tub along with 2 forks before tiptoing back to her room.

" woo, that was good. we could be in the fbi " evie grinned, high fiving jj who laughed before flopping down on evie's bed.

" definitely " he hummed in agreement, as evie turned on the tv.

" oh my god. jj. we need to watch marley and me" evie practically begged looking over at the unculutered swine , eating some off the pasta as evie got under the covers before picking up her own fork.

after maybe a hour, jj looked beside him to see evie fast asleep with her head against his shoulder. he smiled at the girl before pulling the duvet a big higher up and continued to watch the movie nonetheless but due to his movements , evie's eyes fluttered open.

" i don't give you permission to laugh if i cry " she spoke sternly, now wide awake pointing her finger to the blonde who raised his arms in innocence.

" okay, miss passive aggressive " jj murmured, causing evie to slap the back of his head as he laughed about her just proving his point.

" i am not passive aggressive " evie argued, put slapped her hand over jj's mouth when he opened it to talk.

" this is important, look, look ! " evie urged pointing to the tv as jj's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

" i don't get it " he commented, looking over to evie as her eyes welled up with tears.

" the dog " she sighed, not taking her eyes away from the tv as jj made a noise of realisation.


" marley died " jj whisper yelled. jj would never admit it, but he was glad evie made him watch this movie.

" i know, he was adorable " evie whimpered, tears falling down her face as she used the back of her sleeve to wipe them.


" morning " ledger smiled as evie entered the surf shop and waddled over to him for a hug. evie had dropped jj at the chateau before going to the shop as she had a morning shift.

" i have opened up, but need to go run a few errands. you good to hold down the fort for a bit? " he asked while evie signed into the register.

" yeah, that's fine dad. is mateo here ? " evie pondered, looking up at her dad.

" yes, in with reilly in the back " ledger answered while evie groaned while ledger to choke on his laughter. reilly moved to the obx 2 summers ago and began working for ledger, which also ment he was around evie most of the time. he had a always had a crush on the brunette, sending cheesy pick up lines her way whenever there eyes met.

" dad " evie whined, while ledger picked up his car keys from the counter with a cheeky grin on his face.

" play nice " he warned. " bye mateo! " evie waved at her dad as he left before flopping over on the counter dramatically.

" hey evie " reilly grinned, coming out of the back room with a box in hand.

" hi, reilly " evie trailed off awkwardly and tapped her fingers on the counter.

" are you a camera? because whenever i see you i smile " he flirted, causing the girl to nearly choke on her water. she lowered the water bottle and attempted to smile but eneded up looking like she had to much botox put in her face.

" ahaha... " she laughed, her voice dripping with ' fuck my life ' but nontheless evie picked up the paint pens and window cleaner and walked outside the shop and began wiping down the glass at the front.

" evelyn " smiled sarah as she walked past the surfshop noticing the girl wiping off the paint on the glass.

" sarah, hey " evie greeted, putting down the spray bottle and turning to the blonde.

" i'm sorry about the kegger " sarah apologised.

" no, it's totally not your fault. if anything its mine " evie replied causing the blonde to giggle.

" it was good seeing you, e. i need to go pick up wheezie " sarah mumbled, pulling evelyn into a hug.

" bye " evie hummed, turning back to the glass and began sketching out the obx.

it had been an hour maybe, before evelyn took out her earphones and stepped back to admire her new sign. it was a map of the obx, with a pinpoint on where the surf shop was. she picked all the stuff from the ground and made her way back inside.

thankfully, reilly was occupied serving some customers so evie snuck into the back and began sorting some of the new shipments.

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