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her chest tightened as she drew her hand back away from jj, fiddling with her fingers anxiously as she refused to meet his eye. jj ripped his hat off before roughly dragging his hand through his hair, his eyes bouncing around his surroundings. he began to pace, twisting his hat in his hands before he stopped.

evie's heart ached at his obvious distress hut she knew the last thing he wanted was her input. because as far as jj was concerned, evie didn't give two shits about him. no one did.

pope let out an exasperated sigh " your acting like a maniac-"

" pope, i took the fall for you man. do you know how much money i owe because of you? "jj spoke, his head whipping around to pope.
" i'm going to pay you back. i didn't ask you to do that"

" i just did. i just did pay it back" jj took a step forward, pressing his palms on to pope's chest as he shoved him back, causing the boy to stumble back. " right here, right now, by myself "

" jj, please calm-" jj's glare stopped evie in her tracks mid sentence, he regarded her coldly, his face giving nothing away to the storm that raged in his mind. " oh what? you suddenly deicide you have something to say? where were you five fucking minutes ago? " jj pressed, towering over evie's frame.

evie swallowed hard. " jj, please, let me explain-"

" explain what? that fact that you know i need this money and your going to act like this is some big moral issue " jj kept his had gaze set on evie, drilling holes into her, daring her to move. " how did you like having a gun pointed at you, huh? " he taunted, putting his hand on her chest exactly where the gun formerly was causing the girl to swallow harshly.

"jj, stop it " evie shook her head rapidly, this wasn't fair. he didn't get to do this to her. not now.

he said nothing, instead turned his gaze to the twinkie twisting the ring on his finger anxiously. " jj, you take this money. barry's going to come for you- and we can't lose you, jj. i can't " evie spoke pleadingly, her voice slightly breaking which she immediately tried to hide.

jj shrugged her off as he took three quick steps towards her, forcing her to tilt her head up to face him. " stop acting like you care " he spat, his eyes darting between evie's before noticing her sharp intake of breath. " jj-"

" you know what?" he stated, bending down to grab the duffel. " i'm going to go off by myself "jj stated, holding the bag infront of his chest.

" you don't get to do this shit " evie snapped, reaching for the duffel as she tugged it towards her.

" you want to treat me like shit? fine. as long as i don't find you dead in a ditch "
jj blinked at her, the only thing giving away his emotion was his tightened grip on the bag.

" go then, since you're so eager to leave., but your not taking the money " evie's breath came out short as the anger pounded through her body, " or what? you're gonna stop me? last time i checked. i didn't need a god damn hang on" evie winced at the anger in his voice, fighting the urge to shut him down.

" stop acting like you don't need anyone, j "

" i expected this from them " he pointed to the pogues and sarah " but never from you" he spoke lowly, his ring clad finger dancing across her chin before he gripped it tightly forcing her eyes back on him. " you say you're got my back, you told me you got me and that you understand. all i know now is that your a fucking liar"

" i'm trying to protect you " she pleaded. " why can't you see that?"

jj scoffed " protect me? what do you think is gonna happen if i don't pay back the restitution"

" we can find another way " evie begged, the pogues silent as they watched it play out.

" i don't have anything else " he yelled in her face, his façade finally cracking under the pressure. " what don't you understand? this is all i fucking have"

evie felt her grip on the bag weaken as she processed his words. it was normal for jj to lash out when he felt cornered- but never at her. her body trembled as she looked back up at him" you have me" she spoke softly, knowing if she spoke any louder the shake in her voice would give her away.

" that's not enough "

whatever fight evie had left in her fled from her body as her fingers let go of the duffel, she bit the inside of her cheek, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. " you win, jj "

her eyes slowly traced every part of his face. from the sun grazed blonde strands that laid in a messy heap on his head, to the bronze tan arms from spending hours out on the waves that complimented his bright blue eyes.

she waited for what felt like hours, but was a mere moment for jj to take it back, for him to apologise and pull her into his arms. but insted,he just stared at her blankly his throat gone dry, not saying a word.

then he tilted his head in her direction, looking into her begging eyes as she shook her head slowly, silently begging him to stay, but he turned around and left, leaving what felt like a blazing trail of carnage in his wake.

it felt like all the air had been sucked out of evie's body, as a pair of arms wrapped around her the familiar feeling of john b filled her before she turned around into his chest and finally cracked.

jj maybank had done it. he finally broke evelyn prescott.

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